Drifting Off

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Regrettably, Hansol skipped waiting for Joshua in the morning to go find Chan. He didn't even have to look for the boy, Hansol knew exactly where he'd be.

He walked into the practice room unannounced and scanned the four faces inside to see which one was Chan.

"I'm sorry, this is a private session, can I help you?" one of the boys said—if Hansol wasn't mistaken his name was Soonyoung.

"I need to talk to Lee Chan," Hansol said.

Three boys turned to Chan.

Chan nodded and led Hansol out of the room. "Go on without me, I'll catch up," Chan said to his friends before closing the door.

"Hi Hansol," Chan said, "is something wrong?"

"I came to talk to you about my sister," Hansol said.

Chan started to speak but Hansol put up a hand to shush him. "I'm not mad at you—Sophia didn't explain that well what happened so I'm not going to blindly blame you without any reason. I just came to say that she'd really upset, she said she felt bad for what she said. All she wants is for you to call her back." His speech sounded like he'd memorized it from somewhere—he really wasn't good with this relationship and feelings stuff.

"I've been trying but she's not picking up, and now with my tight schedule with SCA coming up I haven't been able to sit down with her, and I know it sounds like an excuse, but I've been trying Hansol, I really have. I realized how stupid I was, and I get why she got upset and yelled at me—I don't blame her. I'm going to fix this Hansol, I promise."

"I'm not the one you need to promise to," Hansol said. "Call her and tell her everything you just told me."

Chan nodded with determination. "I will."

"Alright, that was all. I'll let you get back to your friends."

"Thanks. I'll see you later Hansol." Chan bowed and went back to the practice room.

Joshua tried not to think about the fact that he again didn't see Hansol waiting for him in the parking lot—it was selfish of him, thinking that Hansol was there just for him. Maybe Hansol was waiting for someone else and that person stopped showing up too, or, maybe Hansol overslept and wasn't able to come on time.

As Joshua approached his locker, he saw Hansol coming down the hall. So he came early then... He flashed Joshua a smile and kept walking. He eyed Hansol's clothes—cool and casual as always—jeans and a white shirt with a red-and-blue plaid button up shirt on top.

Joshua fished out what he needed from his locker and headed to class.

Jeonghan finally joined Joshua and the others at lunch—with reddened cheeks.

"I don't even need to guess because I know it's Seungcheol," Seungkwan said.

Jeonghan blushed even harder. "Yeah..."
"I don't think I've ever seen you blush, Jeonghan," Joshua said.

Jeonghan tried covering his face. "I'm not blushing."

Joshua rolled his eyes. Jeonghan, the school's biggest flirt that always made others blush, was blushing.

Once Jeonghan had collected himself, he said, "So, Seungcheol and his friends are going out to Fazzano Saturday night to celebrate making the SCA audition cuts and he asked if we wanted to join them."

"Count me in," Seungkwan said.

"Me too," Jihoon and Seokmin both said.

They all looked to Joshua.

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