Talk of Love

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"Dude, you missed out," Mingyu said when Hansol took a seat next to him, ignoring the curious stares he was receiving from his classmates as he walked in late.

"What'd I miss?" Hansol asked.

"They're posting the results on Friday instead of Monday," Mingyu said.

"That's good, right?" Hansol asked, unsure of what he should feel.

"Hell yeah it's good!" Mingyu said, "That means we don't have to party on a school night when we find out we made it."

Or didn't make it, Hansol thought.

"I already made reservations at that one fancy bar, Fazzano," Mingyu continued, "I know what you're thinking Hansol, what if we don't make it? What's the difference? We'll drink ourselves into oblivion anyway," he said slapping Hansol's back. "We win either way."

"I guess..."

"Joshua," Seungkwan began, "I think your parents think I'm weird."

"Everyone thinks you're weird, Seungkwan," Jihoon said.

Joshua looked up from his textbook—he was cramming a few more minutes of studying before they headed for school. "What? Oh—no, Seungkwan they liked you, why would you think that?"

"I don't know... they didn't seem like they wanted to talk to me much," Seungkwan said.

"They didn't talk that much to any of us," Jihoon said.

"My parent are the quiet type, they don't usually talk much," Joshua explained.

"Well I really liked your parents," Jeonghan said, "they did raise you after all."

"Thanks Jeonghan, I think they'll love to hear that."

Jeonghan looked down at his watch. "We're going to be late, does everyone have their stuff?"

"I'm coming!" Seokmin yelled as he ran down the stairs.

"Are you not taking lunch today Seungkwan?" Jeonghan asked.

"No, some choir friends and I are going to grab lunch somewhere," Seungkwan said.

"And you three?" Jeonghan asked.

"You sound like my mother," Jihoon murmured.

"What was that Jihoon?"

"I said yeah I got my lunch," Jihoon said.

"That's what I thought, now let's go."

Sophia finally got someone else to take her to school so Hansol was able to get to school early to see Joshua. He arrived in his little blue Mini Cooper—which Hansol thought matched perfectly with Joshua—and parked in his parking spot like always. As he stepped out of his car he put away his sunglasses and hung his bag over his shoulder. Students waved at him when he walked by them and, ever the Gentleman, he waved back and flashed his gorgeous smile.

Hansol leaned his chin on the steering wheel and admired Joshua. He'd become obsessed over him; he couldn't go a few hours without thinking about him.

He was becoming a hopeless romantic...

He wanted to admit to Joshua so badly but he was so scared of what Joshua would say... He could at least tell his friends, maybe they'd give him some advice.

He thought it over on his way to his class. He decided he'd tell them; he'd admit that he had feelings for Joshua.

There were few students in the class as usual so Hansol sat down at an empty seat and took out his phone.

There were a few messages in their group chat—which they'd named "Hip Hop Unit".

Mingyu: Let's meet up at the cafe after school

Seungcheol: I'll be there

Hansol replied Me too and pocketed his phone.

So Hansol hadn't moved. Joshua caught sight of him sitting in his car, eyes on Joshua. He smiled to himself a bit, hoping he wasn't flushing. Maybe it wasn't Joshua that Hansol was looking at, maybe Hansol just liked to sit in his car in the morning and occasionally he'd look at Joshua—right when Joshua was looking at him. It was probably just a coincidence... Why would Chwe Hansol be looking at him?

Joshua sighed and made his way to the school.

Not wanting to spend time loitering by his locker, he hurried to his first period if only to have some peace and quiet—or maybe study a bit more.

Despite his best efforts, Joshua's mind kept wandering to other things while he tried to study. The results were coming out in two days and Joshua could barely contain his anticipation. He was positive he'd made the cut but deep down some part of him doubted himself. He wondered if Hansol was going to make it.

There he was again slipping into Joshua's thoughts. He hadn't known how Hansol had done, or even what, all he knew was that it was a rap with his three friends. He should've sung something, Joshua thought to himself. But the way Hansol had reacted when Joshua asked him to sing indicated he didn't like to sing in front of others. He rested his chin on his hands and sighed, thinking about Hansol.

He managed to focus on studying for a decent five minutes before the bell rang and class began.

Hansol met with Seungcheol, Mingyu, and Wonwoo at the cafe; the three were already waiting at a table when he got there.

"Hey guys," he said. "Are we gonna get anything to eat? Drink?"

"Let's talk first," Mingyu said. He sounded serious—Mingyu was rarely serious. He looked towards Wonwoo, who—Hansol only then realizing it—was seated awfully close to Mingyu.

"Hansol, Seungcheol—" Wonwoo began

"We're dating," Mingyu blurted.

Hansol and Seungcheol looked at each other.

Seungcheol shrugged. "Cool."

"I told you they wouldn't be upset," Mingyu whined to Wonwoo.

"I know, I just wanted it to keep it a secret for a while," Wonwoo said. Hansol thought he'd never heard Wonwoo sound so caring and seductive at the same time.

Hansol looked away.

"Hansol it's your turn to spill," Mingyu said.

"Mingyu, don't—"

"No, it's fine," Hansol cut Wonwoo off. "I do have to tell you guys something, I've been meaning to I just..." He took a deep breath. "The reason, I've been weird lately—" he figured he had to just outright say it, "the reason I broke up with Amy, was because I started liking someone else."

It looked like Mingyu was about to ask who but Wonwoo put up a hand.

"I started liking... Joshua Hong," Hansol finished.

There was silence at their table.

"Hansol I didn't know you were bi," Mingyu said, breaking the silence.

"Neither did I," Hansol said.

Hansol looked away—he decided it had been the wrong time to do so.

Discovering Love--A Jisol FicWhere stories live. Discover now