Won't be long 'til everybody knows

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A/N: Well the chapter title isn't to be taken literally. It was just too good to not be used, lol. As you probably know I use LP, DBS and Grey Daze lyrics as titles. Aaaanyhow.

Enjoy ;)


Mike's day went pretty well with Rob and he actually did concentrate to the music. However he couldn't figure out why had they scheduled the studio so early on now. It didn't really matter now when they were already there but it was still weird cause they had so little material to work with.

His mind still went back to Anna and his house all the time. Yesterday when Anna had gotten back home tried he to be good husband. Listened to what she had to say about her trip and even tried to ask more questions. And then he thought of Chester. And how he wanted to have that kind of talk with him. If only she would have told earlier they could have had spent one more night together with him. It made Mike aggravated. Like it was her fault in any way. Now his heart was aching. Of course he was excited to see him today, but he could only imagine the situation would be worse than to be with him in studio. He needed time alone with him. Not surrounded by their friends and family where he is afraid he would reveal his feelings.

After the day was done he was again surprised that they had gotten something really done. Not recorded, but as ideas. And he was so excited to show them to the singer. Especially this particular where he thought they could include the lines he made Chester sing way back when they had started. He had also a guitar idea to that and Brad would love it too.

"You're coming today too I assume?", the drummer asked opening a Coke can.

Mike played with the keys in his hand and answered then, "Yeah. Talinda had asked it from Anna before she even got back home."

"Cool. Well will see then in few hours", Rob nodded and left Mike to handle the rest in the studio.

"Yeah, few hours. Shit...", he mumbled alone getting nervous.

He was so sure he would mess up. Or Chester would. Thinking about the singer made him smile. Even if he would do that he would do it cause he was so passionate and loving. Not cause he would want something out of greed.

He turned to see was the studio as it should be, in a state he would want to leave it in, and locked then the door walking down to his car.

"I'm home!", he yelled from the door when he got in after the annoying drive in the rush hour.

"Oh, early! I'm going to shower, do you wanna join?", Anna greeted him wearing only a large t-shirt. His t-shirt. What's up with this 'everyone wearing my shirts'- thing he thought trying not to frown.

He smiled dropping the car keys to the table beside the front door. "Nah. I'm gonna make few calls and go after you."

"Suit yourself", she brushed him slightly with his fingertips and walked then upstairs. And obviously purposely swaying her hips while walking. Great. She's in the mood, he thought sighing.

He would have run after her gladly few years ago. Even just some weeks ago he would have been happy about it. But now it just didn't make him feel anything. Well it felt like cheating. Which was fucking ironic since he was cheating. Just not with her. He fetched his phone and send a message to Chester. Just like they always did in these kind of situations:

Do you need us to bring something?

Then he went to get more coffee. That was also Chester's fault. Making him more addicted to caffeine. The answer to the text as was quick as he assumed.

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