Chapter 9

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          Down at the foot of the mountain where the Dram Machine is parked, the Wooso crowd gathered for their farewells to their visitors. The half sun is shining high at noon, brightening up for the new dawn of a better reigning kingdom filled with both peace and imagination. With Flora as the new queen of Fillidore, she is free from her father's control and able to let her people believe whatever they want to believe. Ruling a kingdom is definitely going to take a lot of work. However, with all the support of her people, the staff in the royal house, and her three friends from Earth, she feels she has nothing to worry about anymore; at least for now.

          Now that the Woosoes are free and Flora takes the throne, it's time for Dreamfinder and his companions, who is no longer wearing any mineral paste or Wooso hair on their arms and faces, to continue forth on their adventure to find Spaceship Earth. It saddens all the Woosoes very much to see them leave but they knew they were going sooner or later. Especially since neither Rachel, Dreamfinder or Figment are immortals. Standing between her people and her foreign friends with the Dream Machine, Flora begins to say her heartfelt goodbyes.

"Rachel, Dreamfinder, and Figment." Flora began, "You will come back again sometime, will you?"

"Of course!" said Figment, "We'll even bring back some nifty stuff for you to see, if you like."

"That would be wonderful!"

"I believe it is safe to say that with you ruling Fillidore now, the Woosoes will be a lot happier with their new free thinking." said Dreamfinder, "And all that free thinking will come great improvements towards your civilization, I assure you."

"And you are welcome to return anytime you want to see it." said Flora happily.

"Flora," Rachel came in, kneeling down at Flora's height while Dreamfinder and Figment stood, "I have siblings back home who have supported me through harsh times against my parents. You and I, we come from two different families with the same personalities we had to live through all of our lives. Seeing you and me working together to get you where you are now, I consider you now as a little sister to me. And I will miss you terribly."

"I'll miss you, too, Rachel." Flora said, nearly crying, "If it weren't for you, your loving care for my well being and your strive to get me where I am today, I would never have gone this far in my young life. There are many more words in my mind I want to say about how truly grateful I am for what all you three have done for me, but I actually thought of another way." Letting go of Rachel's hands and calling on a couple Wooso warriors, she continued, "On behalf of the entire Wooso population expressing our gratitude for your heroism, I have proposed to have the term 'imagination' be put in our dictionaries and to have a statue of all of your likenesses be built at the center of our market place and in the royal hall so we may all remember your great deeds and pass the story on to future generations of our people."

          The warriors brought to them an image of what the statue would look like. Rachel, holding the shield she imagined up and used to bash with and rescue Dreamfinder, would be standing in front with Dreamfinder and Figment standing behind her. The statue would be made with copper, since gold and silver don't seem to be found anywhere in Fillidore, and stand on a stone carved pedestal. And on that pedestal there will be a plaque saying:

                  In dedication to Figment, Peeheinie and Rachel,
                  for whom we greatly appreciate for their bravery, intellect,
                  integrity and artistry in saving our kingdom from lack of
                  innovation and cultural loss.

"Wowie-wowie-wow-wow-wow!" Figment exclaimed, "That's great!"

"Cool!" Rachel also exclaimed in awe.

"Absolutely- ...wait. Did you spell my name to Peeheinie again?" Dreamfinder noticed.

          Rachel and Figment had to chuckle at that name again. It has become too funny to let Dreamfinder live it down.

"That is your name, is it?" said Frank, one of the Wooso warriors who guarded the dungeon before.

"No, It's Dreamfinder. Dream! Finder! One word!"

"Easy, Dreamer." said Rachel, trying to withstand her laughter, "Deep breaths."

"I told you!" said Denny the other Wooso warrior who also guarded the dungeon, "I said that it's Dreamfinder, not Peeheinie!"

"No you didn't!" said Frank, "You said that it's Peeheinie! You're the one who wrote it on the paper!"

"Did not!"

"Did too!"

"Did not!"

"Did too!"

"Oh yeah?" Denny yelled.

"Yeah!" Frank yelled back.



"Guards! Guards!" Flora interrupted, "We can fix that. Just scratch out 'Peeheinie' and put in 'Dreamfinder.' Simple as that."

"Yes, your majesty." both the warriors groaned.

"This is all such a great honor! Thank you very much!" said Dreamfinder.

"It is our pleasure." said Flora, holding up her hand to Rachel, "High five."

"High five." Rachel smiled, receiving Flora's high five, "Thank you so much. This really means a lot coming from all of you. Especially you, Flora."

"Again, it is my pleasure."

"Hey, let's take a self portrait of us four!"

          Everyone gathered around, Dreamfinder, Rachel, Figment and Flora together. Rachel takes out her Polaroid camera and aims the front of it at her and her friends. Click! She snaps a couple photos; one for Rachel and one for Flora to remember her, Dreamfinder and Figment by. Souvenirs to prove their friendship is intact as well as those different realms with different kinds of people are real. With pictures like these, it would put the belief of aliens and unidentified flying objects (UFO) by human suspicions to shame.

          The two girls hug one another. A person on Earth or Fillidore would hardly believe a sisterly friendship like this could form light years away from each other's worlds. Apparently, both a human and a Woosette have beaten this kind of odd. Letting go, Rachel turned to the Dream Machine and hopped onboard with Figment, after giving hugs to Flora as well, following her. As Dreamfinder finished saying his goodbyes to the Woosoes, he turned to board the airship. But before he got on, he was stopped by a swift grab on the sleeve of his pants by Flora.

"Master Dreamfinder," Flora began, "I need you to do me this huge favor."

"Of course. Anything!" Dreamfinder agreed.

"When Rachel came to the prison to see me, she said that I'm worth something to live in the existing world, but not her. That worthlessness is not what I see in her. Please help her believe in that."

"I will. I promise you."

"Thank you."

"Hey Peeheinie! Let's get going!" Rachel teased aloud receiving a small pout in return.

          After a short hug between the dreamer and the new queen, Dreamfinder took his seat in the pilot's chair. With his imagination, he made the Dream Machine start afloat. It rose higher and higher off the ground leaving the Woosoes below shouting and waving their farewells. The three friends returned their farewells as well, waving their goodbyes. The only Wooso Rachel kept her eyes on was Flora. She kept getting smaller from up above to higher she, Dreamfinder and Figment flew. She lost sight of Flora and the Woosoes when Dreamfinder opened another portal and drove the Dream Machine inside.

Goodbye Fillidore and goodbye to Flora as she said these last few words.

One Little Spark: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now