Chapter 12

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          As expected, the Dream Machine is in need of repair. A couple of cables holding the balloon broke but the balloon remained, the furniture inside the cabin had been tossed all over each room like a seasoned salad, a few pipes that held in the purple steam had broken leaks and some glass has been shattered. Tsk-tsk-tsk.

"A few of those pipes are in need of replacing." said Dreamfinder. "You think there might be some metal shops in the city?"

"I'm not sure." said Howard. "I haven't even been in the city myself since the depression started. I have a friend, however, across from my house that has been specializing in blacksmithing for the past thirty years. I can walk up and ask him for his help."

"That'd be fine!"

"You ready to go, Dreamfinder?" Figment appeared with Rachel behind him.

"Just about." Dreamfinder replied. "What about that password, Howard?"

"Oh right!" Howard remembered. "I'll have to whisper it to you, though. You never know who is around here, spying from behind just about anything."

          Howard leaned over to Dreamfinder's ear and whispered the password to him. Figment and Rachel tried to listen, too, but it's hard to hear with Howard's hand covering his words from echoing. All they can hear out of it was Dreamfinder's grunts, as he understood what Howard is telling him. He wrote down everything Howard said on his hand and then hid it with his glove, perfect hiding place for a secret password.

"Right! Thanks, Howard." said Dreamfinder. "We'll be back in a while. If anything happens, we'll send Figment along for help."

"Help? It's hard to get help from anyone these days." said Howard. "With these new rules written by Crizwalke, it's hard to keep a secret from them or talk to anyone without getting arrested out of suspicion. You really must be careful in there."

"We will. Don't worry."

          As Dreamfinder walks away with his imaginary friend and his new "girl-friend" by his side they turn towards the city where they are destined to be. But just as they were about fifty steps away from the Dream Machine, Howard gives out a great big yell.

"Oh yeah! I'd be mindful of the people's appearances if I were you!" Howard called out from his house as he watches his guests leave. "Especially the polices'!"

"Why?" Rachel asked.

"Not every person in Iyrilia is human! In this world, we have a vast diversification of races and cultures roaming around here especially in the city! So don't get yourself all freaked out over who you talk to!"

"No problemo!" Figment yelled back. "We're good at communicating with people like that!"

          While Howard is scanning the Dream Machine for anything he could fix, the three friends begin their trip to Iyra City, the capital of Iyrilia. Dreamfinder had written down the password Howard had provided him on the palm of his hand underneath his glove. Sneaky. It was only a half hour walk from Howard's place to the city. As impressive as the steel skyscrapers look, it could not compare to how intricately composed the mountain is. Everything about the mountain is very well detailed from its structure to its tiniest pebble. Something is holding up the mountain in place somehow. Mountains like this are not natural back on earth despite it many exceptions of some unnatural monuments and occurrences, like the Stonehenge or the Grand Canyon. It's nature like this that normally occurs in children's books or novels. To be here to see this in person against the three friends' own earthly knowledge is breathtaking. It would explain a lot as to why this place would be named the capital city of Iyrilia.

          A dirt road appears before Dreamfinder and his friends that leads right into the city. As they follow it, the road begins to turn black indicating that it is now being turned into an asphalt road for city streets. In the middle of the road there is a broken white line for two lanes of cars. The right lane going forward ahead of Rachel, Dreamfinder and Figment and the left lane going behind them. They walk up to the nearest sidewalk before a car has come by them honking. This kind of atmosphere is something Rachel is used to, but not Dreamfinder and Figment. They may have lived in London as a city itself, but not like this one. Everything around them seems more advanced compared to what they once knew of. While a majority of London had buildings made of stone, brick, and sometimes sticks, these buildings here in Iyra City are structured out of solid steel. In so much there was so much innovation.

          Each car in the city is zooming by the three friends as they walk down the sidewalk. Seeing the way things are right is making them find what Howard said a little hard to believe. Crowds of business people are walking past them, cars and trucks are honking loudly, the sky is clear and blue, there isn't much of any poverty or malice going on. The city looks like it's thriving like any normal city. What could possibly be wrong with this place?

          As Dreamfinder, Rachel, and Figment continue walking down the sidewalk they come across the large statue they saw earlier from the sky. The giant white pillar rose very high, about as high as a little over three hundred feet; higher than any of the skyscrapers built in Iyra City. Hundreds of little windows are spiraling in a coil around the pillar. Some of them are lit up, but it is hard to see much of that light during the daytime. At the top of the pillar stood a golden figure. A cat-like being with large wings and a crown on its head poses as it holds out its palm. On the fingertips of that palm are swirling orbs of fire and water in a circle of explicit balance. Below it is a moat filled with water fountains and water and some giant rocks sticking out for décor. This is indeed an impressive monument. But for what reason does pillar and golden statue stand here and what does it signify? Someone in this city should know.

"Wowie-wow-wow! That is one big statue!" Figment exclaimed.

"I'll say!" Rachel smiled.

"Indeed!" said Dreamfinder. "I wonder who that is and who built this."

"Could be anyone here or someone who might have died long ago."

"Whoever it is, he must have had a great taste in art." Figment suggested.

"Or she." Rachel pointed out. "Women have a taste in art, too."

"Who do you have in mind?" Dreamfinder asked.

"I don't know...Frida Kahlo? Mary Blair? Any woman really."

"What about you?"


"Yeah, have you ever made any art?" Figment questioned her.

"Well...some." Rachel replied. "But that's unimportant right now. We got to find this Alex Wavers kid before something bad happens."

"Agreed." said Dreamfinder. "Howard said that the city's security system has every name and face and their backgrounds living here and outside. If someone with authority catches us before we're ready to show ourselves to them right now, we won't be able to get to him and his brother on time."

"Did he say Alex is at the northwestern side of the city or the northeastern?" Figment asked aloud.

"I believe the northeastern. At least I think he is."

"Well, we can't ask anyone here." Rachel reminded. "Since Governor Crizwalke took over the city he's been on the verge of learning every secret in the city and apparently, Alex Waver's whereabouts is still a mystery. Howard did say he always helps out people who needed the most help. And since he and Ron don't live in a suburban area as they should be without the last governor around, then maybe we can find them in the spots where it can most likely be filled with poverty."

"Look at you with your creative thinking." Dreamfinder smirked.

"I get a lot of time to think of what to say whenever I'm not around my parents or while I was doing my job back home. Much of what I think of are either pleasant or unpleasant."

"Where did the unpleasantness go to?" Figment asked.

"My parents. Mostly my dad." Rachel answered.

"I'm so sorry, Rachel." said Dreamfinder, "Let's focus on their location and get Alex to help with fixing the Dream Machine."

"But first let's find something to eat." said Figment. "I know we just ate and I hate to sound picky after Howard was so nice to us, but I'm starving!"

"Yeah, me too." Rachel chimed in.

"We did get small portions, though I hate to sound ungrateful." Dreamfinder pointed out. "I suppose we can find someplace that'll give some good service."

"And good food for that matter." Figment joked.

"That looks like a good place over there." Rachel pointed out.

          Across the street them was a hamburger joint called "Hammy's Burgers." Judging by the name, it had to be a hamburger joint. The sign showed it name along with an iconic figure of a fat 1950's waiter smiling big holding a burger in his left hand while holding a tray of fires and a shake on his right. Figment imagined himself in that icon's place as his mouth drooled a puddle below him. A fifth of an apple, a ¼ cup of cereal and half a glass of water would be enough to satisfy someone who is trying to eat small portions to get fit, but not Figment. Added that he's a dragon, his appetite would be humungous and it's not just for adventure.

"Oooooooh! Yeah! Let's go there!" Figment said all excitedly.

"Come get yourself the hammiest hamburgers you've ever tasted." Dreamfinder read on a chalkboard that sat right outside the restaurant door. "What's a hamburger?"

          Rachel did not just hear that. First it's the World Wars I and II and now a hamburger? She slowly turned her head towards his with disappointment and gave his a grim look. A cold stare and a big frown blanketing her face is enough to wipe out any positive emotion out of someone's nature for a while. Anyone including Dreamfinder.

"...What?" Rachel said. "...Are you seriously asking me that?"

"Um...yeah." said Dreamfinder. "I've never seen or tasted a hamburger in my life."

"Figment, tell me he's joking."

"He's not lying, I'm sorry to say." Figment replied honestly, "I-"

"Never mind!" Rachel held her hand up. "Let's just eat. We'll talk about this later."

          Rachel goes on ahead with Dreamfinder and Figment closing in behind her. They wondered why Rachel could be reacting this way? Whatever rants could be going on in her mind right now over a sandwich? Seriously?

"Psst. I think she's angry again." Figment whispered to Dreamfinder's ear.

"How much more deplorable can that get?" Dreamfinder whispered back.

"I can hear you back there!" Rachel shouted.

          They arrive to the restaurant door and check out the menu. Every kind of hamburger is listed in there from classic style to bacon and grilled onions. Even a custom-made hamburger was made optional for the menu along with french fries and a salad. A waiter comes up to Dreamfinder and his friends and escorts them to a table booth by the window. The menus are given out to the three customers giving them multiple choices of foods to choose from.

"Golly!" Figment exclaimed. "So much to choose from. I just can't decide which burger to eat."

"I'll probably eat the smallest burger they have." Rachel decided, "I don't want to get sick."

"My word! Sandwiches this big put together with so much condiments. How can people eat this much?"

"Extended stomachs. And if people were doing hamburger eating contests, they'd be doing years of practice while also getting an inch closer to gain heart attacks."

"That's a lovely thing to say at the table." Dreamfinder sassed.

"Just stating the obvious." she chuckled.

"I think I'll just have a cup of tea. It's good for rejuvenating my physical system."

"Wanna do some yoga while you're at it?" Rachel sassed back.

"That'd be terrific!" Dreamfinder exclaimed, "Do you know a thing or two about yoga?"

" I don't even know squat."

"Well 'squat' is when you bend your knees down and-"

"I know what it means!" Rachel yells.

"Just stating the obvious." Dreamfinder quoted.

          Rachel chuckled. For an air-headed genius, the Dreamfinder really can bounce his way back up. Perhaps humor is the main key to winning Rachel's friendship. He watched Rachel smile and laugh. It was a sight to see for someone who cares for her he couldn't help but laugh along with her. Her eyes glistened from the reflection of the window. They shone brightly that they could blinding both her and Dreamfinder. With Figment looking through the menu, Dreamfinder allowed himself to blush. At least then his own creation wouldn't tease him. Yet Figment, unintentionally, chimed into their conversation with his idea on what to eat.

"Hey guys, I might just get the Triple Patty Thriller with extra fries!" Figment suggested.

"That sounds like a lot of food to consume, Figment." said Dreamfinder.

"Yeah, Figgy." Rachel joined in. "I've consumed a lot of burgers every once in a while back home and even I know that's too much to eat."

"Then maybe I should just do the Double Patty Delight." Figment decided.

"Figment..." Dreamfinder shook his head.

"How much would that even cost?" Rachel asked.

          Rachel took the menu from Figment to look for the prices. Something was wrong, though. She skimmed through the list of choice burgers only to find that the difference between the menus here at Hammy's Burgers and the other restaurants back home is that this particular menu doesn't show the prices.

"What the heck?" Rachel commented.

"What's the matter, Rachel?" Dreamfinder asked.

"The prices aren't listed here."

"What?" Dreamfinder takes the menu from Rachel and looks at it for himself. Rachel was right. The prices are nowhere to be seen! He continued, "This can't be. A restaurant must have prices by each item in the menu. Why aren't there prices in here?"

"That's what I'm asking!"

"Let me see that." Figment retrieved the menu from Dreamfinder and looks at it, too. "No, no, I can see it just fine. They're just written very small here."

"Wha- how can you see the prices so well if we can't?" Rachel asked.

"Unlike humans, a dragon's eyes have great functional vision and an acceptable field of perception. I can see even the tiniest bug ever made!"

"Even microscopic sized?"


"Figment, you never told me you could do that!" Dreamfinder pointed out.

"You should already know that, Dreamfinder." said Figment, "I'm your creation! You gave me all the qualities I have now."


"So how much are the prices?" Rachel asked.

"Let's see." Figment began looking through the very delicately written price list carefully and said, "The Double Patty Delight costs $30 each. The Triple Patty Thriller is $40 and-"

"Whoa! What?" Rachel snatches the menu back and shouts, "Thirty to forty dollars for a hamburger that size?"

"Maybe the hamburger is quality meat." Figment thought out loud.

"Clearly, neither of you have ever been in a 1950's style diner." Rachel predicted, "They're much cheaper than this back home. It'd be around $15 for a meal in today's time. And in the 1950's, the menus would price up to about 90¢ at max for a meal like this. In American money, at least."

"Yeesh!" Dreamfinder groaned, "Well...maybe the prices for the beverages aren't bad."

"Twenty-five dollars for a cup of tea?" Figment read aloud to Dreamfinder.

"Okay, that just upsets me!"

"DOI!" Rachel yelled.

"I'm going to speak to the owner about this. Ripping people off their good money for food as trashy as this. Why don't they just plant their produce and farm it off themselves?"

"You're asking us?"

"Just don't get too angry, Dreamfinder." Figment warned, "You turn red as a radish when you get that mad."

"Don't worry, Figment." said Dreamfinder, "I'll handle this in a gentleman's manner. I'll simply explain to the manager that we are not satisfied with the prices and hopefully they'll sympathetic about our needs and cut us a little slack."

          True to his word, with Rachel and Figment standing behind him, Dreamfinder walks up to the cashier's desk. There he meets up with the waiter who had escorted them to their table booth just minutes ago. He is a tall and slender with glasses, pointed nose, pimples on his face and an oversized bucktooth over biting his mouth. Judging by his appearance and youth, the cashier looked like he was about 16-years-old and very nerdy. He seemed like his job is not giving him any self-esteem whatsoever. Therefore, he didn't want to deal with any customers at the moment. But he must do what he has to do especially if it means facing an unsatisfied customer.

"May I help you, sir?" the waiter asked.

"Yes." said Dreamfinder, "I would like to speak to your employer about the high prices he's put in the menus."

"Sure. Whatever. You wait right here while I go get him. Though I should warn you: Mr. Hamm is not one to place any blame on even from a loyal customer."

"That's fine. He should hear what I have to say anyway."

"Your funeral."

          The waiter leaves his post to fetch the restaurant owner leaving Dreamfinder, Rachel and Figment behind for a brief moment. The way Dreamfinder had talked to that cashier brought out a sparking feeling inside Rachel. That was pretty impressive, Rachel thought. She now sees that while Dreamfinder may have his optimism most of the time, he also has a sense of sternness in him. She can tell by the look on his face. Somehow, she feels safe with him when he's like that. Figment can see the kind of look Rachel has on her face when she's seeing Dreamfinder react to the waiter like that. For a dragon that has not experienced love in his own lifetime, he can definitely see some delaying connection going between his new friend and his creator.

          After minutes of standing around, the waiter returns to Dreamfinder and his friends with a totally different expression. When the waiter left he seemed annoyed to be talking to people, but when he returned he looks as if he had just witnessed a powerful force breaking loose. His eyes widened, his teeth chattered, his arms stiffened; yep, something is definitely wrong in this building.

"Mr. Hamm will be with you shortly." The waiter announces.

"Uh...are you alright?" Dreamfinder asked.

"You don't look so good." Figment added.

"I told you...he doesn't like...being blamed for this." The waiter stuttered.

"Guys?" Rachel felt uneasy. "I think we should just get out of here. Like now!"

"Not until we get this settled, Rachel." Dreamfinder confirmed.

"I'd listen to your girlfriend if I were you, sir." The waiter said and then whispered to them, "I'm not supposed to say this to anyone, but Mr. Hamm secretly works with Governor Crizwalke and if you leave right now before he shows up, you'll less likely get in much bigger trouble by those two together."

"Oh snap!" Rachel remarked.

"You heard him Dreamfinder!" said Figment. "Let's get out of here before-"

          But before Figment could finish his sentence, a large body strode out from its office into the diner. As mentioned, he is large and also round to the belly. His face is chubby and fat all the same, his triangular ears flapped with each sound that is heard, its eyes darted right toward Dreamfinder and his friends, and his snout is scrunched and wrinkled grunting like a pig's oinks. All that being said is because the large being coming towards the guests is a pig! And by the look on its face, he does not look as friendly as he could be.

          Startled, Rachel, Dreamfinder and Figment stared at the pig in awe. They have never encountered an anthropomorphic (two-legged) pig in their lives. They felt the need to be disgusted by its appearance especially by its facial expression. However, they remembered Howard's words about not being surprised by the appearances of others in this city. After all, Iyra City is filled with diverse people with different cultures. This giant pig is no exception.

"Now that is impolite staring at people like you've never seen a guy like me." said the large pig, Mr. Hamm. He turned to the waiter and asked, "Chet, what's all this talk about unsatisfied customers in my restaurant?"

"W-w-w-well...M-M-Mr.Hamm, sir." Chet, the waiter stuttered some more. "Th-these three want to f-f-file a c-c-c-complaint"

"A complaint? Well then, good sir, tell me all about it." Mr. Hamm said to Dreamfinder.

"Uh...well, I'm-I'm sure your establishment is great with your hard workers and good food in all." Dreamfinder gulped. "It's just that...well, your prices. Your prices are a bit high to pay for the consumption of the items in your menu. The tea especially."

"Really? My prices are too high? Oh, I am so-o-o-o-o sorry. Whatever shall I do to satisfy you since the customer is always right? Hmm...perhaps I can talk to Ol' Crizwalke about this situation. I'm sure he'll know a perfect solution to calm your disappointment."

"Umm...I hardly believe this is all necessary. I mean, we don't want any trouble."

"Yeah, we can always find another place to eat at." Figment suggested, "Someplace a little more...cheaper?"

"Cheaper?" Mr. Hamm exclaimed, "Well now, I'm beginning to see how reallydissatisfied you are with my restaurant. That's a real shame. Everyone in town comes to my restaurant to get a good burger in their hands especially in great times of need. Like the depression this city is going through. I give my customers what they want...for a fee."

"A high one at that!" Rachel exclaimed. "I wouldn't eat one greasy piece of schlump you serve even if it was worth a penny!"

"Is that so? You seem to be the kind of customer who believes otherwise about the prefect quality of my food. In fact..." taking a sniffling snort of the air Dreamfinder, Figment and Rachel possess, he grunted, "I ain't never seen or smelled any one of you three in here before. I take it that you all must be new here."

"Uhh...." All three friends groaned dumbfounded.

"MR. HAMM! MR.HAMM!" one of restaurant cooks screamed.

"What?" Mr. Hamm called back, "What's going on back there?"

"It's the cat-boy again, sir. Alex Wavers! He's taken a few burgers, a couple milkshakes and five packs of french fries and ran off!"

"Daw shoot! Don't just stand there. Call the police force! Contact the governor! I want that boy captured!" Mr. Hamm shouted. He turned back to Dreamfinder and company and said, "Now as for you three, I-"

          But the only people Mr. Hamm could talk to was...well, nobody. While Hamm was yelling at his cook, Dreamfinder, Rachel and Figment sought their chance to escape from his restaurant. He grinded his teeth tightly with anger resulting to a scene of himself shouting loud oinks.

          Meanwhile, the trio runs out of the restaurant. The mere mention of the name "Alex Wavers" rang in their ears, alerting them with the awareness that the person they are looking for is just feet away! Just as they got outside, they see a figure with a pack of food running away from the restaurant. That's got to be their man.

"Come on! We've got to follow him!" Dreamfinder yelled.

"Dang it!" Rachel exclaimed. "I'm not a fast enough runner!"

"Do what I do, Rachel," Figment suggested. "and fly!"

"And risk my neck by crashing into a couple buildings, people, and cars along the way? Even after what just happened yesterday? No thanks!"

"Suit yourself."

          The runner is a speedy one, Dreamfinder thought. They watched him jump over cars and duck under face-forward obstacles. When the police showed up in the runner's way, they formed a blockade. But the runner was able to avoid it by jumping an incredible height over them. He jumped 20 feet over the police and landed safely across the street. Astounded by the runner's persistence, Dreamfinder and his friends pressed on.

"Aw sick!" Rachel laughed with amazement.

"Look at him go!" Figment remarked.

"Indeed! That's a really good jump." said Dreamfinder. "Uh-oh!"

          Because of that jump, the runner was gone. But unlike the runner's uplifting maneuver, neither Rachel, Figment nor Dreamfinder could jump over the blockade like he did. In a flash the blockade surrounded the trio with their weapons pointed at them. The trio had no choice but to raise their hands in surrender.

          The police were not exactly human, but real living beings made of metal! Robots! Their eyes glowed red, their hands clenched in their firearms ready to shoot if either of their suspects takes one false step, they all stood in perfect formation like a circle with their victims caught in the middle. There was no escape.

"This is the Iyra City Police!" called one of the police guards, "Identify yourselves or we'll be forced to fire at will."

"Got any bright ideas, Dreamfinder?" Rachel mumbled through her throat.

"I'm thinking about it." said Dreamfinder.

"I'm scared." Figment whined.

"Don't be scared, Figment. We'll get out of this somehow with our imagination."

"Yeah, like that's going to help us right now." Rachel answered back.

"You saved me yesterday evening with your ability of flight." Dreamfinder said.

"Out of fear."

"And belief."

"Well I believe right now that we are about to get shot at by a bunch of robotic tin-headed police jerks!"

"Now is not the time to get all smart aleck!"

"Yeah, please no smarts at all right now." Figment whimpered.

"Okay, fine." Rachel quivered.

"Identify yourselves, suspects," the police robot said again and continued, "or we will be forced to shoot at will."

"What are you going to do with us?" Dreamfinder asked them.

"Report you to the Iyra City Secret Service for identification detection. All else is classified."

"Well that's thorough." Rachel remarked.

          As the police robots' eyes glowed brighter, they inched closer and closer to Dreamfinder, Rachel and Figment while keeping their artillery in hand aiming at them. Rachel felt the need to inch her back towards Dreamfinder's. Who could blame her for feeling this way when at least ten guns are pointed right at her face.

       Be brave, dear not let the fear overwhelm you...

          That same voice that Rachel heard on the Dream Machine and into her dreams sounded off in her mind again! Where is this person coming from, Rachel wondered. Why is that voice beckoning her? Now was not the time to be thinking of mystery voices. A much bigger problem is at hand. If the three of them won't do as they are told, it will be the end of their lives for them.

          Suddenly, a loud motor sounded in the air. Facing forward and behind the police guards, the Dream trio can see an automobile coming right towards them. A motorcycle with a sidecar is riding at them real fast. Behind the police there is a ramp unbeknownst to them. The rider of the motorcycle drove up and jumps off the ramp into the clearing of the police circle where Dreamfinder, Rachel and Figment stood in fright. They immediately scattered out of the way as the motorcycle landed down, twirled a little and screeched to a halt. The rider of the motorcycle warmed up its engine as his keen eyes focused solely on the intruding victims of the police force. That rider is the same kid who escaped from Hammy's Burgers with the food they cooked! You can tell by the food that sat in the sidecar.

"Get in!" the rider called out.

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