Chapter 18

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          Crizwalke reloads another bullet in his gun and aims it directly at Alex next. Álvaro hears the gun click. He immediately covers Alex with one of his wings and ducks the young Katkin toward his chest for protection. His teeth clenches with rage as did his fists. His eyes looked as if they going to pop out with fury. Álvaro is none too happy.

"You fool!" Álvaro shouted. "Don't you realize what you have done?"

"I see it." said Crizwalke. "I know what I did. That will teach him to vandalize political property."

"You monster!" Rachel screamed.

"Have you no heart?" Dreamfinder shouted.

"Forget it, guys." Alex growled. "He's already sold his soul for more money and power."

"Interesting way of describing me, cat boy." Crizwalke sneered. "What's the harm anyway other than your brother being dead? Just another life lost like all people loses when the time comes for death to claim them."

"You don't understand, Crizwalke!" Rachel shouted. "This is a hazardous crime you are doing to the people of Iyrilia. Simply killing your 50,000th victim will be like casting a giant flood over they city, literally! And if Ron here dies from that bullet you just shot at him, this whole place is going to blow with blood!"

"Are you going to fall for that stupid legend, little lady?"

"Again with the little lady crap..." she growled quietly.

"Crizwalke, don't you realize that if Ron dies and that blood destroys everything in the Iyrilia, you won't have any people to govern or terrorize anymore?" Figment logically asked.

"Indeed!" Dreamfinder yelled. "You're only destroying everyone to gain false superiority without what you would call 'reward.'"

"So what if the city crumbles?" said Crizwalke. "There's a reason why I shut down the gondola lift a long time ago. Even if this silly prophecy is true, which I doubt, I will safely place myself into a full proof shield I had built right here at the top of the Twisted Peek Mountain and all natural life down below will perish, leaving my robots the only people to survive for me to control."

"Why are you doing this?" Rachel yells.

"Yeah, and more importantly: why are you so stupid?" Alex barks.

"Part of my nature, I suppose, except for the stupid part." Crizwalke said. "If anyone was stupid, it would have to be my brother Ted. And all he had to do was listen to me, but he wouldn't so he's out of office permanently."

"Governor Ted? You killed Governor Ted? YOU KILLED YOUR OWN BROTHER?"

"Haven't you read your fairytales, boy? Brothers have rivalries. They always do! Teddy was never willing to take advantage of the possibilities we could get for the city. I simply had to take charge of office for him. So how can your relationship with your brother be any different? No, don't tell me! I know what it is: it's because he believes in you and you believe in him. That is so cliché. So naïve."

"Call it what you want, but that has always been my son of A VIXEN!"

          Alex runs out of Álvaro's protective wing and charges at Crizwalke. As Crizwalke begins to point his gun at Alex this time, Dreamfinder charges after Alex and the governor. The young Katkin screams his cat-like cry as he jumps onto Crizwalke, making the governor miss his shot and shooting that bullet towards the air. He scratches and claws Crizwalke's fat face with his hidden claws, natural one unlike the custom claws from Ron's vest.

          The Dreamfinder, however, attempts to grab Alex away from the governor but got caught N-1354 by the neck instead. The robot chokes Dreamfinder and slashes a small cut on his face until Dreamfinder began to turn blue. Figment and Rachel come after the robot to save their dream-fulfilling friend. They each take a sturdy rock and whack the robot's red glass eyes blinding it and malfunctioning its circuit wires in its head. The glass on both eyes broke easily, but that only made the robot's head spin vigorously. And with that N-1354 whacks Figment away to where Álvaro stands with Ron in his arms, while Rachel has been tossed away nearly being knocked out senseless. Sparks come flying out of its own neck landing onto Dreamfinder's beard. The young inventor, fuming with anger at the sight of his friends getting hurt, quickly takes out one of his screwdrivers and stabs N-1354, pulling it down between its eyes. He then pulls the screwdriver back out and stabs it again onto the arm that is connecting the robot to choking Dreamfinder. The arm breaks off from the screwdriver and N-1354's claw lets go of Dreamfinder's neck.

          The purple-pigmented dragon slowly gets up weakly. He couldn't help but notice that while Dreamfinder, Alex and Rachel are fighting against Crizwalke and N-1354, Álvaro and Ron are missing. His big yellow eyes searched the area until he finds Álvaro carrying Ron away. But why?

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