Chapter 30

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  "Wait. This is it?" Rachel asks, squeamishly.

"You bet it is!" Dreamfinder exclaims excitedly. "This is the university Figment and I have been telling you about!"

"Oh, my God. No."

"Wowie-wow-wow! It looks even better than I remember." Figment shouts happily.

"The Academy Scientifica-Lucidus..." Alex gasps. "It's incredible! It's looks beyond anything I expected it to be!"

"That's because the last time we were here, we had just filled and energized the school with dream power." Dreamfinder said. "Now the academy is at its true glory!"

"Are you sure this is the place?" Rachel asks, as if she's trying to stall her friends for some reason. " 'Cause now that I think about it, I think there's one in...uh...Cambridge! Yeah, Cambridge! Oh, or even better: Seattle! I mean, look at that big needle they got over there, right? Or what about the location in London you mentioned earlier? Let's go there! I love London!"

"Rachel," Dreamfinder chuckles, "this is the place we were meant to come to, the London location moved here to Florida, and we just got here!"

"Come on! What are we waiting for?" Figment cheers. "Let's go!"

          Figment flies off ahead of the others towards the academy in a frenzy with his two tiny wings fluttering and carrying him as fast as they can go. His excitement in returning to the academy where his first adventure with Dreamfinder into the modern world, our modern world, had previously taken place. Alex and Dreamfinder's nerves are beginning to build up to the point of bursting. They cannot wait another moment longer to arrive at their destination.

"Let's go, Alex!" Dreamfinder says, as he jumps out of the bushes to follow his purple friend.

"This rules!" Alex shouts. He jumps out of the bush with Dreamfinder, leaving Rachel behind alone.

"Come on, Rachel!"

"You guys go on ahead!" Rachel shouts from behind the bushes. "I'll just stay here and watch the Dream Machine until you get back."

"No way!" Dreamfinder shouts back, turning around and runs back to Rachel. "You'll miss out on all the incredible things they have in there."

"You mean all the other stuff we just did together was not incredible enough?"


"Look, Dreamfinder. For some reason, I don't feel comfortable going in there. It's"


          Rachel couldn't say another word. Not yet. Her mind is buzzing with ideas on what to tell Dreamfinder. She has her reasons not to go, but how can she tell him that knowing he will just take her along anyway? She knows that will happen. But how to tell him without making him worry is the problem. And who could ever ruin such a face as Dreamfinder's that is beaming with excitement, eagerness and sunshine all wrapped up into one huge smile. It's smiles like those that make Rachel blush. And when she blushes, there's no way out of it, and that will only leave her completely exposed. It's like she is holding back on something, something she does not want to ruin the moment for Dreamfinder, her only kind friend who has taken her best interests, whatever they are, at heart. She has to say something.

"...It's like...going to a new school with no knowledge of what's here or there and...what's to know." Rachel answers. "I mean I may be smart for college, but not enough for universities like this. Granted that I've never heard universities this one before."

"So you're afraid that you showing up there will make you feel like some 'new student' who doesn't know what to do there?" Dreamfinder guesses.

"...Yeah, let's go with that."

"Oh, Rachel." Dreamfinder takes Rachel's hands to his heart and continues. "First of all, I know you're smart. I've seen it all throughout every one of our adventures together. It was your intelligence that's helped us get out of a lot of trouble and I definitely thank you for all of that. And second, other than the fact that the London location is now here in Florida, this is the university I graduated from! I became a professor and inventor under the college's name and, in London, I began my journey into imagination with Figment using the Mesmonic Converter contraption I invented. Without all that and Figment, I would have never realized my true purpose in becoming the Dreamfinder. And you and I would never have met."


"Rachel...this academy has played a major role in my life and I want to show it to you. Please?"

          That did it. The look that Rachel sees in Dreamfinder is too much for her to back away from. She takes a look at the Academy Scientifica-Lucidus once more. For some reason, the imagery of the two giant glass pyramids at its best is making her uneasy, as beautiful as it looks. Especially when one sees a rainbow run right through it. It doesn't look like a bad place, but why think of it that way. Rachel takes another look back at Dreamfinder. She can see his big blue dilating eyes pleading her to answer "yes." It's almost enough for Rachel to cry a little, at the very least shed a tear. She looks down at her hands, enveloped and warmed up by Dreamfinder's white-gloved ones. Although she does not realize why it was necessary for him to take them into his own, she can see how badly he wants to show her a piece of his life. How can she say "no" to that? Rachel gently squeezes Dreamfinder's hand tighter and responds to his plea.

"Okay." Rachel whispers in a shy tone.

"Okay!" Dreamfinder repeats with glee. "Shall we?"

"If we must." she sighs.

"Great! I can't wait to show you!"

          Dreamfinder grabs onto Rachel's wrist and pulls her with him in an instant sprint towards the college. This sudden action has made Rachel's back hunch over and crack a little on her lower spine like she was snapped like a twig. Her eyes widen with the anticipation she is being dragged into out of Dreamfinder's excitement. She now sees how much this place means to him, especially with the fact that Dreamfinder and Figment have traveled a hundred years across time into the 21st century. The Scientifica-Lucidus is like a second home to the duo. To Dreamfinder, it was the place where he began his career as an inventor turned Dreamfinder. To Figment, in London at least, the academy was his birthplace. And now Alex Wavers is about to be given his chance to follow his new mentor's footsteps and shape his own image learning in the academy. It's a wonder why Rachel is not so excited about going there.

          Fast across the grass, Dreamfinder and Rachel catch up to Figment and Alex to the entrance of the academy. They pass a couple of students walking by as they enter through the main doors and into the glass pyramids. Inside, Both Rachel and Alex's jaws drop in awe at the sight of a large golden statue towering high above them. What's even more shocking is what the statue is of. The distinctions in this statue are very similar to some very familiar people. The large of the two people has a shorter beard, smaller mustache and a top hat. The smaller one looks exactly like Figment as it crawls around the larger one's shoulders with crocodile snout smiling big.

"Huh. You look good in gold." Rachel says to Dreamfinder and Figment.

"Whoa! You guys have your own statue?" Alex asks in shock.

"Yep!" Figment answers with pride. "After we defeated the Articulate Army that nearly took over London here on Earth, the academy made a giant statue in memory of us."

"Except back then, I hadn't fully grown out my beard yet." Dreamfinder chuckles as he strokes his ginger-brown beard.

"I think you look better with a shorter beard, actually." Rachel smirks.


"What? I'm kidding! You look good either way."

"Thank you."

"So this is what the inside looks like?" Alex says. "I'm so excited! Where do we start?"

"Whoa-whoa! Easy, Alex! We have to see Chairman Auckley and settle things with him before he can enroll you."

"Aww! Okay. If it will get me in."

          Suddenly, a bursts of outcries from some of the students fill the entrance hall shouting "Hey everyone! Dreamfinder and Figment are back!" With no hesitation an army of Scientifica-Lucidus students swarm out from behind walls, down the glass-walled stairs and out of classroom doors like bees coming out of a hive. Behind and at their sides, a swarm of strange creatures of mixed familiar animal varieties come crawling, running and/or flying with them. One is a giant flying blue turtle with a green shell, another a purple dolphin with a couple pink stripes, a blue long-haired tail, and large wings spanning a length of an average man's arm, and a yellow canary colored lion-bodied, horse-headed being with bird wings. And those are only three out of hundreds more that are roaming around the Academy! They gather around the statue in a large crowd heading straight for their supposed heroes cheering and shouting their names in praise.

"Whoa! Here comes your fan club!" Rachel remarks.

"Wow! Were we gone for that long again?" Figment exclaims.

"Probably not, Figment." said Dreamfinder. "I recognize a few faces here. I can imagine us being gone for at least a month or two."

"Whoa! Look at them all!" Alex shouts with excitement.

"Those weird creatures with them...are they imaginary friends, too?!" Rachel asks loudly.

"Yep! Every one of them!" says Figment. "Which means more and more imaginary friends for me to play with!"

"Hey, where are the animal students?" Alex asks. "Aren't there any anthro-animals attending here like Iyrilia?"

", Alex." said Dreamfinder. "There aren't. All of the intelligent life here on Earth are more or less humans. With one exception, of course."

"Dreamfinder! Figment!" shouts a voice out of nowhere.

          The distinct shouting of Dreamfinder and Figment's names had come from up from the stairway to the second floor. The person who had shouted is a very peculiar looking person at fact. His skin is as blue as the glass in the academy that is reflected by the blue sky above. His ears are pointed upward like arrows. His head is mostly bald with the exception of a small clump of long white hair stripped down to the left side of his cheek. He is well dressed in a light blue shade that you'd see on a Crayola colored pencil with a much bluer dress vest inside the jacket and an orange bow to contrast it. The pants he wears that match the jacket are not stretching all the way down to his ankles, which reveals the large and bare blue feet he has. His wrinkled face makes the strange person look grim and, perhaps, melancholy, but the smile he has on his face shows a sign to the four guests and the students how friendly he can be.

"Welcome back!" shout the mysterious person.

"Fye!" Figment calls out. He flies up to Fye above the crowd of students as Fye pursues to make it down the stairs to greet his old friends. The purple dragon gives a big hug to his blue friend and says, "Long time, no see, ol' buddy!"

"Likewise, Figment my friend. Likewise." says the mysterious person, whose name is Fye.

          The students scoot back towards the short glass walls of the staircase, letting Fye and Figment pass through. As they continue down the stairs, each student they pass by gives Figment a friendly pat in the back, resulting to Figment returning to them a series of giggles and chuckles. He then flies over the crowd and back to Dreamfinder, Rachel and Alex, particularly to Dreamfinder's side. Then Fye finally steps off the staircase and walks up to Dreamfinder and his group, awaiting the oh-so-friendly greeting they have always shared since Dreamfinder and Figment's first appearance into the 21st century.

"Dreamfinder!" Fye speaks.

"Oh Fye, my old friend!" Dreamfinder exclaims. "It's so good to see you again!"

"It's always good of you to come back to the Academy. How goes your journeys through imagination?"

"More incredible with each world we come across." Dreamfinder then turns to Rachel and Alex and says, "Rachel, Alex, I'd like to introduce to you a very dear friend of Figment's and mine: Fye."

"So, this is the 'Famous Fye' Dreamfinder has been telling me about?" said Rachel with enthusiasm. "Are you really a sprite?"

"I am, indeed, Ms. Rachel." said Fye with a giggle. "I've come from a distant world that Dreamfinder had conjured up with his imagination a long time ago and returned to Earth with them in time to saving the world from total chaos. After Dreamfinder and Figment had disappeared, I took residence in the Academy Scientifica-Lucidus and became a professor as soon as the school had moved form London to the United States."

"Nice! But, that was over a hundred years ago and you're still here. How old do sprites live up to anyway?"

"A very long time. Unlike humans, we sprites have a slower aging process that allows us to live for many centuries. But alas, I am the only sprite living here on Earth."

"Oh, I'm sorry."

"Don't be! I'm very happy with my life here. What I was unable to do at my old Sound Acreage home, I do here now."

"That's right!" Rachel exclaims. "Dreamfinder has told me earlier about how your wings wouldn't let make objects like the other sprites do. Do you still have your wings?"

"Yes, I do." said Fye. "But I haven't flown with then in a long time. My apparent old age has been preventing me from doing this again. Plus, it hides them from any suspicious people believing I'm some sort of alien, which I might as well be."

"I wouldn't think you're an alien, Fye. Different, maybe, but not an alien."

"You are kind, Ms. Rachel, thank you. And who is this young lad here?"

"This is Alex Wavers, Fye." Dreamfinder says. "We've brought him here from another world of imagination in hopes that we can get him enrolled here in the Academy."

"Really? That sounds wonderful!" Fye extends his hand out to shake Alex's and says, "Pleased to meet you, Alex."

"It's nice to meet you, Mr. Fye." Alex Wavers, returning the handshake. "I hope get accepted here into the Academy and learn whatever there is about science and engineering."

"And why is that, young Alex?"

"Ever since I was a young Katkin (that's the name of my species), my brother and I wanted to make our home a better place for our people to live in. In the past, our city has been in a horrible dictatorship by one of our governors. That is, up until Dreamfinder, Figment and Rachel all showed up and helped us take our city back to its former glory. My brother and I both dreamed of going to school together once the mayhem in our city had finally passed. Unfortunately, he died trying to save us from whatever disaster we were going to have. Being accepted here will mean a lot to me because I'm not just doing it for me, I'm doing it for my brother, too. I want to help my home a better place while also honoring my brother's memory."

"That's very noble of you, Alex." said Fye. "From one foreign entity to another, I would personally love to have you attend our Academy Scientifica-Lucidus, but..."

"You can't?"

"It's not up to me to decide who gets to attend here or not. That is up to Chairman Auckley to decide. I can show you all to his office, if you like. And perhaps maybe give you a tour of the Academy."

"That would be awesome! Let's go!"

"Wonderful! Right this way. Figment, Dreamfinder, would you two like to join us?"

"Yippee!" Figment cheers.

"Of course, Fye." said Dreamfinder, happily. "How about it Rachel?"

"..." Rachel says nothing. Her eyes stare up towards the second floor with the rest of her face as blank and pale as a white sheet of paper. At this rate, not even a fold or a crease could draw her attention back. Still, the sound of Dreamfinder's voice is enough to get her back.


"Huh? Oh yeah! Sure. Let's go." Rachel mumbles.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine! Lead the way, Fye."

"With pleasure, Ms. Rachel. Follow me."

          Ignoring the cries and confused mumbling of the super cheerful students crowding around them, Dreamfinder and his group begin following their old friend, mostly "old friend" in the case of Dreamfinder and Figment knowing the old sprite longer, towards Chairman Auckley's office. Around them, the whole academy looks like they have entered an ocean of blue everywhere around them. The coronal light reflecting through the windows illuminate the academy, casting shadows behinds the inner walls of the interior facing it. For any new student starting here at the Academy, the entire campus would seem like a maze seeing as how it would be hard to get around. For Dreamfinder and Figment, visiting the new Florida location only since the last time they were there would still be new for them. For one, it's not as familiar to them as the location in London was. And second, staying there for only two or three days, added with the events of the Doubtfinder's almost-certain takeover, has not been enough for them to memorize the locations of which and what classes are being taught there. Thankfully, with Fye still in the role as a professor after all these years their tour of the new Academy won't seem as hard to get around as it could.

          Alex's eyes grow big at the sight of everything Fye shows him. The grin on his face grows wider with each classroom they pass by, many of them teaching basic technology, biology, astro physics, the whole works of advanced technology! Most of which even Dreamfinder finds incredibly finds hard to believe. The young Katkin then feels a sudden urge to race away from the group and squeal at every room ahead of them. His legs shake and bend vigorously, ready to jump at every moment he gets when he sees a new incredible spectacle. He may as well be put on a leash.

          Rachel, on the other hand, is still feeling a little queasy about the surrounding area of the Academy. Though the atmosphere of it may look very warm and welcoming with its bright students and intelligent staff coming together, there is something off that, apparently, only Rachel can feel. The nerves inside her arms quiver with a growing fear building up inside. Her only comforts are watching Figment dancing and fluttering in the air to his excitement and standing close to Dreamfinder. She nearly jumps at a random moment and feels tempted to cling onto Dreamfinder's arms. Now Rachel begins to sweat through her forehead. It might be from the Florida heat and humidity. Or is it?

"Are you okay, Rachel?" Dreamfinder asks with a concerned tone in his voice.

"Huh? Oh yeah, why?" Rachel asks back in a feint tone.

"You're sweating a little."

"I am?"


"It...must be the air. I've been in Florida before, actually. I've just forgotten how hot and humid it is here."

"Rachel, it's air conditioned in here." Dreamfinder points out.

"Really? I hardly noticed." Rachel said, as she sweats far worse than before.

"Rach...I don't believe you."


"Rachel, I think you'd better stay close to me for a little while. I am responsible for your well being."

"I...alright, fine." she sighs with defeat.

          Dreamfinder wraps an arm around Rachel's shoulder and gently pulls her to his side with a gently, but firmly grasped hand. He is determined not to let Rachel fall so long the heat doesn't make her faint. Despite this, Rachel's cheeks begin to blush. Her eyes dilate a little at they dart left and right quickly. At least Figment, Fye and Alex are not noticing this happening, but the embarrassment is building up with all the students glaring at them as they pass by. It wouldn't be so embarrassing if the Dreamfinder wasn't Dreamfinder. Dreamfinder the inspiration of generations of Academy Scientifica-Lucidus students, Dreamfinder the Savior of London, Dreamfinder the Emancipator of Imagination, and so forth. Because of Figment and Dreamfinder's heroic deeds that took place in 1910 and in their recent events in dealing with the Doubtfinder, their fame and legacy has been implanted in the Academy's history, which means that all of the students who easily recognize their two heroes can imagine that with Rachel at his side, Dreamfinder may just as well have a new girlfriend.

"Uh, Dreamfinder?"

"Yes, Rachel?" Dreamfinder replies.

"I think the students are staring at us." Rachel points out.

"Why do you think that?"

"I don't know. Maybe it's because they're getting the idea of us being a couple."

          Dreamfinder looks about the surroundings and sees what Rachel sees. All the students coming towards them are beginning to show blushing cheeks and giggles of mushy bashfulness. His mind clicks onto the discomfort Rachel must be feeling.

"I get what you mean, Rachel," Dreamfinder grunts at her side, "but I don't—"

"Look, Dreamfinder! Thanks loads, but I'm fine! Really! I can walk." Rachel removes herself from her host's side and speeds walks ahead.

          Upon reaching the corner to catch up with the others, a young girl runs up and accidentally bumps into Rachel, landing them both to their behinds with a thud. Like all of the students, this girl is dressed in the mandatory uniform of a ladies gray suit and skirt, white socks and skirt, black shoes, and a red tie. The strange thing about this girl is she looks a lot younger compared to the rest of the students. Behind her is a strange orange tabby cat-like creature with two tiny bat-dragon-like wings, green eyes and a feathery finned tail. It flies to the girl at the moment of the collision and flutters its wings at her side.

"Oh my gosh! Are you okay?" Rachel says.

"Ow! Yeah, I'm fine." said the little girl as she is being brought up to her feet by her friend.

"Bumpity bay, glad you're okay!" the little cat dragon rhymed to his relief.

"I am so sorry!" said Rachel with guilt. "I didn't realize you were behind the corner."

"It's alright. I'm still trying to get used to this place myself."

"That makes two of us."

"Yay, two! Count me in, too!" the cat dragon exclaims.

"Whoa! What the heck is that?"

"This is Spark." the girl says. "He's my imaginary friend."

"Whoop-dee-do! Pleased to meet you!" the cat dragon speaks.

"Rachel, are you okay?"

          Hearing the thud, Dreamfinder turns the corner and comes rushing behind Rachel. His forelegs coming up against her back with his feet stomping loudly as he ran. Rachel is still sitting down from the crash. From her head down to her bottom, she is about as tall as Dreamfinder's legs. He crouches down behind Rachel, grabs onto her arms and lifts them to her feet.

"Thanks, Dreamer. I'm fine." said Rachel.

"Good, I hate to see you or anyone get hurt.." said Dreamfinder with relief.

"Ah! Uncle Dreamfinder!" the girl shouts.

"Oh, Capri! Spark! Hello!"

"You're back! You're back! You're back! You're back! You're back!"

          The girl, whose name is Capri, swiftly rushes past Rachel with her arms spread out wide and hugs Dreamfinder tightly. Dreamfinder, returning the hug, chuckles loudly as he feels this happy embrace coming from Capri. Rachel, who has taken this by surprise, continues standing there confused at this event. Especially when she sees Dreamfinder kiss the girl on the cheek. Other than the golden statue up front, the assumption of the students at the Academy Scientifica-Lucidus seeing both Dreamfinder and Figment as their heroes are becoming far more and more likely.

"Oh, Capri! It's so good to see you again!" Dreamfinder exclaims.

"I missed you so much, Uncle Dreamfinder!" Capri shouts.

"Uncle Dreamfinder?!" Rachel shouts.

"Uh...who's your girlfriend here?"


"Oh, I'm sorry!" Dreamfinder bounces back. "Capri, this is Rachel, our new traveling companion. Rachel, this is Capri, my niece."

"Your NIECE!" Rachel exclaims with shock.

"Well, technically I'm his great-great-great grandniece." Capri points out.


"Yes, Rachel. Remember, I told you I came from the early twentieth century." Dreamfinder reminded.

"Twentieth...oh right! Born in ninetieth, left at twentieth."

"Dreamfinder? Where are you?" Figment calls out.

          Figment comes flying around the corner with Alex and Fye running behind him. He, too, turns around the corner but doesn't bump into Dreamfinder or Rachel. His big yellow eyes widen with great excitement at the sight of Capri and Spark standing with Dreamfinder and Rachel he has his tiny orange wings flap vigorously, making him speed between the inner gap of his friends' group circle. Fye, trying to keep up, begins panting heavily due to his old age. His ankles start shaking over his large blue feet and he's having a hard time firmly placing the bottom end of his cane to support his aging body. Alex, on the other hand, while trying to keep himself by Fye's side, makes for a small sprint toward Dreamfinder and Rachel with Figment.

          The Katkin's eyes suddenly turn towards Capri's direction. Her glowing Caucasian and reddish pink-freckled face beaming in the sunlight with her long and braided ginger hair hanging down in pigtail form, along with her smile and white teeth brightened and glistening like a glacier in the Arctic. Alex also notices how green Capri's eyes are like the lush jungle leaves that naturally grow outside of Iyrilia. He couldn't make out what the deal is with the weird flying orange "Katkin" at her side, but his full on focus had gone straight towards Dreamfinder's niece.

"Figment!" Capri cheers, as she gives Figment a big hug like with her uncle.

"Capri!" Figment exclaims. "How are you doing?"

"I'm doing awesome, Figment! I missed you!"

"I missed you, too! Hey Spark!"

"Howdy-doo! Great to see you!" said Spark with his big Cheshire Cat grin.

"Uh...hi." Alex greets Capri with a blushing forming in his cheeks underneath his glowing yellow fur with a little smirk of embarrassment. "I'm...I'm Alex Wavers."

"Whoa, cool!" Capri shouts in awe. "Figment, Uncle Dreamfinder, you've brought home a cat man from another world?!"

" man?"

"Capri, Spark, this is Alex Wavers." Dreamfinder introduces with a smile. "He wants to enroll in the Academy, too. Alex, this is my niece and her imaginary friend."

"So awesome! So cool!" Capri tenses.

"Skiddlely-dee, how fun that will be!" Spark rhymes.

"That is, if the Chairman will allow him to stay." Fye points out. "I'm sure he will."

"Niece?" Alex asks dumbfounded. "Well...uh, it's...easy to see where you get your looks from...and enthusiasm."

"Yeah, well, we ARE a couple generations apart." said Capri.

"What? A couple...generations...apart?"

"I'll explain it to you in a bit." Figment says. "It's a lo-o-o-o-ong story."

"You'd better explain it soon, Figment, because I'm starting to get a little befuddled here." said Rachel with her brown eyes streaking back and forth from Dreamfinder to Capri and back.

"Alex, shall we go see the Chairman now?" Fye asks.

"Yeah, in a bit." Alex smiles still, finding it hard to look away from Capri. But then he snaps, "I mean, yeah! Yeah, let's go!"

          Alex runs off away from Capri and back to Fye's side. They both turn from the group and start leaving towards the Chairman's office. The expression on Capri's face looks both confused and flattered at the same time. She has both of her hands behind her back and lifts herself to her tiptoes to the top of Spark's head. Now Capri is starting to blush as well.

"Capri?" Dreamfinder speaks. "Capri."

"Earth to Capri!" Rachel teases. "Dreamfinder just said your name."

"Can I take a message?"

"Capri!" Dreamfinder exclaims with a loud hearty laugh.


"You like Alex!" Figment reveals.

"I'm beginning to." Capri admits. "He is a foreign life form that should be greeted with friendship and good acts of kindness. That's all."

"A good act of kindness involving making kissy faces for him in your head?" Rachel jokes.

"No! I'm gonna go to class now. Goodbye!"

"No, no, Capri! Come back!" Dreamfinder calls as he tries to hold in the giggling. "We were just having a little fun. I'm actually happy you're starting to feel for someone."

"Like you are?"

"Oh!" Figment reacts.

"It's adjourned! You just got burned!" Spark concludes.

"Spark!" Dreamfinder shouts.

"Wow! I am LOVING this little guy!" Rachel laughs. "So uh, does he only speak in rhyme? Or does he say other things, too?"

"No, just rhymes." said Capri.

"I love to rhyme! I helps to pass the time." Spark says happily.

"Uh-huh." Rachel grunts.

"How's your mother doing, Capri?" Dreamfinder asks.

"She's doing good." said Capri in an excited tone. "Things haven't really been the same since the last time you two came here; as in 'not been the same, but for the better' kind of not the same. Now that we both have our own imaginary friends, everything we do is now four times fun and whenever we want to talk on our own time we can always count on either mine or her imaginary friends to chat with."

"I'm glad. For all you've done to help me and Figment, you deserve to have your own imaginary friend brought to life."

" 'All that she's done?' What did she do?" Rachel asks.

"Another long story. We'll explain later." said Figment.

"Why is everything a long story?"

"Hey, I don't know what my mom will say, but if you guys want I'd love to have you spend the night at my house after school." Capri offers.

"Yay! Sleepover!" Figment cheers.

"Easy, Figment." Dreamfinder says, putting an arm in front of Figment. "Seeing as how we're family, we'd be happy to stay. But only if your mother allows it."

"I'll give her a call right now..." Capri agrees, "...after class, I'd better get going!"

"We'd better not wait, or we'll be late!" Spark again rhymes on cue.

"Okay, Capri. We'll let you go for now." said Dreamfinder.

"Okay! See you outside at the front after school?" Capri suggests.

"Alright." As Capri starts running off in excitement with Spark flying by her side, Dreamfinder then runs up to her and calls out, "Capri, wait!"


"I'm...I'm proud of you. For all you've done for Figment and me a year ago and for how well you're achieving here in the Academy, I couldn't be more happy and proud to be your uncle."

"...EEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! OMYGOSH! OMYGOSH! OMYGOSH! OMYGOSH! I LOVE YOU!" Capri squeals as she jumps up and down happily. She instantly grabs a huge hug from her uncle, squeezing him real tightly. Her loud giggling echoes throughout the hallways, revealing the shrieks of her excitement.

"Whoa! Okay, little lady. I love you, too." Dreamfinder says, returning the hug and providing a kiss on Capri's ginger head. "We'll see you later."

" 'Kay! Bye!"

"Bye, Capri! Bye, Spark!" Figment shouts.

          Capri and Spark start running off towards one of the classrooms, leaving her uncle and his dragon friend behind. Her feet are stomping loudly as fast as she is running. Her pigtail braids are flying in the air behind her, her backpack bouncing with every step she makes, and her smile is big with great enthusiasm. As they disappear from the group's view, Dreamfinder lets out a nice smile, chuckling to himself.

"Capri sounds really cool." said Rachel.

"Yes, she's a sweet girl." Dreamfinder chuckles. "I wish I'd know which one of my siblings is it her family came from."

"You have siblings?"

"Five. I'm the eldest of the six."

"Nice. Hey, where did Alex and Fye go?" Rachel asks.

"They said they were going to the Chairman's office." answered Figment.

"Oh right, where is that?"

"It's this way."

          Figment flies off ahead of Dreamfinder and Rachel giddy as a kipper with his wings fluttering in a rapid pace. The two of them start running after him. They all go together making sharp turns and nearly running over more students and their imaginary friends. Almost all the walls around them look exactly the same with their light blue colors. The only difference is that about half of the building inside the Academy are geometrically in a cube or rectangular shape, while the half are either in arches, cylinder pillars, and in balconies. The exterior looks awesome enough, Rachel thought, despite her queasiness in being here, but the interior looks even more impressive!

          Finally, Figment stops in front of a brown door with a golden handle and a glass window. The letters on the door are painted "Austin Auckley—Chairman." Inside that door, Chairman Auckley should be behind his desk talking with Alex Wavers about his possible future in the Academy Scientifica-Lucidus with Fye beside him. Dreamfinder gently knocks the glass on the door. A voice from inside shouts, "Come in, it's open!" The Dreamfinder turns the handle and opens the door. He enters the room first, then Figment and Rachel. They find an African-American man dressed in a fine olive-green dress suit and orange tie sitting behind his desk with Fye beside him. A name card is set to the left side of the desk saying "Chairman Auckley." Alex Wavers is sitting right across from him and Fye. His arms are tense with excitement as they shoot down with his hands on his knees. His tail is curled around one of the legs behind his chair. But Alex doesn't notice Dreamfinder, Figment or Rachel because he is completely focused on the shocked expression on the Chairman's face.

"Oh good, you've found us!" said Fye.

"Hello, Fye." Dreamfinder greets. "Chairman Auckley?"

          There wasn't a response. The Chairman is just sitting there with his jaw open and his arms and hands shaking themselves numb. The irises in his brown eyes have shrunken tiny at the sight of the Katkin sitting right across from him. The facts have become clear enough that no one, not even Chairman Auckley, has even seen someone like Alex before.

"Chairman?" Figment says, breaking the silence.

"I...I..." the Chairman stuttered.

" he okay, Fye?" Rachel asks.

"Let's just say Chairman Auckley is seeing a unique quality in Mr. Wavers here." Fye replied.

"So in other words, the interview hasn't even started. Which means we're just in time!"

"Chairman Auckley, are you okay?" Dreamfinder speaks out.

"You don't look so good." said Figment as he waves his arm in front of the Chairman's face, hoping to snap the Chairman back to his senses. "You look a little pale."

"I..." the Chairman stutters again.

"Let me try." Rachel intervenes. She walks up to the front of the Chairman's desk, looks at him in the eye and says, "Sorry, Chairman." In an instant, she gives a big wallop to his face, leaving a much redder spot on his face from the slap.

"RACHEL!" Dreamfinder shrieks. "WHAT THE HECK?!"

"Wha-what happened?" the Chairman clicks back.

"Oh good! You're back!" Rachel says, happily.

"Rachel, what did I tell you about doing something like this?" Dreamfinder shouts angrily.

"You told me not yell at Figment. I just brought him back to Earth."


"You what?" the Chairman yells.

"Why do you think I said sorry to him before I did it?"

"Are you even sorry?" Dreamfinder asks in frustration.

"Hey! Can we get back to the subject at matter here?" Figment interrupts.

"Fine. We'll talk about this later, Rachel."

"Sure." Rachel agrees.

"Uhh...okay." Auckley speaks dumbfounded. "uh-it's good to see you again, Dreamfinder, Figment. And who is this? The one that 'slapped' me?"

"Rachel. It's nice to you, sir. Sorry about the slapping."

"Since you're a friend of Dreamfinder and Figment's, you're lucky I don't call security."

"Thank you."

"Ri-i-i-i-i-i-ight...and who and what is this person sitting across from me?"

"My name is Alex Wavers, Mr. Chairman." said Alex. "I'm a Katkin from the world of Iyrilia where Dreamfinder, Rachel and Figment found me at. They brought me here to help me enroll for a seat in the Academy."

"Oh! You-you want to attend here."

"That's right. I'm a hard worker, I am self-taught, I enjoy helping others, and my strongest field is building advanced technology, calculus and statistics."

"That's...that's great! H-have you just graduated from a high school or a previous college in Iyla?"

"Iyrilia., I haven't. The economy at home was pretty corrupt and it prevented me from attending any college. All of the middle and lower classes were really getting sucked dry of our wealth and all of the students in the schools were selected only because they supported the governor we all hated."


"It's true!" Dreamfinder intervenes. "Iyrilia was in terrible trouble and it was Alex's intelligence, strategy and mechanics that helped saved the city."

"Yeah, and I almost died falling down a thousand foot skyscraper after the governor dropped me from the penthouse." Rachel adds.

"I almost got choked by a bigger Katkin like him with wings." said Figment. "But we made up and became friends afterwards."

"Very well." Chairman Auckley says. "So...Alex. What exactly do see yourself wanting to do in your career?"

"I want to build advanced household appliances and build airplanes that could help the Iyrilian military to protect my country. And seeing as how nice America is from what I've seen so far, I would gladly give my service to helping this country stay safe and efficient."

Suddenly a knock on the door is heard.

"Come in!" the Chairman calls out. "Now Alex, why did you choose to enroll in the Academy Scientifica-Lucidus?"

          A man walks into the room. His short dirty-blonde hair curls upward, he looks like he is in his early forties in age, and under his white pharmacist coat is a gray dress suit with black tie with golden spots. The expression in his face shows that he is moping when he isn't smiling. Otherwise, the smiles he would show make him look far more pleasant.

"You've sent for me, Mr. Chairman?" the man said.

          All of a sudden, Rachel's eyes grow big and her irises contract with fear. There is something about that voice that has made her nerves get the jitters. The temperature in her blood begins to drop dramatically. Her hands and her knees are shaking terribly from the inside. Her whole figure is frozen stiff to where she is starting to become numb at every fiber of her being. For whatever reason, the sound of that voice makes her want to jump out the window. But maybe her mind is playing tricks on her. It could be a different man with a familiar voice. To be sure, Rachel quickly turns her head around and sees the man who has just walking in behind Dreamfinder and Figment. Sure enough, whoever this man is, he's making Rachel start to make real fast, short breaths. She jumps a little and quickly hides half of herself behind Dreamfinder.

"Oh my God..." Rachel gasps to herself.

"Oh, I'm sorry." said the man. "I didn't know you were having a meeting."

"No, no, it's quite alright." said the Chairman. "Dreamfinder, Figment, I never got a chance last time to introduce to our Principal Scientist and Head of Laboratories...Dr. Nigel Channing."

"No..." Rachel gasps again.

"Oh! Well, it's a pleasure to meet you, Dr. Channing." Dreamfinder said, shaking Channing's hand.

"Hello, hello, hello!" Figment cheers.

"The pleasure is all mine, believe me." said Dr. Channing, showing a grin on his face. "All mine."

          The sight of Dr. Channing's smile seems to have caught an easiness in everyone except one person: Rachel. Her short breaths are becoming slightly louder than before. The mere presence of this man is really making this girl uncomfortable. She takes a few steps back towards Chairman Auckley's desk and next to Alex. Whatever her problem is, she had hoped in her mind that she would have never seen this man again.

One Little Spark: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now