Memory 15: Romance Is Over

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Why is the moon not square?
Where are the dinosaurs now?
When will South and North Korea reconcile?

Plenty of similarly mind stirring questions was popping in and out of my head as I mindlessly sat by the entrance of that small karaoke centre. And honestly, I don't even understand why. I tried to shake away the constant urge to keep laughing like a lunatic but I failed in doing that too. Every passing person appeared beautiful and I wanted to hug each one of them and say how precious they were. I watched families getting in and out of the restaurants and marts as they giggled happily.

"I want to have a family too..." I chuckled, pleased by my own ridiculous wish. I turned towards the older man who just walked out of the Karaoke centre.

"Ahjussi... jamkkanman... I have something to ask?" Surprisingly the man stopped to pay attention to me, unlike the few others who didn't bother at all.

"Oy yeppeun agassi... what can I do for you?" His tall figure was leaning against the shiny glass door while his hands fished inside his jacket pockets for something.

"How should I get a happy family like that?" My eyes bored heartily at another happy family. They were having a delightful dinner in the restaurant across from where I was. The man scooted nearer and began grinning to himself before crouching on the pavement beside me.

"Aigoo... you're pretty wasted, aren't you? Are you sure you're even old enough to be drinking yet?" His concern was amusing but his question annoyed me.

"Ahjussi! Who's wasted? I only had a few glasses of apricot juice!" I whined, hugging myself in defence. He laughed shaking his head in disbelief as he stuffed his lighter and untouched cigarette back inside his pockets.

"Oh, jinja? From my experience, apricot juice doesn't make you question things as such. I bet you even wondered about even weirder stuff. World peace? Past life? Mammoths?" I chortled, recalling my earlier grief over the extinction of dinosaurs.

"About family, you asked..." He took a deep breath. "I bet you don't have one, considering your question." I nodded, completely turning my attention on to him.

"Tips to have a family. Yes, I know. Tips to have a 'happy' family. No, I don't. First, you'll need to find a man. Then, you marry him and have children and ta-dah! You have a family." I scrunched my nose in displease at his plain elaboration. Even the man himself sighed in discontent.

"Ahjussi... I think I know enough about how to have a 'family' like that too. They teach that in school, you see." He laughed at my statement. "Even if what you just said was the way, then why do people divorce or abandon babies?" An unpleasant reminder of my own life flashed through my blurry vision.

"Okay, that didn't go well... honestly, a family is not about having a spouse, or children or relatives. Family means having people who make it feel like home. You know you'll always feel belonged and safe with them." His tone was pretty warm. I slowly absorbed his words while we both sat there in silence until he voiced out again.

"But you're still so young... why do you have to wonder about such twisted things already?" Honestly, I wasn't sure either.

"I was just wondering..." He laughed a little.

"Agassi... will you mind if I say something?" Concern was pretty clear in that stranger's voice. I shook my head, gesturing him to continue.

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