Sometimes I'm in disbelief I didn't know

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A/N: Hello all! Hope you had a nice day :) No warnings here, except the language but you already know that. Check out also my new story, probably one shot, called 'Reading my eyes will say it in many ways' which I am posting in a few. Will be working on 'The Catalyst' today.


"You're staring at me again", Chester yawned.

He had woken up to the sun rays hitting his eye lids and when he couldn't feel Mike's arm around his waist he turned around and saw the man staring at him. Mike looked worried and slightly sad sitting cross legged on the bed.

"Well, there's no better place I would rather set my eyes on. I was just thinking", Mike shook his head.

Chester rose supporting himself with his elbows. "You've been thinking a lot lately."

"Yes Chester. Sometimes sex isn't the answer", the half Asian sighed his lip curling to a smile. He was totally not complaining about the amount of sex they were having.

"Well I like sex with you. Is that bad thing?", the singer winked his eye and reached to tug Mike's boxers.

Mike swatted his hand away and shook his head again. "Be serious. I wasn't complaining really. Just need to think about this... You know before it all blew up I pictured it in my head. Painting all possible scenarios cause I knew it would happen anyway. Like I did. And when it happened the fall wasn't as big as it would have been otherwise. I think. So that's what I am doing now."

"Oh. Okay. Makes sense. Any conclusions?", Chester fell back in his back and curled then on his side drawing the blanket up to his chin.

The emcee looked at him his eyes shadowed by the fear. "Yeah. This all blows up even worse than it already is. We aren't accepted and then we get tired of hiding. The band breaks apart and then we break up. And then it all was for nothing."

"Oh honey... You can't... That's so sad you know? Why would you think we would break up?", the singer sighed.

"Yeah well. It happens. Sometimes love isn't enough. Even if you really want it to be", Mike mumbled twiddling with his fingers.

"Mike.... I don't want you to feel that way. It sounds like... like this all was for nothing. What we have come through already", the other tossed the blanket aside and crawled in front of him.

Mike shook his head. "Do you really think that this is a lot? I have tried to think what could be ahead of us and it just... I don't know how would I handle it. Could I even?"

"You don't have to, not alone. I am here. Honestly, I'm not going anywhere. We haven't even... I want to experience it all with you. You know, all the fun stuff we have done already as friends. I want to do it as a couple. Imagine all the shows and late nights after that. Joking around and then getting to our own hotel room. Finally sharing the bed, not just the room. Interviews together trying to keep my hands off of you but knowing I don't have to after that. As we had to before. And maybe... like even getting married", the singer smiled stroking Mike's cheek.

"But what if you can't take it either? What if... you get sick of all the drama and leave me", the half Asian sifted closer throwing his legs to each side of Chester who was kneeling in front of him.

"I can't promise you nothing would happen. But now... I have loved you so many years that I don't think it would end just like that. Why are you now suddenly second guessing us? Did something happen that I didn't notice?", the other kissed the tip of his nose.

"No. Not really. Just all this bullshit around us. As I said I am just trying to think ahead", Mike smiled softly.

"Well think about what could happen if we get through this shit. That makes us even stronger if we don't give up. It would be so easy now just to get back to the old what we had. The miserable lives. But that would be surrendering. Letting them win and love lose. What if we get through this, as a couple? Like really get through? The guys forgiving us, divorces and then the possible press drama...", the singer massaged his arms.

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