A future gazing out a past to overwrite

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A/N: Hello all beautiful people! Brad is being annoying and Chester is breaking... We'll see ;)



"How many days more? I didn't want to ask this earlier cause...", Chester sighed.

"Until she comes back? Tomorrow. And I don't know how early...", Mike lowered his gaze.

"Which means... that was the last night. Fuck", Chester groaned.

"Yeah. Shall we go?", the emcee muttered finishing his coffee.

"I don't want to. Knowing that this is the last day. Which means I have to go home after the day in studio. I can't be home. When all I can think about is you", Chester said pulling the other man against him.

It had been almost a week. And Chester had slept every night at Mike's. He did go to home once to change clothes and got back so quickly that first time Talinda did wonder what was happening. Excuse about Mike having a bad day had been decent one. Mike had called to Anna every night just to keep the act together. Meanwhile Chester was always in another room trying to be normal. Cause Talinda would talk with Anna anyway it was smarter to tell the same lies to both of them. Both Chester and Mike knew they were friends but not what they talked about. Details could matter and it was frustrating.

"We figure something out okay? It isn't like you're in another city", Mike shook his head. Trying to be rational is so hard when he is so close, he thought.

"Right... It feels like it though. You know she is watching you like a hawk", the singer frowned.

"You are not exactly making this any easier", Mike sighed when he felt Chester's hands under his shirt.

"Wasn't even trying to", the singer mumbled uniting their lips to a rough kiss.

"Fuck... You taste so good", the other moaned when Chester pulled away from him.

"And we really really need to go. Cause in next minutes I will be tearing your clothes off", he continued when the singer licked his neck. Oh my fucking god why he has to be so hot, he thought biting his lip.

"Speaking of... Are you sure Brad won't connect this t-shirt to you?", Chester laughed.

"Well if he does he has really some super powers. Black t-shirt with no print and too small for me. Actually it could be originally yours", the emcee laughed putting Chester's coffee mug to the sink.

Chester felt like grabbing clothes from home with him was more riskier.

"Wouldn't be so surprised...", the singer rolled his eyes and pulled away from the other reluctantly.

"I just don't know how it got here", Mike shrugged and grabbed his phone.

"I was talking about Brad. And the superpowers you know", the singer laughed pushing his feet to his shoes.

The half Asian laughed and checked that the coffee maker was off before opening the front door.

"What did you say to Talinda by the way this time?", he arched his brow when they got out.

"I told we are working a song again. It seemed appropriate. And almost true since we did talk about the song", the singer said.

"Yeah... Before you interrupted it by sucking me off", the half Asian laughed.

"But that's totally your fault", Chester grabbed his hand to kiss him again. Oh how he loved to kiss the emcee.

"How so?", Mike tried to concentrate to the fact that they were outside and anyone could see them.

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