meteors (stan uris)

860 14 3

warnings: fluff

"Come on!" you laughed to your boyfriend, who was struggling to get up the hill while panting.

"How... do you... have so much... stamina?" he panted, finally reaching the top of the hill.

You laughed again and grabbed his hand. "Come on!" You started dragging him to where everyone else had their blankets set up.

You and Stanley Uris have been dating for six months. To celebrate said six months, you both were going on a date to watch a meteor shower passing through.

He laid down the blanket you had brought, smoothing it out before you placed a small picnic basket on top of it. You both then sat down on the blanket, your hands instinctively intertwining.

You stared at the sky in silence.

The viewing spot you had chosen on the outskirts of town was said to be the least occupied, but there was still a fair amount of people there. This far away from the city, the millions of stars were visibly twinkling in the night sky. The soft voices of the other spread out to watch the event mixed with the sounds of rustling leaves and buzzing insects. A soft breeze wafted through the warm night air, carrying the sweet scent of nearby flowers.

Stan removed his hand from your to wrap it around your waist, then filled your empty palm with his opposing one. He spoke softly into your ear, "When's it supposed to start?"

You lifted his wrist to look at his watch and responded just as quietly, "Any moment now."

He nodded and looked back to the sky, and the other people started to quiet down. You all sat in anticipating silence. That is, until the first streak lit up the sky, making many exclaim in surprise.

Slowly, more bright streaks lit up and streamed across the sky. You both stared in wonder as the meteors danced with the stars before disappearing. And soon enough, the final meteor blinked out after finishing its brief waltz with the Little Dipper.

People around you both clapped and whistled, some of them getting up to leave. You both just remained staring at the sky.

"You should pick out dates more often," Stan smiled.

You chuckled lightly, placing a kiss on his cheek. "I'm glad we got to experience this together."

"Yeah," he breathed. "Me too."


"You know our friends are over there watching us, right?"

"Yes, I'm fully aware."

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