Memory 8 | Draw Out Your Smile

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"What? I mean- wae... wae-yo?" Her doe eyes dimmed in disappointment as she tried to cover it with curiosity but little did she knew that I was noticing even the tiniest detail about her from the depth of my damaged heart.

For instance, how she almost had a panic attack when she overlooked the railing a little while earlier. A small smile made its way to my face without my consent as I studied her reaction from a different angle.

"You sure are very curious like Jyani hyung said. However, I believe I have told you enough about me for today. Whereas, you didn't say a word about yourself or even your nightmares..." I carefully laid my words out with a casual laugh as she immediately responded to my hint.

The whole point of the conversation was meant for her to open up to me but it didn't turn out that way. After having a seriously lengthy debate against my sanity and instincts in the stillness of that chilly night, I finally concluded the only possible path I had into unravelling the mystery behind her unreal resemblances to my Mira.

And that will be by taking the first step myself. If neither of us would want to break the ice of the awkward yet affectionate distance between us, then we would both freeze in regret soon. After five long years of trapping myself in her memories and drawing out her smile in my mind, I finally felt free from that curse. She's right before my eyes and all I had to do to have her back in my arms, is ask.

Should I call her Mira again?
Should I just hug her first?
She doesn't know how long I've thought about those before finally deciding.

Precisely at that very moment, she appeared on the hotel's terrace out of nowhere like the miracle I believed she was and so I did what I had to. I told her what she had to hear, in the hope of getting back something about her in return. However, my own idea backfired and I ended up breaking down at the reminder of the most agonizing scene I've ever witnessed in my whole pathetic lifetime. It began to ache so badly as I tried to erase that image but it only got clearer and I felt cowardly and helpless.

Right then, she did something I never imagined.

She gathered all my shattered fragments in her ethereal embrace as she hushed my agony away. The moment her warm hands wrapped around me with all the care and love I remembered, I found myself surrendering to that sanctuary. Though I didn't get to hear what I was expecting, I was still more than grateful to be caressed by her heavenly arms once again. I realized how my love that disappeared with the rain that night has returned with a beautiful rainbow today.

"It's alright, Gia-shi. Like I said earlier, it is fine if you want to keep it to yourself. You don't have to open up to me too just because I did..." I gave her my most genuine smile in the attempt of screening the obvious disappointment as her face got paler in confusion.

"I hope you get to sleep well at least for tonight, Gia-shi. Good night." I began walking as fast as I could while her hurried footsteps behind me picked up speed quite audibly.

"Jamkkanmanyo... can't you at least tell me why it is not possible for her- I mean, your ex-lover to return?" I caught a glimpse of her troubled reflection in the glass door before me. She seemed utterly desperate and from the look of pain in her eyes, I wasn't sure who between us was hurting more. I put on an emergency grin as I turned around to face her one more time.

"Aren't you a little too persistent, Kang Gia-shi?" She was looking at me with nothing but distress. All of her body and soul was radiating with the desperation of wanting to know my answer and I simply had no idea why. Though it burned me to say those words, I still drew enough courage and said what she needed to hear.

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