In every loss in every lie

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A/N: Hello all. Somewhat boring chapter but warning for the smut that just happened (oopsies again). My next to write is 'The Catalyst'.


As Mike woke up the first thing he noticed was that Chester wasn't in the bed. His phone was still on the bedside table. It was a little unusual since the singer almost always woke him up as he got up. Unless he was in shower or making breakfast. And since Mike couldn't hear the water running he thought that Chester would be in kitchen.

He yawned and stretching his neck slowly he got up. Not bothering to dress up he walked downstairs to the kitchen. But Chester wasn't there either. The whole house was silent. Drawing his brows to a deep frown he shook his head and decided to make the breakfast and eat before he would get worried.

When he got to the coffee maker he noticed there was already coffee made and it was still hot. That meant where ever the singer was he had thought about Mike before he had left. After grabbing a yoghurt from the fridge he went to take a coffee cup from the cupboard. Then he grabbed also spoon before heading to the living room and on the couch.

After finishing second cup of coffee and the yoghurt and reading the Kerrang that Chester had left on the table third time, he was just about to barge out and go to search the other when the door opened and Chester came in. He was wearing thin black sweatpants, running shoes and a white 'way too low cut from the sides'- shirt and a black baseball cap backwards. Swiftly he removed the shirt and wiped his face to it while kicking the shoes off and throwing the cap on the table. Mike watched as drops of sweat rolled down his neck, the tendons stretching as he moved his head. He was obviously gaping since Chester snickered.

"Uhm... I wondered where you were", he managed to say. No matter how many times he had seen the singer like that it was always such a wonderful sight. Deeply arousing one.

"I went for a jog. Needed to clear my head. After I had called the lawyer and made sure all is clear and set", Chester said smiling staring at the other who walked past to him to place the cup and spoon in to the dishwasher.

"Aaaaand, I hope it worked?", the half Asian asked stopping in front of him now.

"Yes it did", the singer sighed looking calm and focused and pulled him into a hug.

"Hey! Eeeew! You're all sweaty and now I am sweaty too!", Mike tried to push him away playfully.

"But you love me when I'm sweaty. Besides you're coming with me to the shower so it doesn't matter that you're sweaty too", Chester chuckled and wiggled his eyebrow.

Mike huffed and tilted his head smiling, "I am? Here we go again. I should give you a nickname cause you're teasing me like that always."

The singer rolled his eyes and pulled him with him, directing to the master bathroom. "And we have talked about this before. You like it."

"And we have talked about that too. You know where it leads", Mike mumbled with a smirk holding his breath as Chester pushed his pants down and then grabbed to Mike's boxer shorts pulling them down too leaving them all in a pile with his shirt.

"Fuck you're hot", the emcee gasped scanning Chester's tense muscles.

"But so are you", the singer smiled.

Picking up a lube from the nightstand he walked towards the bathroom causing Mike back away in front of him until they were in the shower cubicle. He raked Mike's hair tugging it gently which draw a soft moan from the emcee's mouth. As his lips parted Chester had a perfect chance to fuse their lips together. The heat and scent emitting from Chester's skin was making his head spin as the hand pulled harder forcing him to tilt his head. The singer trailed his lips over the jawline and on to the neck bringing their lower bodies together. Mike hissed when their erect members met, rubbing against each other. He was straining, leaking pre-cum already.

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