Hidden Talents

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"I-I'm sorry I-I didn't know someone was in here," Hansol stuttered.

"You're fine," Joshua said, "I was finished anyways." Joshua put the guitar in its place.

"You play really well," Hansol said, "the guitar, I mean."

"Thank you," Joshua replied, trying to suppress a blush; seeing Hansol stutter was so adorable. "What do you do? I saw you in here for auditions."

"I rap." So the rumors were true.

"Can you rap something for me?" Joshua shouldn't've have asked but he couldn't stop himself.

"Um-I-I'm not really good with freestyle."

"You write your own lyrics?"

Hansol nodded. "Yeah, my friends and I do."

"That's nice." The room grew stuffy as the two boys ran out of small talk.

Joshua broke the silence, "Well, I'll leave you to it. I hope you make the cut." He waved Hansol a quick good bye and made his way out of the room.

Joshua did things to him.

His cheeks were burning and his tongue felt like it'd been tied into a million knots. If Joshua didn't think he liked him then, he did now. God, he'd made a fool of himself.

He wanted to erase what had just happened; grabbing a guitar off of its stand, he began to play. He loosened his fingers and let them move on their own accord, running through the familiar pattern of the one song he could play even blindfolded, Black Birds by The Beatles. Bad memories were attached to the song but he'd never stopped playing it. He wasn't a good singer either but alone in the music room he allowed himself to at least try.

His pitch was off on a few notes but he kept going.

He could still remember the judges' faces from the day he performed Black Birds—he barely remembered what they said only that it was bad—but their faces were perfectly clear in his mind. He'd cried himself to sleep that night and he swore he would never sing in front of anyone again—hence his rapping. Seungcheol would often tell him to sing the chorus of their songs but he'd always turn him down and let Mingyu sing the chorus.

As he neared the end of the song he felt tears falling from his eyes. Thinking about that day was making him feel the hurt all over again. He wiped the tears away quickly and set the guitar back down.

He grabbed his things and rushed to his next class before he was late.

Joshua felt that he'd intruded on such a private moment; he hadn't meant to but the moment he heard the guitar his feet became glued to the floor. He would've never imagined Hansol could play the guitar, much less sing.

He peeked inside the door once the music stopped; Hansol was wiping tears from his eyes. Joshua was filled with guilt. He knew Hansol hadn't meant for anyone to see that. He scrambled away from the door when he saw Hansol set the guitar down and hurried to his next class before Hansol could notice him.

For the rest of the day all he could think about was Hansol singing, his voice was so infatuating—he even found himself humming Black Birds on the way home.

"Something's got you in a good mood," Jihoon murmured as Joshua walked into the kitchen, humming and smiling.

Joshua shrugged.

"Whatever it is, I won't ruin it, but Jeonghan said he'll be gone tonight," Jihoon said.

"Out with his boyfriend?" Joshua asked.

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