Memory 14: My Pain And My Cure

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Flashback ~
Jamsil-dong Small Library, 2010.

I watched her drown deeper in her books, as she flipped every page with a certain range of unspoken rage. Completely ignoring my presence as if I was invisible. She sat right in front of me in an eerie silence, without even throwing me an accidental glance. And honestly, it was making me anxious. Though I was well acquainted with her adamancy, her anger was a wholly different story.

It was something I will never get used to no matter how many times I face it. And sincerely, I don't think I will ever want to get used to it because it's stressful and severely terrifying. Knowing that she was not the one to back off anytime soon, not especially with that halo of extreme wrath burning bright above her head. I moved a little forward to make the first attempt.

"Yah... Choi Mira! It's been a whole damned hour! Till when are you going to do this?" I whispered as softly as possible because I didn't want to disturb the peace inside that quiet library but she didn't even spare me a sight.

"YAH! CHOI MIRA!" My hollow voice came out hoarser than I expected and it almost sounded like a low roar. A few students who were seated near us threw me wary glares as I instantly held up my hands in defence.

"Mira-yah... don't be like this! Jebal-" I tried to reach out to touch her hands but right then, her head whipped up as she cast a deadly glare at me. I immediately withdrew my hands as if stung and the intensity of her sight chained me up to my seat.

Okay, she is not angry. She is apoplectic.

Without saying a single word, she began to pile up her books and packed her belongings as I sat there, staring at the table in complete silence. After what felt like forever, I finally dared to steal a glance at her and she was already staring down at me. One of her eyebrows was arched inquiringly, as I grasped onto her unspoken question right away. I began to fumble from my seat and gather my stuff in a hurry as I caused obvious noise pollution. While attempting to avoid the angry glares of the others in that library, my eyes accidentally met hers. Right away, I captured the glimpse of amusement that gleamed on her face momentarily.

Although it was only for a very brief moment, I was still glad that I caught it before she switched back to her previous predatory glares. Without waiting for me, she began to walk out of the library and in no time, I found myself running after her like an ownerless pet. Once we were out of the small building, I could only walk at a cautious distance behind her, in another scary silence. Soon, we reached the nearest bus stop and to my utter demise, it was empty. I didn't know why but I was getting unnerving chills in my bones. Suddenly, I was recalling my dad's rare words of wisdom.

"Girls can be as cute as a kitten but they can be as fierce as a panther too. Just make sure not to mess with the button that controls the switch, son."

Right now, Choi Mira was a panther. A petrifying predatory panther. I rolled my shoulders and simply wandered around her like a stranded prey, not daring to sit next to the scary predator. And when I stole another sideways glance at her, she was already staring straight through me over an invisible whip. And that effortlessly made me submit.

Cautiously, I took a quiet seat at an advisable distance from her as the edge of her lips crooked a little, slipping out an evident smirk. The last time I felt this much intimidated by a female was when I accidentally broke my mother's most favourite vase. And I feared that I'd broken something far worse than a vase this time, considering the prolonged presence of the iron curtain between us.

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