Chapter 19

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          Figment's imagination must play the role of hero if he wants to save Iyrilia from being destroyed. The fate of the city and the rest of this realm are in his hands and his wings as well as Álvaro's. The purple dragon and Álvaro race higher towards the dark clouded skies as they start using wings to corral the clouds into one spot. The procedure is very dangerous. Lightning and thunder sounded in the air. The atmosphere turned dark as night with its black lightning as its only source of light. All the wasted blood within the clouds are multiplying, mixing and storing inside those clouds making it harder for Figment and Álvaro to tackle on their maneuver. Still, they each pursue to collect the clouds as quickly as possible before they spill the blood all over Iyrilia.

          It is no easy task. Corralling those clouds is like corralling cattle into a gated barn with no horse, sheep dog, or reigns. All they are doing it both manually and aerially. They each swirl and twirl around the clouds like a tornado faster and faster and faster. Figment can only fly as fast as he can. Álvaro's speed, however, is enough to reach towards the speed of light. He can easily bring all the clouds together, but to do so would not only push Figment off of his balance but also pick up and blow away everyone else down below. It is best for Álvaro to keep his speed to a minimum; enough to bring the bloodied and lightning clouds into place while not having everyone else get hurt.

          The clouds are all coming together as planned. Though the risk of combining the selfishly squandered blood into a giant cascade heightens, at least it will all be collected in one place. But the clouds aren't the only things being mixed in. Some of the stones and boulders that floated around the Twisted Peek Mountain caught onto Figment and Álvaro's wind cycle and join with the clouds eroding into nothingness by the decaying blood. If this keeps up, everyone on the ground including Dreamfinder, Alex and Rachel will be carried away to their doom.

"F-Figment!" Álvaro yells as he pressures himself through the harsh winds. "The-The bottle!"

"I got you covered, Álvaro!" Figment saluted. He leaves his position of cloud collecting heading straight down to the bottom of the corralling. Rubbing his hands, he says, "Lets put this baby all bottled up!"

          Concentrating very hard, Figment begins to imagine a very large glass bottle appearing right before. Normally, Figment can think up of things to appear in a snap, but the atmosphere he's in it's become very hard to do so. The best way to imagine things to life is to clear his mind first. So that's what he did. With an empty canvas in his thoughts, he is now able to picture the giant bottle and bring it to life.

          Suddenly, in the midst of the wind, a large glowing spark appears out of thin air. In that spark a giant glass bottle appears and safely lands onto the ground. It's about three quarters the size of the mountain. Hopefully there is enough room to collect all the blood in. If it doesn't, it's all over.

"Alright! It's all set!" Figment called out as he returns to Álvaro.

"Good!" said Álvaro. "Keep an eye on the vortex for me for a bit. I must check on the others on the mountain."

"Sure thing!"


          Everyone in Iyra City takes notice of the skies getting darker and darker by the second. Knowing very well of the dark prophecy Álvaro had announced thousands of years ago, they well knew that it's about to come true. Frightened to their wits, the people of the city drop their weapons and scatters away from the robot police. Employees and engineers of the Iyrilian Tower begin evacuating the building fearing that the prophecy is happening and that the storm might cause the windows to break and shatter at their faces. Companies of all kinds have abandoned their shops and warehouses to avoid the storm including Mr. Hamm from his burger shop. Houses and apartments and orphanages have also evacuated the premises to hide away. Many of them have reached the underground shelters safely while everyone else have been confronted by the robots along the way. Those who were left behind, be they man, woman and child, have either been slaughtered by the robot police or took the time to grab another weapon and bash a few more before finally reaching the shelters. Screams of terror filled the air as the dark prophecy continues to approach them. It's the end of Iyra City...the end of the world!

One Little Spark: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now