Family Reunion

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"When did you two happen?" Seungcheol asked.

"Like, two days ago," Hansol replied.

Seungcheol smacked Hansol while still keeping his focus on the road. "Why the hell didn't you tell me?"

Hansol shrugged, despite Seungcheol not being able to see him. "Just been busy I guess."

They stopped at a traffic light and Seungcheol turned to him. "Too busy to call your best friends?"

Hansol looked at his hands. "I'm sorry, I meant to call, or text, but..." he trailed off.


"But, I thought you guys wouldn't want to hear from me, maybe you'd think I was gloating."

"Hansol, don't think like that, hey, look at me." Hansol looked up. "We're really happy for you, we're not mad at you for making it—maybe a little jealous, but just a little—we're happy for you."

Hansol smiled. "Thanks Cheol."

"Now, tell me, how did you two happen? Did you guys clear up the confusion?"

Hansol nodded. "Turns out Joshua liked me the whole time I liked him. We should've gotten together sooner—if I'd had the guts to ask him out."

"Everything happens for a reason, Hansol. Maybe it just wasn't meant to happen then but it was meant to happen now. You never know."

"I didn't know you could be so deep Cheol, what happened?" Hansol teased.

Seungcheol chuckled. "I got a boyfriend, that's what happened."

"So tell me," Jeonghan whispered in the back of the car, "since when are you two a thing?"

Joshua blushed at the thought of people thinking of them as a couple. "Like, yesterday?"

"Oh my God, really?"

Joshua nodded.

"Jisoo, I'm so happy for you!" Jeonghan threw his arms around Joshua, at least, as best as he could in the small backseat of Seungcheol's car.

"Thank you Jeonghan. I'm happy too," Joshua said.

"Great! As long as you're happy that's all that matters. I'm glad it all worked out between you two. I was tired of watching you drool over him." He said the last part a bit louder in hopes that Hansol would hear.

"Jeonghan!" Joshua said, slapping the other boy's thigh. Nonetheless, he couldn't keep himself from smiling.

Jeonghan chuckled. "Ouch, okay, sorry. But still, I really am glad that you two made up and got together."

"Thank you Jeonghan."

Jeonghan gave him a wink in return right as Seungcheol pulled into the hotel's parking garage.

Everyone who was gathered in the lobby waiting for the four of them instantly got up from their seats when they caught sight of Hansol and Joshua.

"Hey hey hey!" Mingyu said, wrapping his arms around the couple. "We heard you two are together now! Lit! We should throw a party when we get home and get super wasted—"

"No," they both immediately said at the same time.

"Ok, fine, no drinks this time," Mingyu said.

"How'd the audition go?" Soonyoung asked.

"We're going to finals!" Joshua exclaimed.

Everyone cheered.

"Congratulations Jisoo! We're so happy for the both of you!" Seungkwan said.

"Group hug!" Mingyu announced and everyone crowded around Joshua and Hansol, wrapping their arms around them.

Discovering Love--A Jisol FicWhere stories live. Discover now