Chapter 4

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          Entering the cabin, Rachel finds Figment in the hallway where he is positioning the pictures and self-portraits on the wall to make them look presentable. Though his character can be topsy-turvy and whimsical Figment is not likely one to keep some things out of place. That apparently means home design as well.

"Hey Figment." Rachel called, "Dreamer's been calling for you. We're about to enter the next realm."

"Oh goody!" Figment cheered, "What are we waiting for? Let's go!"

          Figment dashes out the door to join with Dreamfinder bearing his own weight on his tiny little orange wings. Just as Rachel was about to follow him, she took notice of the pictures hanging on the wall. A lot of them showed sceneries of the different worlds Dreamfinder and Figment had journeyed to before she came along. There are also some old family portraits of Dreamfinder, his mother, and his siblings. Not much is shown of his father, though. The rest of them are pictures of Dreamfinder before his beard grew out all over his lower face and of him and Figment in selfies and funny poses. A few of them Rachel chuckled at until she looked at Dreamfinder's earlier portrait of himself. He looks so different compared to today and yet not so much; it's really the beard and his old glasses that makes the difference. Just like his eyes, the Dreamfinder's looks somehow seem to capture Rachel's attention. There is something interesting about him...something familiar.

          Remembering the reason for being there and finding Figment, Rachel snapped out of her concentration on the picture. She followed Figment back outside to Dreamfinder just in time for the Dream Machine to enter the next realm. With everyone altogether the teleportation can begin. Dreamfinder pushed, flipped and cranked every gear, button and switch he needed to operate with. His goggles are over his eyes readying himself to enter the realms between with his companions.

"You ready?" Dreamfinder asked.

"Yeah!" Figment exclaimed, "Do it, Dreamfinder!"

"If we must, then yes." Rachel smiled.

"Alright! Here we go!" Dreamfinder said excitedly.

          With his imagination he imagined a portal to open in front of them. And with a push forward on both levers, the Dream Machine is pushed into it. As it enters Rachel can see the tiny blue stars inside just as Dreamfinder had described the material that made her new necklace. She did not notice her hand firmly pressing onto Dreamfinder's shoulder, making him blush just the slightest. Not a single person in the world other than Dreamfinder and Figment ever gets to see this sort of thing happen in a lifetime's worth. If this is how Dreamfinder brought her too these realms then this is definitely something Rachel is going to have to get used to.

          With the candy land realm being just a speck of light behind them, the group of three travels through the realms in between. The tiny blue stars twinkled in everyone's eyes like colored LED lights at a rock concert. In a place in position of hyperspace like in Star Wars films they race to their newest destination no knowing where they may end up. The tiny blue stars past swiftly by them, as shooting stars would sail through the night sky. Something like this is hard not to smile at. The smile on Rachel's face had grown bigger than it had ever been in a long time. They all look so precious and fragile yet they come at them as if they are made of meteor rock and steel covered in fire ready to bash into anything in its way.

          The necklace Dreamfinder gave Rachel began to glow. It recognizes the materials it's made out of. As it kept on glowing, it then starts floating! Figment took notice of the floating necklace and jumped back behind Dreamfinder.

"Dreamfinder, look!" Figment pointed at Rachel's necklace.

          Dreamfinder turned his head to Rachel and smiled. He figured something like this was going to happen the minute he gave the necklace to Rachel like it was destiny.

"What's it doing?" Figment whispered in Dreamfinder's ear.

"She's dreaming." Dreamfinder replied to Figment, hoping Rachel wouldn't hear him, "Possibilities are entering her mind right now."

"That's a good thing, right?"

"Need you ask?" Dreamfinder smirked.

          The tiny blue stars passing by also have some of them enter through the vacuum. Rachel watches this happen. In an instant she becomes curious as to what happens to those little stars when it gets sucked in. Then she felt a little shake beneath her feet. She didn't expect that to happen, but Dreamfinder and Figment did.

"Why are those stars going into the vacuum?" Rachel asked.

"It's the Dream Machine, Rachel." Dreamfinder replied, "It takes in any kind of material that would spark the imagination: ideas, colors, sounds, objects, anything! And when that material goes into the vacuum, the Dream Machine shakes up a bit, the material gets processed, and at the back of the ship there is a plaid airbag called the 'idea bag' where newly made inventions come out and are born ready to be put to use."

          Hearing this, Rachel watches the blue stars enter the vacuum again and then follows the vacuum to the back of the Dream Machine. Figment goes after Rachel watching her curiosity grow immensely as she ran. They both arrive at the idea bag as the tiny blue stars are turned into lightly colored orbs falling behind glowing its brightness in the void of darkness.

"Well those look a bit surreal." Rachel stated, "What do you suppose they actually turn into?"

"Who knows?" said Figment, "I heard Dreamfinder once say that those blue stars that get turned into those orbs are often headed to people with bright minds. He learned it from young people who imagined those orbs lighting up in their heads the minute they thought up of new ideas."

          Then Rachel realized something. All of those blue stars, the orbs and what Figment just said somehow adds up altogether. Anything that goes into the vacuum and comes out becomes new things, and in this case the blue stars become glowing orbs that venture off the a future person's little sparks.

"Sparks..." Rachel realized, "We all have sparks, imaginations. That's how our minds create creations. For they can make, our wildest dreams come true. Those magic sparks, in me and you. It's just like the song! The blue stars. They are all sparks! These sparks come into the vacuum, the vacuum creates creations for the young minds, and everyone's wildest dreams come true when they reach inspiration and then that makes imagination come to life."

"Wowie-WOW! I never thought of that and I'm imaginary!" Figment laughed in delight, "That's a real great idea! I can't wait to tell Dreamfinder what you said."

          Figment flew away back to Dreamfinder leaving Rachel at the back of the Dream Machine. He is so excited with Rachel's discovery that the scales on his body began to sparkle as bright as those blue stars. Anything Figment doesn't know but hears it for the first time always makes him jump. As Figment tells Dreamfinder what Rachel said, even he became surprised at what she said. I couldn't have said it better myself, Dreamfinder thought to himself, understanding completely what Rachel had meant. It seems that the necklace is working wonders for her. But there's still a long way to go for Rachel. Her adventure is just beginning.

          But Dreamfinder is going to have to compliment Rachel's discovery later for they are about to enter the next new realm. Shining like the sun the exit way out of the realms in between came closer and closer. Feeling the light crawl up on her back, Rachel turns around and gets blinded by it. She runs back to Dreamfinder's side with Figment already there. Attracted by the light of the oncoming world soon to be at their feet the Dream Machine streams towards bringing its three riders there with it. And then in the light they are all consumed in.

          In this light Rachel, Figment and Dreamfinder are all welcomed with vast warmth. It coddled them all like warm blankets wrapped around while sitting by a fireplace. It's a wonderful feeling to Rachel. Not once in her life has ever felt this way for her life was lived very coldly by a traumatic childhood. For once, that coldness could not reach her. At least for a while it cannot.

          This new world opened to the three friends that same morning. Compared to Earth and the Candy land, however, this place is a lot more twisted in its own exotic and whimsical ways. In fact, it's nothing like home at all but more wonderful and uncommon to human eyes. This new world points to the sky with its light maroon colored jagged mountains. Rivers of pink fall from those mountains flowing through its blue and lightly yellow green-grassed plains where creatures nearby come to drink. The inhabitants that live there, in comparison to the animals back home, are mixed with three of more different species instead of one or two. The trees that grow are of metal coils with pink petals sprouting at the top end. There are also larger trees that grow more fur in blue and lavender purple than regular leaves of green, orange, yellow or red. Its trunks, however, are colored in those four colors but instead of wooden roots they look more like a bird's talons. And if all that doesn't strike as weird, then it should be very hard to make that argument when you look at the source of its light. Both the sun and the moon are one starlit planet with one side of it to be full of fire while the other is dark like an eclipse, the closest to the moon anyone could get.

          Entering this world brought a spark in Rachel's eyes that she could not believe a place like this could be possible to see. And yet it is. She leaned forward far wanting to get closer to touch this new place she did not notice her hands are pressing down onto Dreamfinder's shoulders. His shoulders were beginning to hurt yet he chuckled to himself of Rachel's new amazement.

"Oomph! Easy Rachel." Dreamfinder said while getting flattened, "We'll be landing in a moment."

"Oh sorry. I'm just excited." Rachel said shyly.

"That's okay. Now we just need to find a good landing spot."

          Figment, after all three of them have searched for a spot to land the Dream Machine, pointed down below, "There's a spot!"

          The dragon pointed at a rock that provided enough shade from the strangely formed sun and moon planet. It is also close enough to reach the pink river if it should be safe enough for consumption or swimming. This should be a good spot to park the Dream Machine for a while. With the right coordinates, Dreamfinder carefully lowers the airship down to that location. Knees shaking, Rachel is feeling reckless ever so ready to step foot into this new land. A feeling like this is like taking the first step onto the moon she knows of from back home.

          Continuing down, Rachel had an idea of her own to preserve this new memory. With her imagination her new necklace glowed blue. In her hands appeared a vintage classic Polaroid camera with a light blue exterior and a built in video camera to switch into if she wants to take videos instead of just pictures. Excitedly she began taking aerial viewed pictures of the new land. In a humorous tone, Figment photo-bombed a couple of her photos as if posing as a fashion model.

"Silly!" Rachel smiled at Figment. To show she was a good sport about it, Rachel gave the photo bombed pictures to the little dragon for him to keep.

"Thanks!" Figment said.

          Finally, Dreamfinder lands the Dream Machine safely to the ground. With everything turned off for the airship cool and regain its dream power energy, the three of them geared themselves up ready to start their new adventure in this new world.

Finished first, Dreamfinder called, "Time to explore!"

          He jumped off the Dream Machine with Rachel and Figment following him. Every door in the cabin is locked up as well as the controls to power the Dream Machine. No one can get in nor could they take the ship without having either one of those three around. With the sun moon's glowing light, its light-turquoise colored sky and glittery purple clouds greeted the three dreaming adventurers. Everything looks so much bigger close up especially the coiled trees. Seeing enough of this place makes Rachel want to run; just run and keep on running! Though she didn't want to give Dreamfinder and Figment a hard time finding her since neither one of them have any idea of where this is or how to navigate there.

"What is this place?" Rachel asked out loud.

"I don't know." said Dreamfinder, "I looks real marvelous, though."

"Wheee! I can't wait to see what there is in this place!" Figment said who is just as excited just as the other two are.

          Figment, unable to contain himself, zigzagged across the plain ahead of his friends. There is so much to see and so much to know about. The farther Figment flew the more excited he gets to see what this world has in store for them.

"Figment! Wait!" Rachel called out.

"He'll be fine." said Dreamfinder with confidence, "We can catch up to him or he can just fly back to us. In the meantime, Rachel, let's look around."

"Alright. Lead the way."

          So Dreamfinder and the girl walk away from the Dream Machine on their own hoping to catch up to Figment as well as see something new. Along the way they see the creatures that live nearby. One of them is mighty peculiar. It has the head of a male antelope, condor wings as red as a cardinal with talons for hands, and a single human foot for a leg.

"What kind of animal do you suppose is that?" Rachel asked while taking a picture of those creatures.

"Strange is what I would say." Dreamfinder replied, and then looking across the pink river he continued, "They seem to travel together in flocks."

"Amazing! I wonder what kind of grass they're eating out of." Rachel knelt down to the ground and took a strand of it. Normal grass would be green and taste like...well, grass. Smelling it and then tasting the blue strand, Rachel becomes astonished.

"Mint." she says, "The grass is mint flavored!"

          Then Dreamfinder pulls a piece off the ground and tastes it also. Smiling he says, "You're right! Real mint grass!"

          Looking at the plains, Rachel theories, "Each strand of this mint grass could be enough to make its own bottle of peppermint extract and be sold almost a million, maybe a billion a day! And look over there!"

          Rachel points towards the mountains where a stone bridge and two doors are structured between the large gap of one mountainside to another. Waterfalls of pink water ran down the sides of those doors and fell crashing down onto the stream that leads to the plains.

"A bridge?" Dreamfinder discovered.

"There must be some people living here." Rachel figured.

"Golly, how badly Fye would wish to see this." said Dreamfinder, remembering his old friend.

"How badly anyone would wish to see it is more like it. So who is Fye anyway?"

"A very dear old friend of Figment and me. When our adventure first began in our first dream realm, Figment and I were captured by sound sprites and taken as prisoners for 'having our audio off-key.' There we met Fye in the same cell. Sound sprites use their wings to turn sound sap from their, I guess you can call it, audio acreage and use that sap to create new things. Fye, however, became prisoner because everything he touched breaks into mush. The two of us, Fye and myself, we both related a lot and he became a very powerful and wonderful ally."

"Wait. Fye is a sprite? A real sprite?!"

"That's right. Though he was never able to make his wings able to create things, he used them for good things. Though we never really got a chance to talk about how he had lived while Figment and I were gone and after we last saw him at Scientifica-Lucidous in Floirda. I'll have to ask him when we return there."

"You mean he lives in Earth now?"

"Oh yes. When Figment and I returned to London he came with us. Years later, just by luck, we found the academy and in it Fye...and a giant golden statue of Figment and me." Dreamfinder blushed.

"Gold statue? Man, it's enough that you travel from realm to realm but to have a statue built for you? Sheesh!"

"You have no idea!" he laughed.

          Suddenly, the weird antelope birds began flying away in a frantic pace. Hopping on their one human foot they spread their wings to get away. They all crowed, squawked and cried as they flew towards the maroon colored mountains.

"Now what are they flying away from?" Dreamfinder asked.

          A growling a heard behind and only Rachel was able to hear it with her sensitive hearing. Cautiously she turned around. The sight of the growling source was enough to allow butterflies flutter in Rachel's stomach. She tapped Dreamfinder's shoulder hard and madly as if scared at what she's seeing. Dreamfinder turned around to what Rachel is seeing and gained the same scared expression.

          Behind them is a creature, no- a beast that's bigger than each one of them. It bore the head of an elephant with ebony tusks, sharp teeth and claws, the body of a gray tiger with a white tip on the end of his tail, and (strangely) red-violet edged butterfly wings. The butterfly wings seemed promising, I suppose, but everything else didn't look so friendly looking. The beast continued growling at Rachel and Dreamfinder as if they are prey. There is such thing as an omnivore, but when you mix an elephant head to a tiger's body it's hard to tell if this beast would actually eat meat or vegetation.

"Dreamer, what do we do?" Rachel whispered.

"Uhh...try to back away verrrrrry slowly." Dreamfinder whispered back, "Hopefully, it wouldn't notice us leaving."

"Dude! Elephants are intelligent, tigers are quick with their reflexes, and! Do you really think it wouldn't notice us leaving when it already notices us standing here?"

"Shh, hush! Let me think!"

          Dreamfinder carefully looks around them for an easy escape route to get away from...whatever that thing is. And then it hits him.

"Rachel, listen to me." Dreamfinder ordered in a whisper still, "behind us to our left there is a curly rock thing that serves as a bridge from here to the other side of the river. We've got to run to that rock, cross the river and, if it's flexible enough, pull one of those trees back, let it go and it will whack that thing to the ground. Did you get that?"

"Yeah." she whispered.

"On my signal. And...NOW!"

          The two friends start sprinting to that curly rock by the river. The beast, who transitioned from growling to roaring, took off after them. Rachel and Dreamfinder are pretty fast, but the beast is much faster. Just like Figment did earlier, the two of them started zigzagging to avoid close reaches from the beast. They arrive to the curly rock and begin climbing. Dreamfinder is a pretty good climber, but Rachel is pretty slow at it as well as frightened to figure out which step to take next before the beast gets to her. Abruptly, her foot slips off of a small ledge and she falls. But Dreamfinder catches Rachel's arm just in time before the beast would plunge its tusks into her flesh. Arm in arm, they climb the curly rock and cross the river. The beast flew to the top of the rock with his butterfly wings. Its roar shook the ground with it anger aimed towards them. Chills are running up to both Rachel and Dreamfinder's spines as the beast roars so loudly. Hiding behind the nearest coil tree they watch the beast make itself ready to pounce at them. Time is at the essence. They pull down the coil tree far back to the point where the pink petals touched the ground. But just as Dreamfinder and Rachel are about to let the tree go and whack the beast down, a furry being fell down from the petals.

"Ow!" the furry thing said in its little girl voice.

"Ah! What is that?" Rachel screamed.

"Rachel, focus! It's coming!" Dreamfinder screamed, too.

          The beast pounces off the rock and flew the rest of the way across the river ready to charge an aerial attack on its soon-to-be victims. And once it did, Rachel and Dreamfinder lets go of the tree. The tree catapulted from their side to the beast unaware of the tree's maneuver. Smack down it crashes onto the beast knocking it silly.

"Whew! We did it!" Dreamfinder exclaimed.

"YES!" Rachel cheered, "That was awesome! Scary, but awesome!"

"W-What are you?!" the little furry being cried.

          Dreamfinder and Rachel, astounded to hear that it speaks English, turned their attention from the beast to the little brown furry thing. It, or she since its voice sounds more of a little girl's voice, covered with hair and fur from head to toe. She is clothed in rags with her bare feet and bare forearms. The only places that are not covered in hair and fur are the forearms and the eyes. She even has a tail like a bobcat's. She is just about half of Rachel's height (Rachel is about 5'7). Frightened and helpless, she cringed down fearing these two strange creatures are going to hurt her.

"How did you find me? Who sent you?" she cried more.

"Umm...nobody." Rachel answered, "We didn't know you were up there."

"Are you okay?" Dreamfinder asked calmly, reaching his hand to touch her arm.

"DON'T TOUCH ME!" the girl screamed, "Please...please don't hurt me. You shouldn't be near me."

"Why not?" Dreamfinder asked her again.

          Then in the distance, a faint sound of men's voices rose. Everyone turned to the direction the voices are coming from. They sounded like men shouting as if going to war.

"They are coming! We have to get away now!" the furry girl shouted.

"They? They, who?" Rachel asked the girl to be specific.

"Hey look!" Dreamfinder said, pointing out to an incoming crowd.

          Only it's not exactly just a crowd, but an angry mob. It's an angry mob of warriors, older and stronger looking, of the little girl's kind. They carry spears, clubs and shields for weapons as if they are ready for battle. Those furry warriors are coming closer and closer as their chants grow louder and louder. The little furry girl started running away from Dreamfinder and Rachel. That mob must be what she is talking about. They must be chasing her, but for what reason? Rachel and Dreamfinder just stood there not knowing what to do. Ultimately, the mob of warriors reached the two of them reaching their spears out and pointed at Rachel and Dreamfinder's necks. The other half of the mob cornered the little girl at a distinct looking tree; the tree with the talon-rooted feet. There the warriors caught her with their nets. The girl screamed in terror wanting so badly to get away, but the net is made out of solid steel. It's way to heavy for a little girl her age to carry or even lift with their pinky finger.

"NO! NO! LET ME GO! LET ME GO!" the girl shrieked.


"SILENCE!" said the largest warrior of the group pointing his spear closer to Rachel's neck. He must be the chief captain of those warriors. "What are these things?" he asked.

"We're...We're humans." Dreamfinder said, "I am Dreamfinder and this is Rachel. Is that little girl yours?"

"Hoo-mans?" one of the warriors tried to pronounce, "Strange name for unknown species."

"What are you supposed to be?" Rachel asked the chief.

"We are the Woosoes." said the chief, "That child does not belong to us but to our prison cells. Just as you two will be suppose our king and our god are not in a good mood."

"And he thinks 'humans' are a strange name for species." Rachel thought to herself.

"Then lead us to them if they must see us." Dreamfinder ordered.

"Dreamer! What are you doing?" Rachel shouted.

"ENOUGH!" the chief shouted, "We take you to our king and god now. Now move!"

          Pointing their spears at their backs, the two newcomers have no choice but to follow the Woosoes. They begin walking with the warriors leading the way. At least twenty of them in total while five of them carried the poor little furry girl in her steel netted cage. She couldn't help but sob at this predicament. Rachel turned her head to that poor girl feeling sorry this is happening to her and not doing anything about it. It's not like Rachel could do it anyway considering she and Dreamfinder are hopelessly outnumbered.

"What was that all about?" Rachel said to Dreamfinder.

"What?" Dreamfinder said dumbfounded.

"'Lead us to them if they must see us.' Are you trying to get us killed or thrown into their dungeon?"

"Rachel, if we meet with these people I'm sure there is but a misunderstanding that can be mended. Besides, I've been through this type of situation before."

"Did they believe what you had to say?" she asked.

"No." he answered, "They wouldn't even listen to our side of the story. We ended up having to escape with our lives and away from them as far as possible."

"...Oh, sweet Lord in Heaven!" she shouted in whisper with irritation, "Where is Figment? He should be helping us."

"Hopefully in a safer area than we are."

"Hush up!" the chief shouted, "Keep moving!"

          The Woosoes takes Rachel, Dreamfinder, and the little furry girl to the bottom edge of the mountain range where the pinks waterfalls crash down. To Rachel and Dreamfinder, the place they stopped at looked more like the side of the mountain, but that is not what the Woosoes believe. What it really is a door and inside that door would be where the rest of the Woosoes clan would be living. The chief captain stepped up to the door and called out at the door in a language unknown to Rachel and Dreamfinder. And then, with a little shake on the ground, the doors are opened by two more Wooso warriors who guarded them. Inside there is a staircase going up. The Woosoes forces Rachel and Dreamfinder to climb up those stairs with them. And so they did. There must be at least three hundred steps to get to the top. If Rachel had a choice to either walk up there or imagine herself flying to the top, she'd obviously choose to fly.

          Finally reaching the top of the staircase, with Rachel and Dreamfinder's knees and legs shaking with exhaustion, they find a hole on the wall with torchlights of green fire hanging on each side. Inside that hole there is a slide that goes downward deep into the heart of the mountain. Urging Rachel and Dreamfinder to take the slide, the chief captain had his warriors point their spears and clubs at their "guest's" backs. What choice do they really have? None.

          One of the Woosoes goes down the slide first, then Dreamfinder, Rachel, the little furry girl in her steel net, and then the rest of the Wooso warriors. Like a roller coaster they slid and sped down the slide. This is definitely something Figment would enjoy doing just as he did back the D23 expo. Through tunnels and chutes they all accelerated down like a small line of ants channeling through their tunnels. Up ahead there is a dim light lit at the end of the tunnel slide. The chief captain shot out of the exit first. Then Dreamfinder came out and waited for Rachel to come out next. When she did, he caught her in his arms.

          With Rachel in Dreamfinder's arms their eyes met. Somehow Rachel's eyes seemed mesmerized by Dreamfinder's blue eyes. And vice versa for Dreamfinder. He nearly smiled at her. She nearly blushed at him. Even though they haven't known each other for very long, Rachel is always feeling a warmness coming from Dreamfinder's arms each time he holds her. What is this feeling?

"Are you okay?" Dreamfinder asked calmly.

"Yeah." Rachel uttered.

          The little furry girl's screaming from behind them interrupted the staring contest between Rachel and Dreamfinder. The chief captain pushed them aside to catch the little girl. The little furry girl came out and dropped into the chief captain's arms as well as his mercy. He dragged her away from the slide and from Rachel and Dreamfinder. They can see her cringing and crying as the dirt ground scrapes the little furry girl's forearms and feet, almost bleeding.

          The room Rachel, Dreamfinder, the little furry girl, the chief captain, and the rest of the Wooso warriors are in is the throne room of the royal Wooso clan. Sitting on the throne made of dried mud and stone is the king. He's as short as the little furry girl when crouched forward with fur all over but the feet and forearms, clothed in a red cloak with white fluffy edges, bushy eyebrows, a golden crown and scepter, and the biggest frown Rachel and Dreamfinder has ever seen. He is not one happy dude. And he doesn't look any happier when he sees the little furry girl flung at his feet in that steel net. The king stood up from his throne and walked slowly to her. He stared at the little furry girl coldly like she is nothing but trash reeking in his presence. But his attention is now averted to the two strange beings in front of him. Creatures like Rachel and Dreamfinder are nothing like what he has seen before in his life.

"Chief!" the king shouted in a gruffly rasped voice, "Who and what are these things standing in my throne room."

"They claim to be a species called 'heu-mans,' your majesty. One of them is Rachel and the other...Peeheinie."

          Rachel felt the need to burst into laughter, but she could not laugh but slightly chuckle. Peeheinie. That's the funniest name she's ever heard. Even some of the other Woosoes began to giggle at the name. At least Rachel's name was pronounced correctly.

"'s Dreamfinder  to you, good sir." Dreamfinder corrected, "Anyways, Rachel and I and another one of our friends are travelers and-"

"Another friend?" the king interrupted, "How many are you?"

"Just three, your majesty. Our friend flew off without us. We are all explorers from a different world who travel with the power of our imagination."



"Seriously, you guys have never heard of imagination?" Rachel scoffed, "They are pictures that appear in your mind once in a while. That's where ideas come from: imagination and dreams."

"Ah! Is that what your people call it?" the king realized with question, "We, the Woosoes, have always called them trick-pics."

"That's an interesting way to call it." said Dreamfinder.

"Now where do you come from exactly?" the king asked.

"Umm...we come from the planet Earth where millions of us humans and other creatures flourish." Dreamfinder replied.

"I see. Then I guess it would be pointless for us to lock you up and wage war upon your realm considering there is so many of you and so little of us here. Then again..." the king gripped his scepter tightly.

          Dreamfinder and Rachel didn't say another word. There is a bad feeling running inside them that this guy is planning on taking over the world and they are the ones who spilt the beans about them. They gulped, both of them did. They do not like the looks of this.

But then the king said, "However, due to recent events, it is now not up to me to decide the good of our people but up to our god. BRING HIM FORTH, MY BROTHERS! BRING FORTH OUR GOD!"

          Two of the Wooso guards came into the throne room carrying a palanquin with poles attached on each side. All of the Woosoes bowed down to their god coming to bless them with its presence. Rachel and Dreamfinder are forced to kneel at the god's entrance. Reluctantly, they did. The person sitting on the palanquin in between the guards sat comfortably in luxury. When the guards came in, Dreamfinder and Rachel became shocked.

"Oh you have GOT to be kidding me!" Rachel shouted.

          The being sitting on the palanquin looked so familiar to the two explorers. I'll give you a hint: big yellow eyes, orange horns and wings, crocodile nose, and purple scales.

Who is it? That's right......Figment.

One Little Spark: Part 1जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें