Memory 10: Trauma Of Separation

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A warm bead of teardrop rolled down my cheeks as I opened my eyes slowly. All these years, I have been living in the fear of never being free from the curse of reliving my tragic experience at the door of death itself. And because of that very reason, beauty sleep was never an option for me to seek any sort of tranquillity. I even started to consume large doses of caffeine every day, only to reduce the time spent for sleep and spare any possibilities of agitation or anxiety attacks that followed.

However, ever since I met him, it feels as though that curse has been benevolently lifted off me. For the second time in five years, I was having new dreams and for the first time since then, the idea of sleeping didn't scare me anymore.

He had begun painting my nightmares into nascent memories.

Closing my eyes once again, I sheltered the images and events from the earlier dream in the depth of my heart, in hopes of reminiscing them with him later. I realized after so long and so far of running from the trauma of this separation, I was finally in front of our destiny that can't be opposed. And for the first time in forever, I felt grateful to be blessed with such generosity.

"Gia-yah, you're up? How are you feeling now?" Sooyeon eonnie approached quickly and placed her palm on my forehead and cheeks as she checked the temperature of my body.

Taken aback by the unexpected presence of VIXX's personal stylist, my eyes scanned the surrounding hurriedly to ensure of my whereabouts. The addictive scent that was adorned all over the bed, from the fine covers of the pillows till the tip of the sheets, invaded my nostrils as I attempted to turn to my side. My senses recognized the owner of that familiar fragrance right away. However, the man in question was nowhere in sight and I was feeling very hesitant to ask the older staff about it as well.

So, I just sat there, fiddling with the beddings anxiously while I waited for her to finish texting and provide some sort of explanation about his uninformed absence.

"Why are you still there? I have to get you to meet a doctor before the boys return. You know you can't board the flight back to Korea if you're sick... Are you feeling alright or is it hard to move or something, Gia-yah?" She rushed back towards me in extreme concern as I shook my head slowly.

"Anieyo, eonnie... I'm feeling better now. Where... have they gone to? I thought we were all going back together today. Isn't the next concert scheduled in about another week's time?" I was unknowingly biting my lower lip as a tonne of possible answers flooded my own brain and they were not pleasant at all.

"Oh... Maj-a! We have another week until the Osaka concert. Today they have gone to perform at this show called Asia Progress 2017 but this one was added last minute and I totally forgot to inform you earlier. So, only you will be flying back tonight. The boys will not be back at Korea until the 25th and you really need to see a doctor before the flight. Otherwise, we're both going to get an earful from Ravi. Ppalli!"

I felt my whole body freeze for a moment, then flutter right away at the mention of his name alone. And a small spark joy lightened up my mood as I learned that he'd assigned his stylist to look after me since he couldn't do it personally. However, the fact that I won't be able to see him for possibly another week still burned me a bit.

Hesitantly, I got off the bed with the help of the stylist and we retreated to my room. Before leaving me to freshen up, she returned my phone and I instantly noticed the purple light that indicated unread notifications. A pleasant smile grew on my face as I read the message and my hands instantly clutched the device closer to my chest.

I Need Memory (VIXX Ravi Fanfic)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora