Chapter 28

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"Just a couple items." said Hashama, Zahara's brother.

          Hashama and cousin Misushi have just been caught stealing items from Dreamfinder and his friends: his hat, goggles and pocket watch, Rachel's logbook and camera, and Figment's bunny slippers. Hearing Hashama admit that they have taken a "couple of items" has proven that Alex was not stealing anything, but retrieving them. And Zahara has made it clear of who the real culprits are.

"I thought it was bad enough that you take what we take back for yourselves, but what you have done is beyond what I've know of you." said Zahara in a strict tone.

"But Sis," Hashama argues, "we've been giving them the medical treatment for four days now. What we've taken should be payment enough."

"After all they have done for us? These four travelers are heroes! They have just ridden us of the greatest threat of our existence that has terrorized us since the beginning. That is far beyond more than payment enough. If anything, we should be paying them back. Healing Mr. Dreamfinder back to his health is the least we can do to thank them."

"Actually, it feels like it's a lot more than least on my end." said Dreamfinder.

"It's true they have helped us, cousin Zahara." Misushi interrupts. "But can't we at least keep one of them as a souvenir?"

"Absolutely not!" Zahara shouts.

"Actually...I think they can." Rachel counters.


"They can?" Dreamfinder said.

"Do you see this camera, Zahara?" Rachel asks as she holds up her camera. "With this and a click of a button, I can make an instant picture of anything I want. Including people."

"Are you suggesting we take picture of all of us and give it to them?" Alex guesses.

"It's better than nothing."


"Just makin' memories is all."

"Aw yeah! Taking pictures by the light of the sun!" Figment cheers, pulling out a pair of sunglasses over his eyes.

"That's not a bad idea." Dreamfinder agrees.

"So you are okay with giving them something." Zahara asks.

"Well I wasn't happy with having all of our stuff stolen, number one. But since I'm personally feeling generous enough to give back after all you have done for us and especially to me, I figure a picture of all of us together may be worthwhile to your liking. After all, precious memories are far more valuable than any other treasure. Priceless even. The more memories you cherish, the longer they last throughout your lifetime. Believe me, I know."

"That was so beautiful!" Figment sniffed. "Waaaaaaaaahhhh!"

"Easy, Figment." said Alex, giving Figment a pat on his shoulder. "There's no use crying over...well, there's no use crying."

"Personally, after what just happened, I hardly believe that we deserve such a nice contribution. Some of us anyway." Zahara said, turning her crude tone towards Hashama and Misushi who cringed their shoulders a little with guilt. In a softer tone, she says as her head turns back to everyone else, "But since you've done us a huge favor, we will be glad to do what you want. Like I've said, we're forever in your debts."

"Does that mean 'picture time?' " Figment asks, emphasizing his excitement.



"As for you two," Zahara scowls at Hashama and Misushi, "when we're done with this 'picture time', I will see to it that the chief is to be informed of your crime against our guests and let him decide your punishment."

"Father? Please!" Hashama shouts. "You're beginning to soften up like he is right now!"

"Now?" Misushi started, "Uncle Daji has been a softie all of his life! He's never made any good decisions at all!"

"And to see Zahara turn into father, why am I not surprised?"

"That 'softie' has so made good decisions in his lifetime and all for the better!" Zahara exclaims. "The only reason you so shamelessly say that, regarding that the 'softie' is your father, too, and your uncle, is because he didn't choose the choices you two would normally make, which were clearly the bad ones! I am to become the leader of the Clan of Deshandjah when father's time is passed. And when that happens, you two will have to follow my orders and my decisions on the path of goodness. Otherwise, I will demote you both from your current job to something even less."

"Harsh." Rachel whistles.

"You cannot do this to us, Zahara!" Hashama shouts. "For one thing, Misushi and I are both older than you. And being older means we both still have the authority boss you around unless father says not to."

"Which we probably should remind Uncle Daji considering how you've wasted everyone's time healing this...whatever he is..." Misushi points out referring to Dreamfinder despite his condition, "and doing this without asking for authorization from either of us or Uncle Daji."

"Would father turn down a man in need of medical treatment?" Zahara asks through her breath. "Do you really believe that our father and leader would abandon these people in need of our help? The people who had defeated the Abiteth for us?"

"They are not so different from us two for one thing." Hashama remarks. "You've trained your entire life to fight the beast. These people just came in out of the blue, out of nowhere, and stole your destiny in trying to defeat it yourself! We could have done it ourselves if we wanted to. And now you'll never have that chance again!"

"So be it! At least we all don't have to live in fear any longer. And at the very least of all of that, because of them we get to live! If father had been against this whole idea of helping them after helping us in the first place, he would have told me otherwise immediately after I have made the command. For all of this I am proud of what I've done and you two should, too." Zahara then calls for the two hooded men and shouts, "You two! Take them away."

"What do you want us to do with them, Zahara?" asked one of the hooded men.

"Take them back to their tent and keep an eye on them until father and I return. I don't want to risk the chance of them trying to steal whatever else our guests have."

"As you wish." said the second hooded man. "Come along you two, you're coming with us."

          The hooded men grab hold of Hashama and Misushi's arms to the back and push them out of the tent and into the sun. When the last bit of the sunrays disappears as the curtain closes, Zahara's face soften with a deep breath of relief. She turns back to Dreamfinder, Alex, Figment and Rachel only to find them motionless in their position and staring at her in silence. Only Rachel, who watches Zahara with her eyes half-closed in remorse, was able to break it.

"Nice happy family." Rachel jokes.

"I apologize again for you having to witness that." said Zahara. "It did not come out the way I had hoped."

"I think you handled that quite well." said Figment.

"I agree." said Dreamfinder. "Standing up for yourself and for us like that was very brave of you."

"Thank you." said Zahara, trying to show a little smile. "Though they're right about one thing: I'm not the chieftess yet. My father is the chief. And being the youngest in my family, despite my arguments, I am not entitled to give orders to anyone in our clan just yet."

"The way you handled those guys, I'd say you're in need of an early inauguration." Alex teases.

"Considering my birth right, I ought to. I fear that there are more dangers lurking in the camp than what has just happened. Not Abiteth kind of danger, but still bad. Which is why, Dreamfinder, I insist you should get back to resting if you want the rest of that slop to come off completely."

"If you insist." said Dreamfinder with a shrug. "I must thank you again for your hospitality, though."

"It was my pleasure." replied Zahara with a smile and a small bow. "I shall take my leave now."

          As Alex and Figment help Dreamfinder lie back down onto his green satin carpet bed, Zahara walks up to the entrance of the tent. On the way, she stops in front of Rachel and looks at her with serious eyes. Their stares are locked tight. The brows on Zahara's head are set firmly at an incline. Straight and deep does her eyes look into Rachel's. It's as if Zahara has something to say to the human girl. At least that is what Rachel has come to believe.

"May I have a moment for with you outside, Rachel?" Zahara asks.

"Yeah...sure." Rachel said with uncertainty.

          The girls exit Dreamfinder's tent together. The hot desert heat greets them as it beats them down like a giant anvil of torridity. In an instant, a cascade of sweat comes running down on Rachel's forehead and cheeks. It's come to the point where it may be relevant if Rachel staying in the desert with her friends any longer she may finally die of heat stroke. As for Zahara, it's a wonder how she manages to survive in the desert with her fur over her skin. Perhaps she has short fur.

"You wanted to see me, Zahara?" Rachel asks.

"I wanted to ask you something." said Zahara. "Four days ago, when we found you, you had come into our world with no knowledge of our native language or culture whatsoever. And yet you were the only person who could speak it. How?"

" be honest, I don't even know how I was able to do that. Other than speaking English, or Falzimmeran in your case, and maybe be a bit rusty at speaking Spanish, I've never learned your language before. I can imagine that at my home, you'd be speaking something Middle Eastern like Arabic or whatever, but even then I wouldn't know how to say any of those languages either. I thought we were both speaking the language at first impression."

"This is strange. Have you considered believing that you may be something other-worldly of you own home?"

"You mean like an alien? No, I'm anything but an alien. That is, on Earth I'm not an alien. Look, I'm just as confused about this as you are. I don't know what else is there to explain it."

"Do you suppose it may have something to do with this imagination business your Dreamfinder was just telling me about?" Zahara asks.

" know. Now that I think about it, that might be the case." said Rachel with her eyes near astonishment of realization. She continues, "When you first spoke to us, I must have imagined myself speaking to you in your language thinking we'd already be communicating with my language."

"As unbelievable as it sounds, that is pretty fascinating. Your dream-traveling friends must have become a big influence for you."

"Yes...yes they are."

"Well then, if that is all of the answers I can get from you of this predicament I shall take my leave for now. My prayers and hopes that your Dreamfinder recovers completely by tomorrow."

"Likewise." said Rachel. "Not only for his health, but I'd like to get home as soon as immediately."

"You must really not enjoy the heat." Zahara guesses.

"Not at this temperature. Even the deserts at my home state are cooler than this. Not that I mean to insult you or anything."

"No need for apologies. Your home must be close to your heart as this desert world is close to mine."

"You'd think so."

"I'm sorry?"

"N-nothing! It's nothing."

"Well at any rate, I must return to my work with my clan. I will see you soon."


          With Zahara leaving Rachel behind, the human girl could not help watching her new friend off and think. This confusion of her newfound linguistic abilities being related to her imagination is beginning to wear her down, and for once, out of the entire month of searching the desert, it is beating her more than the heat.

"Be careful, Rachel." said the unexpected sound of Yuna's voice echoing in the necklace.

          Rachel jumps a small hop in shock. It seems that she begins to forget Yuna's presence even after a short while. Agreeing with Yuna to accompany Rachel in her travels with Dreamfinder and Figment has sealed the deal of Yuna not leaving her anytime soon. After all, she did help Rachel and the others survive the Abiteth's appetite.

"Is this going to become a regular thing with you, Yuna?" Rachel said in a pout. She managed to keep her voice down as low as possible to herself the embarrassment of staring eyes.

"If you continue to think too much, you might cause a brainstorm to appear...literally!" said Yuna.

"Brainstorm? What do you mean?"

"I'm talking about your imagination bringing in storm clouds raining water, lightning, and thunder. Enough water could make the whole desert mushy."

"Really, a real storm appearing just by imagining it out of the blue? Sweet! That's so cool!"


"Prevent the rain, no brainstorms. Got it."

One Little Spark: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now