I would retrace every wrong move that I made

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A/N: Wasn't not planning on starting the chapter that way, sorry! And sorry for the ending too, lol.

Warning- for the smut


"Good morning my love", Mike mumbled nuzzling Chester's neck.

The singer moaned softly still groggy from the sleep.

"Morning. God I'm tired", he said.

"Did you sleep well?", the half Asian asked running his hand over Chester's bare stomach.

"Not really. Guess I was thinking about the meeting too much", the singer sighed and turned around to face the other.

Mike was so beautiful. Especially in the mornings when his hair was all messy and his eyes had still the haze on them. He was all warm and soft and Chester felt his heart beat faster even when he was just staring at those gorgeous brown eyes.

"Why are you smiling like a crazy person? I thought you didn't sleep well", Mike chuckled.

"I didn't. But seeing you... like this... I just forget all the bad stuff", the singer breathed still just staring straight into Mike's eyes.

"Yeah. I get what you mean. Being here with you feels like nothing can hurt us", the half Asian pulled the other against him.

"Exactly. I know what is ahead but waking up with you... It reminds me that we are in this together and I think no matter what love conquers it all. At least it should", Chester kissed the tip of his nose.

The signature smile spread on Mike's face. "I like the way you think. Maybe we should just stay here. Make this bed to our little fortress."

"Sounds so good. Sadly it isn't something we can actually do. Besides I was really talking about how pretty you are. Not only that this is comfortable and I would love to spend the rest of my life here with you. But really, honestly, you're stunning", the singer sighed.

"And now you're making me blush", the emcee chuckled throwing his head back.

"Aaaaand something else too...", Chester smirked when he felt Mike's hard on poking his leg.

"Shoot. You wasn't supposed to notice that. Well... that's what happens when you wake up in same bed with half naked Chester Bennington who tells you you're beautiful", Mike blushed more.

"I see. Well you're not escaping now", the singer continued with the smirking and trailed his hand under the waist band of Mike's boxers to grab the member.

"Fuck!", Mike gasped in surprise but he was shut down fast with a hungry kiss.

Chester purred grinding against him while his hand pumped him. Mike's tongue was battling with his craving for more. He could feel the singer having hard time not smirking. Chester loved how Mike was already sparked up wriggling under him. Slowly he pulled away leaving first only few inches between their lips.

"You're teasing me again", Mike gulped drawing his brows together when the singer was just motionless for a while.

"I love to tease you", the singer winked his eye and threw the blanket aside.

The half Asian gasped again when the singer continued by pulling his boxers off. "Well you said I was teasing. So I'm not teasing anymore."

Mike rolled his eyes smiling and watched the singer crawl to better position and then lick the length of his cock with the devious smirk still painted on his face. He dipped his tongue to the slit tasting the pre cum. The emcee whimpered in anticipation while the other finally flicked his tongue around the tip he took it then to his mouth. Bucking his hips Mike tried to make Chester swallow it deeper but the singer kept swirling his tongue around the tip while sucking softly.

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