Memory 16: Time Machine Ride

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Never have I ever, felt this much awkward just standing in the middle of a kitchen in my entire life. Maybe the fact that the kitchen belonged to my epic ex's mother was the cause or maybe it's the fact that she was actually scanning me from top to bottom for at least ten minutes now, worsened the situation. I tried to look as casual and composed as I could while my fingers were practically going numb in efforts of slicing one stupid capsicum.

"Is there anything on my face, Mrs Kim?" I finally braved myself to voice out in the most polite tone ever.

"No... it's just that, you seem kind of familiar. Have you ever been to Korea before this, Gia?" She took a seat on the opposite side of the counter from me with her eagle eyes still eerily fixed on me.

Oh, yes, Mrs Kim. I was actually born somewhere in Gangwon-do and was eventually abandoned in Samhwasa temple, at where I grew up until I got a scholarship to study in Seoul. After that, I returned to Gangwon-do on a trip with your very own son, where unfortunately our jeep went off a cliff with only me inside and I lost my memories of everything that I've stated previously. From which I was saved and brought to States by a kind American-Korean couple whom I call family at the moment.

Nope. I am so not saying that to her.

"I was born here actually, Mrs Kim but I'd migrated to States after being adopted quite a while ago." I was natural, or at least I thought I was until the older woman scooted closer.

"Adopted?" Her eyes widened with shock.

"Yes... adopted. I was- hmm... abandoned when I was still an infant. Then, I was adopted..." I eliminated all the other complicating elements to save myself the trouble of explaining, which actually worked.

"You said you were born here? By any chance, are you from Gangwon-do?" She attempted to divert the topic from my parentless past but her sudden question shook the life out of me but I can't lie to a woman of my mother's age, can I? So, I simply nodded while pretending to pay attention to the potatoes now.

"Hah! No wonder you seemed very familiar. We've been to Gangwon-do a lot of times when the kids were younger. I bet we must have met at least once or twice." She flashed a very pretty smile that resembled both Wonshik and Jiwon's while I awkwardly nodded again. After which, she shifted to the sink to wash the dishes, allowing me to exhale a breath of relief. However, it didn't last long.

"How old are you, Gia?" Just when I thought it was over, she went on with her interrogations further.

"I'm 24 years old, Mrs Kim."

"Oh... you're coeval with our Wonshik, I see." There was an obvious hint of suspicion in her tone and I couldn't overlook it. So instead, I tried to avert my focus into slicing the onions this time.

"What do you think of him as a guy, then?" The knife slipped from my grip and in an attempt of retrieving it, I almost tried to catch it on the sharp side. However, faster hands grabbed mine in time before they got to the knife, startling me in the process as well. Both Mrs Kim and I turned around at the same time to find the just mentioned person standing before us.

"Gia-yah! Gwaenchanha? Oh my God! Did you get hurt?" She rushed over to my side to check my condition but her son overtook her actions.

He was already holding my hands while his sharp gaze scanned my skin for any possible injuries. Apart from a slight cut which could barely be addressed as an injury, I was perfectly alright. However, what caught his attention was the fading bruise on my wrist that I had covered with a long cardigan. A sad sigh escaped from his lips as his deep eyes dwelled into mine for a moment longer. Although I couldn't comprehend his unspoken message, I was still unable to break the intense eye contact. It felt as though he was asking if I was fine just with his eyes.

I Need Memory (VIXX Ravi Fanfic)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें