Chapter 3

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          Inside the portal of the imaginative realms bore stars of blue rapidly sparkling past the Dream Machine in a limitless space of black and smeared purple violet. Its tunnel zipped by as if time were passing by in light speed. The Dreamfinder and Figment have their guest with them and the journey to the imagination worlds has begun. As the Dreamfinder drives the Dream Machine through the portal, the purple dragon took out a butterfly net and attempted to catch some of those blue stars as if they were actual butterflies.

"Figment! If you collect more than enough blue stars, would you mind if I took some?" the Dreamfinder asked.

"Not at all, Dreamfinder!" Figment replied, "What do you need them for?"

"I'm thinking of making a welcoming present for Rachel."

"What do you have in mind?"

"I'm not sure yet, but I do want it to be good."

"Then I'll do my best to catch enough for you."

"Thanks Figment."

          Figment takes out an extra butterfly net from behind his back, swinging it to and fro to catch as many blue stars as he can for the Dreamfinder use. They sparkle and twinkle like glitter on black construction paper in the sunlight. When one of those stars pass by your ears you can hear a tingling sound ringing. Ring-a-ting-ting-ting, they chime, ting-a-ring-ring-ring. What are these blue stars passing by the Dream Machine is they stride on to continual nothingness? There is no specific name to it, but what they are usually known for are the future of imagination, tiny little remnants of light that are soon destined to become soon-to-be imaginations of the human mind or material for creating creations. Stars that become born in the imagination will turn to pure light or pure darkness, sweet dreams or terrible nightmares. There is an entire universe of them as far as Figment and the Dreamfinder are concerned and that's a good thing. So long as there are so many of them, it means that the world is inspired to imagine and keep imagining. What a person would yearn to see such a sight as this.

          Up ahead, there is a brighter light, the ending gateway from the portal to world of imagination. Full speed ahead! The Dreamfinder pushes the two main switches forward making the Dream Machine fly faster before the portal closes on them and be trapped inside until the next portal opens. With this much speed, the stars pass by much quicker as if it were hyperspace from Star Wars. Just in time the Dream Machine reaches out of the portal safely in one piece.

"Made it!" the Dreamfinder exclaimed, "Figment, how many stars did you catch?"

"Enough to fill two buckets with, Dreamfinder!" said Figment holding up both butterfly nets filled with tiny blue stars, "One for you and one for me!"

"Splendid! Now do me a favor: fly over to the back of the airship and catch whatever comes out of the vacuum!"

"You got it!"

          Figment flies over to the airbag where the other end of the vacuum spills out new and processed objects. The Dreamfinder grabs a handful of the tiny blue stars and casts them into the front of the vacuum pipe. When anything is put into that vacuum no matter what the material may be, it always makes either a chiming or a funny sound as it is being processed with dream power. The Dreamfinder has had an idea in mind on what to make Rachel out of these blue stars and soon it will be made from mind to matter, as does the nature of imagination. The pipe processes the blue stars as it's supposed to and out comes on Figment's side...nothing big, nothing too small: a tiny blue gem necklace with a strong silver chain emanated out of vacuum. Figment catches the necklace and flies back to the Dreamfinder with it.

"This is pretty!" said Figment holding it up for the Dreamfinder to see.

"It's perfect! It's beautifully perfect!" said the Dreamfinder in great delight taking the necklace kindly from Figment's hand. "Hmm...there's no cracks on it. That's good. And the chain is strong, too. That's also good. Now to keep it safe in this box until Rachel wakes up."

"You want me to go check and see if she wakes up?"

"No, no. Unless she takes still sleeps by noon, let her wake up on her own. Though I hate to admit she's missing out on this wonderful view out here below us."


          Figment returns to his personal chair behind the Dreamfinder's as they watch the clouds pass by them, fluffy as cotton candy. In fact...


          The morning light shines through Rachel's bedroom window and onto her eyes, blinding her. She didn't want to wake up, so says her mind, but her body says she has to. It's 9:13 in the morning. At least, that's what her time zone's time would be on Earth. Now that she, the Dreamfinder, and Figment are in a different realm, there is no telling what time it really is. She yawned big and stretched. What happened last night with the Dreamfinder and Figment she figured it was all just a dream. She would be back home in her lower bunk bed with her desk beside her and a trash bin in between. From her bed back home, the desk and bin are an easy reach. It is the same case scenario for her new bedroom in her new home. As Rachel opens her eyes, she realizes that she is not in the same place she expects to be. Instead of her purple and pink room she's been meaning to repaint, this new room is in brown and mahogany red. The closet is not in the right place and there has never been a window over her bedside. Something is wrong, she thought to herself, and she is right. Rachel looked out the window over her bed and noticed that what should be a plastered concrete wall is actually a light blue sky with pink, sugary, fluffy clouds. She could not understand how this is all possible. But then she remembered meeting Figment and the Dreamfinder last night at the hotel.

"No, it can't be." she gasped.

          She turned away from the window and spotted a small stack of clothes, a pair of shoes and goggles with a note attached to them sitting on the desk. Rachel took the note and it said:

                                           Dear Rachel,

One Little Spark: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now