Only organized confusion

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A/N: Sorry, again, that I haven't updated any of my stories for a while. But here we are. Next one I will be writing is 'Nobody Can Save Me' which has two more chapters to go. This one- roller coaster as usually... Lol, enjoy!

Warning for the sex


Almost a week had passed since the incident and they were still on 'lockdown' as Mike joked. They haven't heard from the other band members except Rob since. The wives haven't called either and Chester was rather happy that he didn't have to talk with Talinda. Even when he knew they needed to have proper talk later he was still reluctant. It would just end up to they both being mad. After the last time Mike had cleaned the table Chester threw and then even apologized even though it was totally his own fault and Mike had nothing to do with it.

"I'm bored", he sighed tossing a magazine he had been reading on a table.

It was already evening and they were sitting in the living room just trying to get the time pass.

"That's what happens when a musician has some days off... What do you wanna do? We sure could go out", the half Asian asked.

"Nah. Partying isn't what I need now. Dunno. This whole situation is so depressing", the other mumbled.

Mike sighed pulling the other under his arm. "You haven't even been to the gym for almost a week. No wonder you're bored."

"But... I was thinking... Should I call Brad? What if he does want me to call and apologize. That could be exactly what we need", he continued playing with Chester's ear jewelry. He loved when the singer used shiny jewelry, but now he had plain black plugs which suited him excellently too.

"Are you sure? What if he needs more time?", the singer frowned.

"Maybe. Could be. But we can't know that unless we call", Mike tried to rationalize. None of this really made sense but without communicating he wouldn't know how to make things better.

The singer nodded not being sure at all about it. "If that's what you think should be done then I will stay here and give some background support."

"That...", Mike grinned.

"Wasn't supposed to be ambiguous", the other rolled his eyes and kissed the chuckling emcee's cheek.

Mike picked up his phone from the table and searched for Brad's name. His nerves were killing him but if he wouldn't do it he would think about it the rest of the day.

Brad picked up after a while with just regular 'Yeah'.

"Sorry... I... I really don't know should I have called now or waited longer but we do need to talk", the half Asian tried not to mumble.

"Waited longer for what", Brad said bluntly.

"For you to not be mad at us", Mike sighed already not liking where this was going.

"Were you thinking like day more? Or two days? Maybe even week? Mike. I really honestly don't fucking care", the guitarist laughed gloomily.

"You don't care? Of what?", Mike gasped. The other was way more mad than he thought he would be.

"About your apologies. You can't fix this just saying you're sorry. Cause that's where this is going, right?", Brad muttered.

"Are you saying that you are going to throw away of over twenty years of friendship cause...?", the half Asian squeezed Chester's hand.

"No. You did it. I don't care if you're gay. I don't care if you are fucking Chester. Even cheating I can deal with even though I would never have believed you would be cheater. But lying... I was your best friend and you lied to me", the guitarist tried to remain calm even though he just wanted to yell.

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