Chapter 23

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          The fog in the cave aroused the dreams that have conjured in Dreamfinder, Figment and Rachel's minds. With their minds fully active, their bodies have become too numb and motionless to move. Nothing good or bad is happening to them at the moment; none of them can tell if anything is happening at all. They are not noticing themselves being dragged away by their legs and Figment's small body. Their arms, upper halves of their bodies, and their heads dragged behind making a trail as they went along. Even the dirt of dirt running by their cheeks could not wake them up. If they would wake up, they would likely faint again from smelling the green gas above them. The lower and deeper into the cave they went, the heavier the dose of the gas is. At this point, there is no way of the three traveling adventurers to wake up and avoid whatever possible dangers lie ahead of them.

          Some moaning grunts are heard from the three friends. Their closed eyes shut tight cringingly. Something must be happening in their dreams. Figment's feint groans are probably the loudest at this point. He must be having a nightmare of some sort. His teeth clenched, his muscles and his eyes tightened, and his shoulders hunched a little.

          In his dream, it starts with the first day he came to life; the day when Dreamfinder, before he became the Dreamfinder, built the Mesmonic Converter in his laboratory and summoned him with his imagination. The atmosphere is covered in smoke...a purple and black smoke. The results of his existence were unintentionally created by dream power made by Dreamfinder's mind. The smoke is very thick, thick enough to cover all of London and only one foot ahead of you. The dragon trudges forward, waving his arms to pass through the smoke. He was at the center of the room when he spotted a dark silhouette in front of him staring out the window. He held the Mesmonic Converter in his hands. It was attached to a much larger contraption that stood behind Figment.

          It's nighttime in London. The moon gleamed brightly over the city with stars glistening like glitter on a dark blue construction paper for kids. The light of the moon cast a shadow of the silhouette across the room, covering Figment with it. The candles and gas lamps are doused by the mild winds that blew the windows open. Papers on the desks that sat by the walls began to fly everywhere and the smoke clears away towards both sides of the room. As soon as Figment was able to get a good view of the person in front of him, he immediately recognized who it is.

          The figure stood before in a tall and proud structure, yet the atmosphere around him has made him look eerie to look at. He turns around to face the imaginary dragon whose eyes widened at the sight. The expression on his face is grim with a menacing expression. His head of hair is a gingerly light brown, his mustache is thin, the beard in his chin is short and he wore glasses, too. His outfit is fully colored in the light and dark shades of blue that shined over him by the light of the full moon with the exception of a magenta dress coat and black shoes.

"Dreamfinder!" Figment called out happily. "Boy, am I glad to see you. I was worried about you fainting over that fog."

"Indeed, Figment." Dreamfinder said in a low and cold tone. "You've certainly made a big mess of things in my laboratory. There's too much smoke in here."

"Hey, how did we get back to London? And where is Rachel?"

"Rachel? That brat whom I've blindly taken away with me to love as my own only to have my heart broken by her? ...She's gone now."

"G-Gone? You mean-you mean you really did bring her home?"

"Well...I wouldn't say that." Dreamfinder chuckled evilly. "But what does it matter now? She's no longer my concern anymore...and neither will you."

          Dreamfinder cranks the dials on the Mesmonic Converter and places it over his head. Sparks began to fly out of the helmet in a frenzy as some of them caught onto the flying papers and catch on fire. Soon the whole room caught on fire along with the desks, the books in their bookshelves and walls that they covered. Fallen arch boards that once hung from the ceiling have blocked the doors at the other end of the room. The Dreamfinder laughed maniacally at the sight, but not as much as he did as he watches Figment getting caught up in his fear of his birthplace burning to ashes.

"Wha-? D-Dreamfinder! What are you doing?" Figment yelled.

"You're the reason why I've failed to succeed the Mesmonic Converter," Dreamfinder grunted evilly as he walks toward his creation, "the reason why I lost my job at the Academy Scientifica-Lucidus. You weren't supposed to exist in this world. Just as you are named, you're just a figment of my imagination, a common dream creation who was meant to be forgotten and doused away by reality forever. And yet it was not enough to convince Chairman Illocrant that my theories in proving the energy of the mind could be possible. Therefore, you are no use to me, nor were you ever any use to me."

"But Dreamfinder, it is possible! Your theories are true! It was dream power made by you that brought me to life in this very room. It was even the dream power I was made out of that has powered the entire academy back in Florida after you faced and defeated the Doubtfinder! Remember?"

"You're worthless, Figment! You've ruined everything! I wish I had never created you in my childhood at all!"

"Dreamfinder..." Figment gasps with his eyes widened at his creator's insults. "You can't possibly mean that?"

"Oh, I do, Figment. I do. Why should I care for a lowly piece of wasted space following me around infecting my life, my dreams, my work, my successes? There is no point in that. But don't worry. Just like Rachel, it will all be over for you."

"No,'re my best friend! The only friend I've ever had!"

"I don't care."

"No, no..."

"Goodbye, Figment."

          As he continues his evil laugh Dreamfinder grabs onto Figment and pins in down to the floor. The sparks from the Mesmonic Converter have turned red and they shot out of the helmet furiously. They land on top of Figment where with them, pieces of Figment's body begin to burn and dissolve. The poor purple dragon lay down helpless at the mercy of his creator and best friend, forming tears in his eyes for this betrayal as if everything they have done together was not worth it. More and more pieces of his body give out as bigger sparks continue to fall down on him. He lets out a terrible scream as Dreamfinder continues his cruel enjoyment in Figment's demise. The pieces of him that burn off of the purple dragon have turned into puffs of purple ashes, not likely to resemble any form of dream power but shattered dreams. It's the end of Figment.


One Little Spark: Part 1Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora