Chapter 33

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          Around the corner, Yuna finds her long lost sister walking through the hall. Runa is just arriving at her classroom door for her next subject, carrying her sketchbook and colored pencils over her chest and in her arms. Yuna peeks behind the corner in her human form watching her sister walk a familiar looking walk. She walks just like mother used to walk, Yuna thought to herself. She has her mother's beauty and her father's eyes. She's about half a foot shorter than Yuna is. Everything Yuna can see in her would only seem completely unreal to Runa. If Runa opens that door and enters her class, Yuna may never get the chance to go and talk to her suppose Rachel and her friends finish up what they're doing elsewhere.

          Taking a deep breath, Yuna walks out from the corner and slowly approaches Runa. Her hair is dewing with sweat, her lips are quivering without notice, and she has her hands rubbing together uncontrollably. The only things that are making continue forth are her legs as if they each have a mind of their own. Still, Yuna is determined to keep calm with the most positive attitude she can make.

"E-excuse me?" said Yuna in attempts to keep a straight face.

"Huh? Oh, hello!" said Runa, enthusiastically. "Where'd you come from?"

"Outside...I'm observing the academy. I feel that I may sign up and attend here."

"Oh, that's great! You'll love it here! The teachers here really know a lot more than most professors outside do and the students here are really nice! And you can't even imagine how incredible our events are when we showcase our projects. You'll get a lot of recognition that way for your career plan."

"I surely hope so."


"What is it?"

"I love your hair! And your dress is beautiful!" Runa compliments in a kindly embarrassed tone.

"Oh, thank you!" Yuna giggles. "You look beautiful, too! And your hair is gorgeous! Is it natural?"

"Since birth, I suppose. Thank you!"

"So...what class are you taking right now?"

"Statistics. Not really my strong suit, but it's interesting all the same."


" look somewhat familiar." Runa comments with a squint in her eyes. "Have I seen you before?"

"I...I should hope so, actually...I'm—" Yuna starts, but gets cut off at the sound of the door opening and a student calling out.

"Hey Runa, class is about to begin." said the student, holding the door open. "You coming in?"

"Yeah, I'm coming." said Runa. As the door closes, she turns back to Yuna only to find that she's disappeared entirely.

          What a queer woman, Runa thought. One minute she was talking to another woman, and then for a split she turns her head and returns to no one in front of her. She didn't even get to ask the stranger's name. Seeing how she doesn't have enough time to think or search about for this person, Runa quickly turns around for the classroom door. Upon holding onto the doorknob, a small slip of paper brushed under her chin. She looks down and notices a small folded-up paper sticking out of her sketchbook. Strange, she thought, that wasn't there before. She pulls out the paper from the book and unfolds it. Inside is a note written in a delicate, but precise font. It says:

"Forgive me, my dear sister. I wish I could tell you everything that has happened. Right now, I must help Rachel find her path in life. I hope to see you again someday soon in peace to catch up. All my love, Yuna."

"Yuna?" said Runa to her confusion.

          But then it occurred to her. She quickly opens her sketchbook and rapidly flips through the pages to a certain picture she has drawn. When she finds the picture she was looking for, she sees an attempted, but not finished colored drawing similar-looking to Yuna. That was the moment Runa began to understand. The strange woman Runa had just talked to is her sister! And of all times, she's come to see her in good health! Runa quickly jerks her head around searching frantically for her supposed sister, hoping to finally get some answers of her past. But there is no one here. With a defeated faith beginning to build up inside her, Runa turns away from the hallway, enters the classroom, and closes the door. But just before the last creek of the door is pulled shut, Runa suddenly hears a faint weeping around the corner. She believes it's her sister. If only her teacher could give her more time alone, but her education comes first, then her personal problems. Runa gently closes the door, hoping, but not receiving, one last look of her dear elder sister.

One Little Spark: Part 1Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant