Memory 9 | Lean On Me

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My eyes kept darting back to my wristwatch over and over again as I felt annoyance slowly replacing the longing. As a feeble attempt at diversion, my fingers began tapping on the table impatiently while my eyes remained glued to the empty street.

"Seolma! Am I being stood up again?" I groaned, dialling the first number on my call log and it dropped to the voice message again, irritating me further.

Stuffing the hopeless device inside the bag, my hands fumbled for a while before grabbing onto another device as it emerged with a well-tangled piece of earphone wires along. I exhaled a deep sigh before starting to calmly disentangle every knot until the wire was perfectly straight again. Plugging it into the mp3 player, I let the playlist run on shuffle and leaned back in my seat.

"Geurae... geurae... I'll be patient..." I muttered under my breath as one of my favourite songs began playing and my mood started to get better while I hummed along.

"In between the continuous trips
The thing that finds me again
It is your voice carried by the wind
Can you forget?

Day by day
The day that you aren't here
Becomes a memory like yesterday
It burdens me so much

One day just for only one day
If only my hand can wipe your tears
Then I will tell you..."

"My everything..."

I felt my pulse instantly shoot at the sound of that familiar voice, as he harmonised with the last line of that romantic chorus in his raspy voice. His warm breath was obviously tracing my ears, specifying the lack of distance between us as I took a deep breath. Noticing the stiffness in my posture, he began to chuckle softly and that was enough trigger to return to my initial murderous mode. My eyes shot open in a whip and I began attacking the boy with my bag as he screamed in a jolt.

"Yah! Yah! Mian-hae! The practice time was extended and my phone died! MIAN-HAE!"

He was straining to block my assaults but I didn't stop at all. I was hitting him with all my might for standing me up for a whole week and I haven't even start with the calls and messages yet. After several unsuccessful defence attempts, he finally gave up and sat still, allowing me to attack him around the clock without any obstacles. Being well aware of his extreme strength, I repeatedly punched his solid arms with force but he just sat there unflinching to the strikes, infuriating me further.

"Wae? Wae? Why aren't you fighting back?" I punched him harder.

"Because I know that it was wrong of me to leave you hanging, so I deserve to be hit. You can even curse at me if that'll make you feel better." His effortless words halted me immediately as I cast a closer glance at his captivating face.

Regardless of the naturally flawless beauty, the boy still appeared thoroughly beaten. His usually bright and bubbly face was dull and there were visible circles of dusk around his swollen eyes, signifying a noticeable lack of sleep. That's when I realized that he was completely drained due to both school plus training and here I was, making things harder on him. My originally sulky mood died out in a blink, as a huge storm of regret clouded over my heart. I felt completely useless and inconsiderate of his genuine efforts at balancing between academics and ambition, alongside allotting time for me, despite the tight schedule.

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