Everything Out

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The convention center was enormous to say the least, and it was overflowing with people.

"How are we supposed to compete with all of these people?" Soonyoung said as they walked in.

"I was wondering the same thing," Hansol said.

"Jun are you okay?" Soonyoung asked.

Jun shook his head slightly.

"Let's go find somewhere to sit then," Soonyoung said.

Minghao whispered something to Jun in Chinese and wrapped a protective arm around him.

"Jun doesn't like crowds," Soonyoung explained to Hansol and Joshua.

They found a secluded area where there weren't many people around and sat down and waited for their turn to audition. Thankfully their audition rooms were all close to each other, so they didn't have to separate.

Hansol had brought his sheet music with him and was going over his lyrics over and over in his head.

Joshua had his guitar and was quietly playing his song.

They waited anxiously without saying anything to each other.

"Let's run over the choreography one more time," Chan said—the first thing any of them had said in what must've been an hour.

Soonyoung shook his head. "I don't want to do it in front of the other competitors."

"It's not like they can steal our moves," Chan said.

Soonyoung shook his head again. "You never know..."

Chan sighed. "Fine..."

"Kwon Soonyoung, Xu Minghao, Wen Junhui, and Lee Chan."

The six of them looked up.

"Kwon Soonyoung, Xu Minghao, Wen Junhui, and Lee Chan," repeated a man in front of one of the rooms.

The four dancers got up and headed in the direction of the room.

"Good luck," Joshua and Hansol called after them.

"Thanks!" Chan waved back.

It was just him and Hansol—neither speaking to one another. Joshua was rudely trying to pretend Hansol wasn't even there. He hadn't stopped to think that it might've hurt Hansol's feelings—but maybe he deserved it, for what he did to Joshua.

But it wasn't his fault in the first place, Joshua thought. Joshua was hurting because of himself, because he had fallen for Hansol knowing that his feelings wouldn't be returned. The only person to blame was himself.

He would have to talk to Hansol eventually, it was inevitable, but he couldn't bring himself to, every time the thought about it he would see hear Hansol's voice saying he liked him at the same time as he saw Hansol kissing his ex-girlfriend, almost as if it was mocking him.

"Hong Jisoo."

He looked up at the mention of his name.

"Room 12, Hong Jisoo," the person repeated.

"Good luck," Hansol said.

Joshua could only bring himself to mumble a "you too," before getting up and heading for the room.

The room was empty save for him and three judges.

"What will you be presenting for us today, Jisoo?" asked one of the judges.

"I will sing and play an original song," Joshua said, keeping his speaking short and concise.

"Very well, you may begin."

Discovering Love--A Jisol Ficजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें