Ch 20 - Terms

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You're in bad shape as the mission has been compromised. Kiba and Xenovia are moving onward to make this trip somewhat worth it as Irina is by your side in defense. It's about to get ugly.



Kiba and Xenovia's combined speed was keeping the others distracted. This forced another Fallen Angel to join his comrade to face Irina. You've been trying but the best you can get is on one knee. Irina is hurt and fighting her emotions as she keeps her guard up.

"Gaius. Please. Please tell me you're okay."

"I will. Calm down. Let's worry about in front of us." You guard with Excalibur Nightmare. Not much else you can do at this point. She is scared. Especially with these men being fast and with battle tactics.

"Think fast?"

"Huh?" She looked behind her. "UGH!" She felt a slash come to over her shoulder. She swapped sword hands from her right to her left. Yup. Very clear their were two things going on. These guys were the best the Fallen Angels had and Irina was not in the right state of mind. Time to act.

I was saving this but we're both hurt. Have to. "Excalibur Nightmare." You call. You wave the blade around as the two laugh because you can barely stand.

"Well so much for that." Tai laughed. What he sees is the two you of back to back on the ground struggling. The pain from her brutal slash and your spear of light hit was pretty bad.

In actuality with your Devil powers are communicating with your House members. "Irina. Teleport to the House. I'll meet you there."

She shook her head. "Not until you go first."

"Fine." < Kiba. We're both hurt. We can't go on. >

< Too crazy here. I'll call for help from the others. >

While Kiba and Xenovia are trying to defend themselves, the two Fallen Angels by your end are celebrating prematurely. As the illusion seems to be working. Drained stamina but it worked for you. As the full House of Gremory appeared in a glowing circle to the battlefield. You have no choice but to wait for Asia.

"(FN)! Irina! Asia if you you may." Shocked Rias.

"Right." She nodded and went to your side Irina's shoulder first because you insisted and then to your hip and half of your leg. "Geez (FN) your a mess."

"Tell me about it."

"Taking one again for me." Sighed Irina.

"Isn't it my job?"

"Well..." She blushed. "A girl can't help but feel bad. What do you expect?"

"My duties are my work."

"Don't make me slap you." You look up at her. Just puzzled. She was never mean or threatening. This seemed neither somehow. Loving really. "I can't lost you again."


"I can't lose you again. Your body or state of mind. You'll always have your spirit but I can't lose the person I loved for almost forever."

"I'm not going anywhere." You wrap around her chest to not hurt her shoulder and plant a kiss. "I'm here. Don't you forget it."

"That is rather sweet." Admitted Rias. "However let us take care of this one. Akeno?"

"Yes?" She smirked.

"Could by any chance lend me some lightning?" She winked at her.

"Of course. It'll be painful sweetie." Akeno hoisted her hand in the air.

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