Memory 4 | Like A Habit

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I jerked right out of bed, startled by the intense high pitch of my roommate. It's truly a miracle to have such a loud voice coming from a small figure like hers. When Sorim first introduced Jiwon to me as my roommate, I only saw a sweet and rather reserved girl. She seemed like a bookworm who would listen to relaxing instrumental music before bed every night. However, she proved me wrong by being directly opposite to everything I thought she might be from day one.

Although she was a couple of years younger than me, I haven't actually felt the age gap yet because of the lovely way she treats me. And God knows how surprisingly I got a lot more comfortable with her in just a week. Being the only girl in the family, both of us could relate to so many things and we bonded over all those small details like real sisters.

Handling her childishness became a habit more than routine as she always surprised me and I found myself growing more and more fond of her. Each and every day, I have been discovering more sides of her, and today, it's her ability to reach three damn octaves of high notes. Pulling the sheets over my head, I wiped my tear-stained face in a hurry before she notices, but I could hear the girl taking a seriously long deep breath and gearing up to hit the next level of her octave range with my innocent eardrums at stake.

"EEOONNNN..." Before she could do any more damage to my sensitive ears, I pounced over and clamped her mouth shut, as we both fell onto the mattress.

"YAH! Yah! Geumanjomhae! I'm up okay? I'm up already! And I'm wide awake!" She giggled like she usually does and began pulling the sheets away, exposing my one-piece Shinchan pyjamas.

"Then get out of the bed. Today is really important for your assignment, remember? Please don't let our whole week of preparations go in vain. ILEONASEYO, JI AH EONNIE!" She yelled at the top of her lungs again.

"Firstly, my name is G-I-A, GIA! And not Ji Ah, darling. Secondly, it is 6 freaking AM and my appointment is at 12 PM. So, I have five solid hours to sleep in before that."

I pulled the sheets back from her and curled myself in it as she hopped onto the bed and began bouncing. Although she didn't major in the same subject as I did, she still went to Howon. Among all 6 of us in the house, only Sorim and I majored in Performing Arts and Media but that didn't stop my ever so caring roommate from supporting me with my assignment here. She knew almost everything about my faculty and my assignment more than anyone. However, there was still one single thing that she was oblivious about.

It is my original motive of coming to South Korea and I don't really know when I'll be ready to tell her anything about my past yet. Well, since I, myself have no clear idea about it either, it is only a matter of time before I could discover something and acknowledge her eventually. Although seeking her help in the first place did occur to me, I pushed it aside considering the weight of that request could be for her. It was my task and I had to do it by myself. For now, the only thing I could expect her help with is my assigned thesis.

Being a K-Pop fan herself like Sorim, Jiwon was more than excited when I told her that Prof Lim, my lecturer in charge at Howon suggested K-Pop as the major genre of my thesis. However, both Sorim and Jiwon had refused to introduce any groups to me, whereas it was Sorim who offered to start with her own group in the first place.

"It won't be fair if your perspective is influenced by us from the beginning. Try to find out what you can first and then we will fill you in." That was what Miss Fangirl #1 (Sorim) said.

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