Chapter 16

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          The once frozen statue of Iyrilia flaps its wings at the broken wall of office of Governor Crizwalke himself. Its eyes are fixed onto Crizwalke as the governor tries to shield its eyes from the brimming light. Ron sees the winged Katkin. He was speechless. The "defender of all people," as Crizwalke called it, is finally awake after all these years.

          The flying Katkin watches the terrified staff of the Iyrilian Tower with anger; more directly at Crizwalke. The attempt to murder a girl he had only just met by dropping her off the top of the tower is nothing but unethical and dishonest. It gives out a loud roar-like cry at Crizwalke with a great anguishing madness. The sound waves of that cry picked up again, ringing in the ears of the Crizwalke staff until their ears began to bleed a little. The only person who is not affected as much is Ron Wavers. Being a Katkin himself, that same high piercing is like listening to a violin squeak and Ron is used to that considering he likes listening to classical music.

          While Crizwalke was too busy covering his ears from the winged Katkin's roar, Ron runs up and snatches back his wristwatch. Dreamfinder, Figment and Alex are still on the line. Dreamfinder and Figment both backed away from Alex's wristwatch trying to plug their ears from the high pitch screeching.

          Finally, it stopped. The winged Katkin ceases it roaring when he hears the sound on feint grunting. It looks down at Rachel in sympathy. The girl's face clenched from the tortuous sounds of her savior's cry. She could not lift her arms to protect her ears due to her unconsciousness. The Katkin covers Rachel's ears and heals them. Carefully safe in its arms Rachel's head leans over the Katkin's heart, leaving a warm feeling inside the god-like creature.

          The Katkin looks up to the sky where the top of mountain is. And with one great big blow from his wings, the creature flaps high over the tower, far up above Iyra City with Rachel cradled to its body to the top of the mountain.

          Ron runs to the edge of the shattered window. He holds up his watch for his brother and friends as the winged Katkin continues to fly higher and higher and higher carrying the paralyzed Rachel with it.


          With widened eyes, Dreamfinder, Figment and Alex stares at the being flying away. They have no idea where that thing came from. As incredible as it looks, none of them can figure out how this thing came to be.

"Whoa!" Figment exclaimed.

"Uh...Alex?" Dreamfinder whimpered uneasily. "What do you call that thing?"

"Álvaro..." Alex gasped.

"Ál-who?" Figment tried to pronounce.

"Álvaro, the defender of all people. He's come back from his slumber after all these years!"

"And it's got Rachel, too!" Dreamfinder exclaimed.

"Ron!" Alex called into his wristwatch. "Come in, Ron!"

          A couple statics from the watch's screen buzzed and blurred the vision. Then Ron's face appeared on the screen.

"Alex, are you there?" Ron's voice patched through the connection.

"What's going on over there?"

"Dude! Alex! Did you see that? It was Álvaro!"

"I know! Where's Rachel?"

"Álvaro has taken her with him. I saw her moaning a little just a moment ago. I think she's still alive."

"Oh, thank goodness!" Dreamfinder sighed in relief.

"Whew!" Figment brushed off a sweat from his head.

"Where did they go?" Alex asked.

"They're heading right to the top of the Twisted Peek Mountain!" Ron replied.

"All the way up there?"

"Afraid so."

"Alright. We're on our way back to the city. Get out of the tower and meet us at the gondola lift before Crizwalke catches you again."

"Oh, I intend to."


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