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Joshua didn't linger after giving Hansol the Advil. Hansol felt guilty despite not knowing what he'd done. He scrambled out of the bed, thankful for the fact that he still had his clothes on from last night, except for his blazer—which he found hanging on the back of a chair. He dug through his pockets looking for his phone, and just as he was beginning to panic he found it in one of the inside pockets. It had 17% battery left—he was surprised. There were a few notifications—namely 3 missed calls from his mother—but he ignored them and dialed Wonwoo, figuring he would be the least hungover.

"Hey Hansol," Wonwoo said after the third ring.

"Hey man, where are you?" Hansol said.

"At Mingyu's house. You?"

"Um, Joshua's house...?"

"I figured. He took you home last night," Wonwoo said.

"He did?"

"You don't remember anything do you?"

Hansol thought for a minute. "The last thing I remember was drinking a martini with Joshua then going to dance..."

"Wow, you missed a lot..."

Hansol was silent for a minute. "Are you gonna tell me?"

Wonwoo sighed on the other end of the line. "Yeah, sure, meet me at the cafe in an hour and I'll tell you all you need to know."

"Wait, no, Joshua works at the cafe," Hansol said. Even though he knew Joshua would undoubtably not be working, he didn't want to be somewhere that reminded him of Joshua when he found out precisely why the guy of his dreams could barely stand to look him in the eye.

"Ok fine, meet me at that sushi place close to my house."

"Okay cool, see you in a bit."

"See you," Wonwoo said and hung up.

Hansol collected his things and decided to go home and take a shower. He didn't see Joshua on his way out and the rest of the house was silent—the others were probably still asleep. Hansol exited quietly and called an Uber.

His house, unlike Joshua's, was bustling with activity. Hansol let out an exasperated sigh. Why couldn't his family sleep in on a Sunday morning like normal people?

"Hansol where the hell have you been?" cried his mother as soon as she saw him.

"I was at Mingyu's house," Hansol said, the lie slipping easily off his tongue.

"I thought you were coming home! You could've at least called, I was worried sick!"

"Mom, my friends and I just went out to celebrate, everything was fine," Hansol tried to assure his mother.

"Celebrate? Chwe Hansol Vernon you are hungover as fuck, that is not celebrating. As soon as you get back from the SCA auditions you are grounded for a month."

"You can't ground me for a month!"

"Oh, yes I can."

"Yeah, whatever," Hansol said, and rushed up to his room.

"Hansol! Do not walk away from me," was the last thing he heard before he slammed his bedroom door closed.

Walking into the bathroom, he threw his clothes on the floor and went into the shower; he turned it on, letting cold water fall on him.

He hit the wall in frustration. He was grounded, Joshua probably hated him—and he didn't even know why—and he had a week of more auditions coming up.

Discovering Love--A Jisol FicOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant