The levees are breaking

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A/N: Hello all. Sorry I am late with the update. Didn't really feel like writing this after Post Traumatic. But here we are with another roller coaster.


Mike woke up to a soft "Hey". It was the fourth day already and sadly also the night had been their last together. Talinda was coming back that day and they didn't know when would be the next time they would spend a whole night together. But he was happy. He hadn't been that happy in long time. And the beautiful man staring at him when he opened his eyes was the reason for it. Waking up to that sight was heavenly feeling.

"Hey to you too", he let the smile spread to his face feeling still groggy. I won't get used to this, he thought feeling the warmth spread to his heart.

"Did you sleep well?", Chester trailed his hand to the nape of Mike's neck massaging it with his thumb.

"Of course I did. Always with you", the emcee said not ready to get up yet.

Chester rubbed his eyes and yawned. "Can I say something?"

"Absolutely not. Please continue the yawning instead, that's so cute", Mike grinned.

"Ass. I was about to say nice things about you, but now you ruined it", the singer chuckled.

Mike kissed his nose making Chester wrinkle it. "Just say it."

"I love you. Everything about you. I think... I have never been this happy", the singer breathed.

"I think I am floating in some seventh heaven. I was so desperate when I thought my feelings were just... mine. I really don't know what I would have done if the situation would have continued as it was. Don't know how you hid it so that no one noticed. I was literally shattering, as you saw back then", Mike mumbled shaking his head.

"Don't worry about it. We're happy now", Chester kissed him pulling him closer. "And speaking of happy, Brad won't be happy if we will be late. So I'll take a shower if you don't mind making some coffee in the meantime? Or join me to shower? I still feel sticky"

"Hell no I won't join you", Mike laughed. "Then we certainly would be late. And you would be more sticky after. But coffee I can make."

"True. Make it strong. You know I love how you make the coffee", the singer rolled on him staying there lingering. He didn't want to leave the bed when Mike was there. Canceling the studio day sounded just perfect but doing it just cause they would want to stay in bed wouldn't be appropriate. Well, not even smart.

"Can I.... I don't know is it too personal and I don't even think it is my place to ask but I still do want to know. Do you... have still sex with Tal?", Mike cleared his throat.

"Oh no baby... You know.... God I feel horrible. She's my wife after all. I don't want to. I have tried to guide her thoughts elsewhere or make up some excuses why I don't feel like it. But you know how she is like. She can get crazy jealous. So... Yeah, few times. Don't really think the blow jobs would count, especially when I think about you during", the singer blushed furiously.

"Well, she has a reason to be jealous... And sure I am too", Mike mumbled. He was jealous too, even though he knew he didn't really have right to be.

The singer sighed heavily. "Yeah, I know the feeling... You know there is no nice way out of this mess? We just have to...suck it up. And you know what else? I think the studio time is what causes the emotions to accumulate. All the stress added to the place and the whole band together there. Then going home after a long day knowing that you go to your own. We are together, but not really together."

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