Personal Problems

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Joshua was standing by a table on the other side of the cafe—thankfully far from Hansol's table—taking a customer's order. How did I forget Joshua worked here? He turned back to the boys abruptly.

They all glanced confusedly at where Hansol had been staring at.

"Ohhh..." Mingyu said, wiggling his eyebrows.

"Mingyu, don't you dare," Hansol warned.

Mingyu leaned an elbow on the table. "I won't, don't worry." The look in his eyes said some else.

Hansol massaged his eyes with his thumbs. Please don't do anything, Mingyu, he thought to himself. When he opened his eyes again, Mingyu was waving his hand in the air, motioning for someone. Hansol didn't have to look to know who it was. He hated himself for not having worn a hoodie in the morning.

"Mingyu, stop," Wonwoo said.

"Relax, I just want some coffee," Mingyu said. He stopped waving—probably having caught the attention of who he wanted.

"Hey," said a sweet voice approaching their table. "Seungcheol, Mingyu, and Wonwoo, right? And... Hansol?"

"H-hey Joshua," Hansol said. He was already making a fool out of himself.

"You know, funny thing my mom just texted me and said I'm having dinner at your house tomorrow," Joshua said. "Did you know?"

Hansol shook his head.

The other boys all gave him sideway glances, which he tried to ignore.

"Oh—well, now you do. Can I get you guys anything to eat or drink?" Joshua said.

"I want a medium Expresso," Wonwoo said.

"A large Iced Americano," Mingyu said.

"Large iced tea," Seungcheol said.

Joshua turned to Hansol. "Medium Iced Carmel Macchiato?"

Hansol nodded.

"Alright, I'll be right back with your order," Joshua said with a smile and returned to behind the counter.

"He's going to your house?" Mingyu said as soon as Joshua was out of ear sight.

"His parents and mine are friends apparently," Hansol said. "He came over to my house the other day."

The three boys moved closer. "What happened?" Seungcheol asked.

"Nothing super interesting, I played the guitar for him, he sang, he said what he was doing for SCA, I said what I was—it was all pretty basic to be honest," Hansol said.

Mingyu moved back. "How boring. Why didn't you try to make a move on him?"

"Are you kidding? No. Joshua's... Joshua, he doesn't like guys like me, plus he thinks I'm straight since I used to come here with Amy all the time."

"What's wrong with just telling him you like him?" Seungcheol asked.

"I just can't," Hansol said, "I don't want him to hate me."

"He's not going to hate you, Hansol," Wonwoo said.

Hansol shook his head. "It doesn't matter. Keep your mouths shut about this—I don't want the whole school knowing."

"Isn't that Jeonghan's boyfriend?" Seungkwan asked Joshua behind the counter.

"Yeah, his name's Seungcheol," Joshua replied.

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