Chapter 7

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          Returning to the bedroom with the bowl of water, Flora finds her new friends dressed up in the finest clothing the Woosoes ever did see. Dressed in silk and linen robes, the Woosoes glorified at their work. If the gods like it, perhaps they might bless them with good fortune. In the earth people's eyes, they would have mistaken the clothes as kimonos. They look like that as far as Dreamfinder is concerned mixed with the brown color you would see on a friar's outfit. Figment's outfit looks a little more of the long-tailed tuxedo pianists would wear when performing in a concert colored in yellow with red edgings. Finally, Rachel's dress looks a bit like an Indian style without any of her body parts exposed. No, not Native American Indian, but India Indian. Woosoes sure do have a weird sense of cross-fashions.

          Dreamfinder sees Rachel in her new dress and starts blushing again. She looks absolutely beautiful! The Woosoes really did a good job on her. Dreamfinder's outfit, however, made him look like he was wearing a clump of large steamed towels fresh out of the dryer. He even has to leave his hat behind since it didn't match well with the outfit, but he didn't mind about that. Having a good time and making sure King KaZing won't pull any tricks is what is most important. Looking at Rachel, almost staring, Dreamfinder couldn't stop looking at her. The way Rachel stood and how she was dressed nearly made him melt along with his heart.

"You look absolutely stunning, Rachel!" Dreamfinder complimented.

"You don't look so bad yourself." Rachel smirked.

"What about me?" Figment flew in between them, "Do I look handsome enough?"

"Ravishing, Figment!" Dreamfinder smiled greatly. To the Woosoes, he said, "Thank you very much, my friends. That will be enough for now. We will see you tonight." With that, the Woosoes left their gods in good spirits for doing a great service. When all the Woosoes but Flora have gone, he continued, "So are we ready?"

"I suppose so." said Rachel, "Now remember, we are keeping our eyes completely open for anything suspicious. Anything the king or any Wooso involved with him does can happen at any given time."

"Keep our eyes open?" Figment exclaimed, "I can do that! I'm the champion of keeping my eyes open for almost an hour!" Figment opens his eyes big and wide like how a cartoon character would show it on television. It looked kind of creepy for everyone else to look at, but it's not hard to laugh at.

"Yeah, very nice Figment." said Rachel in a slightly awkward tone, "Though, I don't think we ought to make ourselves look obvious."

"My father is very good at judging character." said Flora, "He'll notice any mood that doesn't match the type of event. If he sees any of you with a frown, he'll know something is up."

"Okay, so what do we do then?" Figment asked, "Just stay happy?"

"If we must." Dreamfinder replied, "Besides, Figment and I have to perform tonight. It would be hard not to be happy for even a brief moment."

"Here's your water, Rachel." said Flora, "I have enough for all three of you."

"Thanks Flora." Rachel said, taking a sip out of the bowl of water and then giving it to Dreamfinder and Figment. "So yes, we are going to have to keep a good attitude going while we inspect him. And if that doesn't work, then we'll have to worry about ourselves suppose he does something to us during the feast."

"That sounds like a plan!" Dreamfinder agreed.

"LET'S PARTY!" Figment exclaimed.


          Escorted by the Wooso Warriors, the Dreamfinder, Rachel, Flora and Figment followed them to the king's ballroom where the feast will be held. Well technically, Rachel and Flora followed the warriors to the ballroom while Figment and Dreamfinder took a ride on the palanquin the Woosoes provided for them. Why isn't Rachel riding the palanquin? She's too shy. She's too shy to be seen parading into a room filled with people, Wooso or human, on a palanquin like she is the center of everything. Plus, there was only room on the palanquin for two persons. And Flora couldn't go on the palanquin because if her father saw her on it, he'd get furious over it despite being in the presence of his gods. So it kind of works out for the girls in their term who prefer to be left behind a little rather than to be noticed by big crowds.

"Uhh...are you sure you don't want to ride with us, Rachel?" Dreamfinder called to Rachel from the palanquin.

"It's actually real fun!" said Figment.

"I'm good, thanks!" Rachel blushed and waved, "I prefer to walk."

          They stop at the door where behind it all of the Wooso, Khalizi, and Mochika tribes are to be gathered together to watch their immortals come in and be respectfully bowed to. As a servant, Flora attempted to run up to the doors and open them for her friends but Rachel stopped her. She gripped Flora's hand tightly and told her she wanted Flora beside her in case anything terrible would happen. Flora respected her wish. A couple of the Wooso warriors stood up to the doors and opened them for their gods to enter. And when they opened, every Wooso inside cheered with joy. Their gods have arrived!

          Every inch of the ballroom is decorated with banners, streamers, and flowers that have been grown locally. The food has been spread onto the table where Rachel, Figment and Dreamfinder will be sitting with the king. Plus, a stage has been set for Dreamfinder and Figment to perform their routine on. Everything has been unbelievably set into place within an entire day! The Woosoes themselves are all nicely dressed for the occasion. Even the king had some time to prep up for tonight. His crown is slightly larger than before crested with precious jewels and his kingly robe has a few elegantly embroidered stitching to make it look classy.

          The warriors put the palanquin down along with Figment and Dreamfinder. With Rachel and Flora behind them, the four friends are brought to the table spread to sit with King KaZing. As Rachel, Dreamfinder and Figment took their seats, the king noticed Flora coming up with them as well and he glared at her gravely with discontent from her presence. Flora, ever so afraid of her father and his desire for power and torture her, stopped and didn't move a muscle as Rachel sat down next to Dreamfinder. Rachel noticed it immediately when she looked at Flora's face and then to King KaZing who pretended to keep a straight face for her.

"My lords, I hate to burden you with this sort of question," KaZing derided, "but must we dine with this...commoner of a child? After all, she is your new servant covered in rags."

          Guess who made Flora that way in the first place. The way KaZing had insulted his own daughter, and in front of his gods, in a way he would put it as kindly as possible, which was not as kindly as it could have been both shocked the three friends internally. Rachel, especially, became the most irritated. It's like sitting at the dinner table back home in St. Peter's Town with her dad badmouthing her in front of her family, her friends, and his own friends. Under the table Rachel's hands clenched ready to let go of her steam and just shout at him. Dreamfinder and Figment are a little hurt on the inside hearing the king talk this way about Flora. No father should treat their children, especially their daughters, this way.

Rachel leaned forward towards the table for the king to see her and said, "First of all, KaZing, I do not appreciate you criticizing this girl for her appearance and her background. If you don't have anything nice to say about her or any other Wooso, I suggest you keep it to yourself. She will dine with us tonight and that's that!"

"Yeah! You got a problem with that?" Figment said.

"Very well." KaZing grunts, "But she sits with you, my lady." The king orders one of the guards to bring forth a pillow for Flora, or Coaxoch in the king's eyes, to sit on. When another guard arrives the table in secret from the Flora and her friends, the king sneaked an order to him, "Keep an eye on the goddess."

          Delighted, Rachel allows Flora to sit with her for dinner. All of the Woosoes who watched Flora sit with their goddess were amazed. In their minds they thought, "That has got to be the luckiest little girl in the world!" and "I wish that were my little Wooso child sitting with the gods!" This experience Flora is given is actually pretty spectacular. She is not exactly sitting with gods, but with three new wonderful friends. And even though Flora is born in royalty, she had never been allowed to sit at the royal table by choice under her father's wishes since her mother had been executed. The only guilt she feels is sitting at the table with rags for clothing.

"Is something wrong, Flora?" Dreamfinder asked from behind Rachel's back.

"As glad as I am to have dinner with you I'm not properly dressed for it." Flora admitted, also talking behind Rachel's back.

"Hmm...that can be adjusted."

          This is where the magic of the Dreamfinder begins. He imagines Flora wearing a beautiful gown fit for a princess. The dress is strapped with single fat ribbons on each sides, it's entirely light pink with pink and red colored lilies on the skirt and woven ribbons on the top half, and a pink and red flower sits in between the top and skirt for dimension and style. Even her skin and fur has been cleaned up, too. Thanks to Dreamfinder, Flora is all set to dine with royalty even if it is just for one night.

"It's amazing, Master Dreamfinder!" Flora smiled.

"Indeed." said Dreamfinder, "You want to know what's more amazing, though? Your imagination, or trick-pics as you call them. If you use that more than once, then it can help you solve the most drastic problems. Just trust in yourself and your mind and you'll go farther in life than you have never imagined. Understand?"

"Yes sir!"

          The king tensed with irritation over Flora's granted wish as if he is overcome with jealousy. Mouth closed his teeth clenched with anger. This girl should not be even eating with us or wearing such pretty clothes, he thought to himself. Still, there are plenty of other things to occupy him from that girl, whom the entire Wooso clan has no idea of her birthright, entering his mind and sight. The event is about to start, so he might as well call forth the food. And so he did. The chefs come in with dishes both big and small. Much of the food is so different compared to most of which Dreamfinder, Figment, and Rachel are familiar with from back home. And yet Figment, who sat in between Dreamfinder and the king, was delighted to see some of his favorite food served right in front of him.

"Oh boy!" Figment cheered, "My favorites!"

"Blue potatoes?" Rachel remarked confusingly.

"Orange sandwiches?" Dreamfinder also remarked in turmoil.

"Pink cauliflower?"

"Yep, and just how I like them." said Figment with triumph, "All it needs is some turquoise carrots if they have any. And maybe some green milk."

          Rachel looked at Dreamfinder in disgust, unease, and confusion. Could anything like that taste as good as it does back home in their original color? Seeing her face like that made Dreamfinder chuckle.

And then he reminded her, "Imaginary, remember?"

          You can't really argue with an imaginary friend eating foods out of the really out of the ordinary.

"Well...hopefully the food is as good as home's." said Rachel with unease.

"Perhaps it will." said Dreamfinder with encouragement, "That's the first step in sensing something with your imagination."

"The only thing I'm good at using so far is my instincts. Besides, didn't you just hear what the king said to Flora? Unbelievable!"

"I know. It's terrible. Listen to me, Rachel. As close of an eye we're going to keep on him, let's just enjoy tonight and forget-" The word forget seems to makes Rachel look angrier to the point of gripping her fork tightly, bending it halfway like it's nobody's business. Wrong choice of words, probably. Dreamfinder reworded, "Uhh...look the other way for a while and try to have a good time."


"FELLOW SUBJECTS!" King KaZing shouts. Every one of the Woosoes turned their attention towards the king to hear his speech, "We are gathered tonight to celebrate the arrival of our gods and fair goddess. In addition, two of you gods will be demonstrating to us a piece of their culture so that we may be entrusted to follow in their footsteps and keep their tradition alive for the well being of our future Wooso children, their children, their children's children, and so forth. Let us enjoy this night as if it were our last!"

          The Woosoes cheered like crazy! Such a grand reception Rachel, Dreamfinder, and Figment are being given. Out of everyone in the room, only Rachel took suspicion to the king's words. He said to enjoy the night as if it were their last. What did he mean by that, Rachel wondered. Taking Dreamfinder's advice, however, she decided to leave it alone for a while. Maybe the king isn't planning anything terrible right now despite Flora's impressions. But that didn't mean she was not going to keep her eyes on him.

          But before the Woosoes served themselves to the food, the king raised a chalice filled with a pink liquid to the air. A toast is to be made in honor of the Woosoes newly arrived gods and goddess. All the other Woosoes did the same; they raised their own chalices to the air for the toast. This has become more than an honor for the three friends, much like a family reunion.

          That's not what either Flora or the king sees in this event. Just before she had arrived to the god's bedroom with Rachel and the others for the first time, she saw her father working on something in another room mixing something up and pouring them into three separate chalices. The ones she had seen before are the same chalices sitting on the table beside Dreamfinder's, Rachel's, and Figment's plates! Only Flora knew of the king's plans, but if she were to tell anyone about it, the gods and goddess especially, she would likely be killed. Flora fears the fact of death, but does she fear that more than knowing what her new friends are about to get themselves into under the king's hand? What is Flora really afraid of now?

"But first, before we begin our consumption, I would like to propose a toast!" the king announced, "To our esteemed gods and goddess for whom we gladly welcome and hope they will provide a prosperous future for our kind!"

"TO THE GODS AND GODDESS!" the Woosoes shouted with delight.

          To top off the toast, everyone took a sip out of their pink liquid filled chalices. Dreamfinder and Figment, unsure what the pink liquid will taste like, took their chalices and took a sip as well. To their surprise, the chalices are filled with pink lemonade! Rachel took her chalice into her hands. Flora gasped a little, hoping that gasp would not grab the king's attention. Out of everyone in the trio, the little furry girl began fearing for Rachel the most. She had been so kind to her like any respectful elder sister would be for their younger siblings. To see Rachel drink into the chalice makes Flora's skin and fur stand stiff in great terror. Just like Dreamfinder and Figment did, Rachel drank from the chalice. Flora's head sank down, defeated by her worst fear for her friends' well-beings. Rachel took notice of Flora's dismay. Something about her mood is making the 'goddess' feel sad as well.

"You okay, Flora?" Rachel asked.

"I'm fine." Flora said in gloom, unable to say anything else. If she says too much, it will mean her doom.

"Come on, you can tell me. Was it something I did?"

          Flora didn't say another word. Hope has been drained out of her system for a reason unknown to the human girl. So Rachel decided to leave her be for a while and enjoy the rest of the night. She took a glance at her empty chalice, being that she had been thirsty enough to drink the whole thing at once just now, and began to think. Why is Flora feeling this way, Rachel thought to herself.

          Soon every one of the Woosoes and Rachel, Dreamfinder, and Figment has got food on their plates and are happy with the way things are turning out. So far, the king has been in a good mood. Perhaps it is best to let the suspicions of his terrible side go and accept the fact that he may not be evil after all. Maybe Flora is wrong about her father the whole time. But then you come to think back on how badly the king has treated Flora beforehand. Maybe Flora was only saying that to get attention for some kind of revenge. Maybe Flora isn't really a princess at all! All of these thoughts are running through Rachel's mind, cramping it with too many arguments. She didn't want to jump into any conclusions just yet. Besides, after hearing the king insult Flora as if he had never seen her or took any interest in her background before there is a lot more to think about him than not to.

          Unbelievably, the food is delicious! The blue potatoes, orange sandwiches, and pink cauliflower really do taste both as good as they do and in the original style back home. Rachel probably needed to open her mind a little not just on image, but on taste as well; two of which provides imagination: taste and sight. Figment has been taking both seconds and thirds of each! But not when he and Dreamfinder were about to begin their performance.

"ATTENTION!" the king shouted, "ATTENTION ALL! It is now time for our two gods to begin the act they have promised to perform for us. A new spectacular notion in which they call music! Master Dreamfinder and Master Figment!"

          All of the Woosoes, excited as they are for what Dreamfinder and Figment are about to do, could not make heads or tails out of what music is. The king couldn't blame them. Their confusion is as intense as his. Still, all of the Woosoes cheered for Dreamfinder and Figment as they got out of their pillow seats and rushed to the stage. Even Flora felt the need to clap for since she, too, is intrigued with the idea of learning a piece of a new culture, a culture where Rachel, Dreamfinder, and Figment came from. Only Rachel remained in her seat as she watched her two friends run up there ready to make fools out of themselves.

"Thank you everyone!" Dreamfinder exclaimed in confidence, "My flying friend and I are so glad you all can make it here tonight. We are so excited to show you all what us persons from Earth do in our spare times."

"We hope you've got your dancing shoes on, because our music is going to take you out of this world!" Figment also exclaimed.

"WHAT?" the Woosoes screamed with worry, believing that the gods are going to take them away from their homes in Fillidore.

"Uh...not literally!" Dreamfinder chuckled with embarrassment and clarified, "It's an expression meaning that our music will be so good you all might like it very much."

"Oh, okay. I see. That makes sense." the Woosoes understood.

          Rachel had to laugh a little at this. It's humorous to see one person react to a misunderstanding like that, but with an entire civilization it's just too hilarious!

"Moving onward," Dreamfinder spoke, "Figment and I have composed a song and a little dance to go with it. We hope every one of you will enjoy watching us as we will enjoy performing for you. Hit it, Figment!"

          Given the signal, Figment duplicated himself into four Figments while Dreamfinder dreamed up some instruments for the Four Figments to play with. Dreamfinder played the piano, which in a sense sort of impressed Rachel just a little bit. The Figments each has their own instrument to play. One of them has a trumpet, the second a chello, the third has drums, and the last has a tambourine. They begin their song in a rhythmic beat, something new for both the Woosoes and for Rachel as well. In all of Rachel's life, she had heard some rap and hip-hop (to which she never liked as mush as everyone else on Earth does) as well as a bunch of different other genres, but not like this. It is a Figment and Dreamfinder original; with a mix of classical, ragtime, some jazz, and a little acoustic.

          But what has impressed Rachel even more is Dreamfinder's singing. She had heard some people sing really well, but not like Dreamfinder's. Not too high, not too low, but in a perfect pitch. Rachel blushed. The singing was enough to make Rachel smile quite a bit. As he sang, Dreamfinder took notice of Rachel's blushing sitting all the way at the table. It's hard for him to not smile while he's singing. In fact, it's getting hard for Dreamfinder to not laugh during the performance, unless of course he's presenting a comedy at the same time. Taking great delight in Rachel's smile, the Dreamfinder kept on playing his piano. The Figments, meanwhile, are having a ball with the song! The Figment with the tambourine keeps banging the instrument on his head as well as using his tail to tap onto one of the other Figment's back spikes like a xylophone. The one with the cello is swishing the bow back and forth like he is harshly brushing somebody's teeth. The Figment with the trumpet poured bubble liquid into the bell (the front of the trumpet) and then blew up a storm of bubbles throughout the entire banquet hall. And the final Figment with the drums banged on every tom and cymbal attached to each other. The Woosoes cheered and danced at the tune and its lyrics. This new feeling of music is definitely something that they are going to have to create more often. The concert is an instant success!

          Every one of the Woosoes are away from their tables except for Flora and the king. Taking a glance to her right, Rachel notices that even though the king had been super excited about the discovery of music he doesn't seem so enthused about it. Maybe music doesn't catch on as much of his interest as he thought it would be. KaZing took notice of Rachel staring at him, which made Rachel quickly turn her head back forward hoping he didn't notice her at all. The eyes he stared at her with were both stern and full of concern. Rachel wanted to know what is going on in the king's mind, yet at the same time she didn't. Any sick twisted thought the king would have in his brain would only remind her of her experience with her parents. She joined Dreamfinder and Figment on this adventure to get away from all the negativity back home and back home is where that negativity should stay. But while Rachel was thinking of that experience back home letting the music Dreamfinder and the Figments are playing fade, she did not realize until now that King KaZing had switched his seats to sit next to her. He looked at her in a pretty weird way in the form of a grin. Rachel, wanting to be polite, tried to grin back at him like they know what they were going to be talking about. But she doesn't know all. Even Flora has no idea what the king might be plotting in his mind right now. Awkward...

"My lady," the king started, "I hope you are having a splendid time tonight as I am."

"Uhh...what level of splendid time are you getting at?" Rachel asked, " 'Like super-happy-fun-time' splendid time? 'Best-time-of-your-life' splendid time? Or...slightly less than those two?"

"No need to feel out of place around me, your loveliness. I only wish to have a talk and ask some questions I've been meaning to ask you when you had arrived earlier today."

"O...kay. Shoot."

"You said that you and your lordships are travelers from a different realm. May I ask where you were intending on going?"

" 'Were?' More like 'are.' Figment, Dreamfinder, and I don't plan on staying here for long."

"Are. Very well. Where 'are' you going exactly?"

"Ummm...we are- uh, we are...uh, searching for a monument to...see. We're tourists...on vacation. Even gods have got to take a break from being almighty and powerful, you know. We're actually in sort of a hurry because...this particular monument has...has a limited time showing where afterwards it's never going to show itself anywhere else again...ever. That's why we are planning to leave by the end of tomorrow at the latest."

"I see." said the king, and then while leaning over to Rachel's face he asked, "What sort of monument is it? Something powerful? Something magical?"

"Uhhhhhh...classified! It's forbidden for the gods to tell all mortals of all kinds of this sort of thing. We don't want to...start giving anyone any ideas of searching for it and having something...drastic happen. No more questions!"

"Very well. Coaxoch! You've been abiding with our lords for quite a bit. Do youknow anything about this monument?"

          Flora tensed up. Just minutes ago, she had been asked about the Spaceship Earth where she didn't even know what the heck it is and replied saying she had never seen it before. But since Rachel drew a picture of it for her, showing her exactly what it looks like, it makes it very hard for Flora to lie to her own father, the king about not seeing something she did see. Flora looked at Rachel with worry. It was bad enough she did not speak up to Rachel and her friends about the drinks. Now she has to decide this: 'will she stand up for her new friends against her family' or 'will she chicken out again and be punished later on in secret by the king?' " To go on, Flora would finally take a chance to face her biggest fear and stand up for herself for once in her life. It was time to get back at the king just a little for how she treated her. Finally, Flora made her decision.

Flora sighed, "So long as I am under my lady's influence, I do not have to answer to you and your irrelevant questioning. If my lady does not wish to tell you her secrets, then you leave her be." Leaning over Rachel, Flora said to the king's face, "I also suggest you back your face away from my lady, for you are making her feel uncomfortable. And lastly, my name is Flora now. If you don't like it, then tough!"

          Angered, the king backed away and returned to his pillow seat at the end of the table. Rachel is surprised at Flora's new attitude coming out of nowhere in the banquet hall, in front of so many Woosoes, in front of and right at the king's face! Incredible! Flora sat back down on her pillow feeling both proud and uneasy of her actions. It is times like this that makes her unsure if she did the right thing. Rachel had a different case in mind.

"Alright, Flora!" Rachel smiled, "High five!"

"NO, PLEASE DON'T HURT ME!" Flora exclaimed.

"Oh! Oh no, Flora. This isn't an attacking thing. It's what people back on earth do sometimes when they are...excited or happy over an accomplishment. Here, give me your hand."

          The furry little girl holds out her hand for Rachel to position in front of each other. With Flora's palm and her fingers all spread out, Rachel quickly patted her own palm onto Flora's gently. That's a high five.

"See?" Rachel said, "Nothing to fear about a high five. You can always make a soft high five, a very hard one, or an in-betweener. Your choice."

"Amazing!" said Flora with astonishment, "Can I try?"


          Rachel holds up her hand ready for Flora to take her first shot at giving a high five. She expected a soft one from the little furry girl, but what Flora gave her was the complete opposite. Flora gave Rachel the hardest high five she had ever been given! Did it really hurt an "all powerful goddess" of the Wooso clan? Yes.

"Agh!" Rachel cried, shaking her hand, "Not bad! Not bad for your first try. I'm really proud of you, Flora! How do you feel?"

"Pretty good." said Flora with confidence, "But I'm still not sure about my father's reaction when I told him away. He might be even more mad than usual."

"Probably. But that still doesn't mean it's terrible to stand up for yourself when you really need to. People like your father should never have the right to treat you the way you have been all your life."

"What about you?"

"What about me?"

"You said your father was the same way with you. Did you ever stand up for yourself?"

"Well...sometimes. Not a whole lot. Just at the times where it counted most."



          The feast concluded after Dreamfinder, Figment and the Figment clones finished their performance. Saddened that it was over, the Woosoes groaned. It was time to go home and into bed for everyone in the Wooso, Mochika, and Khalazi clans. Rachel, Flora, Dreamfinder, and Figment are especially tired. Then again, it's the boys that are more tired than the girls seeing as they used up their energy playing and singing their music. Soon the banquet hall became empty like a ghost town leaving nothing but torn down streamers and pulled-over tablecloths. The Wooso warriors have escorted the four friends back to their room. They are left alone with nobody else with them. And thank heavens for that. It is likely that none of the foursome would want anyone to come in and bother them again for the night, especially when they have the leave the next day.

"Whew! I'm all tuckered out." said Figment.

"Me too." Dreamfinder agreed, "Whoever thought holding a concert for an entire population could take all the steam out of you?"

"That's why I never really go to concerts." said Rachel, holding Flora in her arms, "Too much going on."

"So you didn't like our concert?"

"Yes, I did like it! I liked it a lot. Except the part where I didn't get hear all of it since KaZing kept asking me questions about what we are doing, or as he put 'were' doing as if he intends on keeping us all here."

"I told you my father has something planned to take you all prisoner." said Flora, "He won't rest until his schemes are successfully fulfilled."

"That's not good." Figment tensed up nervously. "At this rate, he might do something terrible to us tonight while we're not noticing!"

"Wait. King KaZing was bothering you, Rachel? Like you especially?" Dreamfinder worried over.

"His face was right at my face asking me where we are traveling to, but I didn't exactly tell him specifically." said Rachel, "I didn't give him the name of the place or the directions. Mainly because we don't know where that thing goes. Talk about personal space, why doesn't he? I'm just glad Flora was able to get me out of it. You two should have seen her defending me against the king. She totally nailed him!"

"What right does he have invading your personal space? For goodness sake, you're a women with rights of respect!"

"Yeah...this may sound a little obvious to ask, but why do you care about that so much?"

"Well, since we are traveling together now I feel that it's part of my responsibility to keep you out of harm's reach."

"Ha! Sure it is..." Figment teased Dreamfinder under his breath.

"Look." Dreamfinder sighed heavily, "I'm too tired to be thinking about this right now. Let's all get some sleep and by morning we'll figure out what to do then. Hopefully, we'll be able to get out of here before any of the Woosoes wake up."

"Does that mean you'll all be gone and I'll be all alone again?" Flora asked.

"I'm afraid so, Flora." Rachel said sadly. "But let's not worry about that right now. Tomorrow's a new day. Who knows? Maybe it will turn out better than today."


"So who's sleeping on the bed?" Figment asked.

"You and Dreamer can take it. I'll sleep on the chair with Flora."

"What?" Dreamfinder uttered with surprise, "No, I think the women should sleep on the bed. Or at least Figment and Flora."

"Well...Flora looks like she has never slept on a bed in quite a while." Rachel figured, "But there's only one chair in here."

"So I'll sleep on the ground."

"You're nuts."

"Thank goodness for that." Dreamfinder chuckled, "You take the chair, Rachel. I'll be fine with just a blanket and pillow."

"Well...okay. If that's alright with you."

          With the sheets opened on the bed for Flora to sleep in with Figment, Rachel placed Flora there and tucked her in. The bed is made with all the finest and softest materials the Woosoes could muster up. In there Flora, sleepy as she was, looked very cozy laying down in that bed. It did not take long for Figment to get comfortable there, too. He nuzzled his head down in those pillows and curled into a little ball under the blankets. Dreamfinder, even though he said it would be fine, is finding it difficult to make himself snug to sleep on the ground. Still, he bothered to do so for the sake of his friends' enjoyment. Rachel took a blanket and pillow and sat down in that chair ready to fall asleep and forget all the terrible feelings she had faced today. Finally, everyone is able to relax for the night.

          But it didn't last long for one of the persons in the group. A small knocking on the door has sounded and only one person in the room had heard it. Hearing this, Rachel opened her eyes halfway. She had to make sure no one else in the bedroom had heard the door knocking. Thankfully, there was not a single budge of movement. She stood up from the chair and tiptoed across the room to the bedroom door determined not to wake anyone up from their slumber. When Rachel opened the door, she finds a couple of Wooso men and women standing there with certain items with them. What are they doing here at this time of the night?

"Did you all get what I asked for?" Rachel whispered.

"As you have commanded us to bring to you, O great goddess." said one of the Wooso women, assuring they had everything they needed for whatever reason there is to do so.

"Good, come on in quietly. We have work to do." 

One Little Spark: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now