One Little Spark - Rachel's POV

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          As Rachel, with Yuna hiding and the little spark nestled safe in her arms, runs faster and faster away from the Academy Scientifica-Lucidus with her friends catching up to her. Her eyes are filled with tears, forged solely from the essence of her own fear. Her legs and muscles are ready to give out from her running and crashing through the glass windows of one of the two pyramids. And her mind is pounding and hurting tremendously with each stomp she takes on the ground. She cannot run for much longer.

          She hears the little spark below crying for her, cheering her on to keep going. The one and only purpose Rachel has right now is to get someplace secluded and safe where she could set the little spark free in peace without any outside and alarming interference. That is her deepest wish. In hopes to pursue and fulfill her ambitions, the blue necklace begins to glow again around Rachel's neck ready to grant whatever she desires. And for once, this wish is about to be granted with a price. As Rachel turns her head behind her, seeing her friends running just inches away from grabbing her, she grips the little spark tightly in one arm and grabs hold of the glowing gem in another and makes her wish.


          Loud and proud the gem hears Rachel's cry and arouses its full brilliance of light, almost as bright as the sun, engulfing the girl and the spark. By the time the Dreamfinder has reached out to grab the back of Rachel's shirt, his fingertips could not even touch the swift transparency that is overtaking his love's body. The tingling sensation of every fiber and particle of Rachel's being turned into tiny bits of light and then into nothing is beginning to sting her like tiny touches from the tips of needles from head to toe, but she didn't care. The only thing that mattered was that she got away safely with Yuna and the little spark. Her only regret is leaving both Dreamfinder and Figment behind without at least giving them a hint of where she was going. That is, if she knew where she is going.

          With Rachel gone, all that was left for Dreamfinder to do was cry out and scream for Rachel to come back only to get nothing back at all, while Figment is there to comfort his sad creative friend.


          Traveling with Yuna and the little spark, the blue light brings what's left of Rachel's particles into a dark foreboding void. There is nothing around her; nothing can be seen or touched. The light of day that Rachel had just previously felt and seen with her friends is gone. There is not a single sight of light, sound, or physical object of any kind to be seen anywhere. Still, the particles that once took the solidified form of Rachel are flying throughout the void like a rocket. There is no sense of fear or courage building inside of Rachel. The only thing she feels is the faint tingly sense intensifying in each of the million particles that have been separated. With every wave and curve that particles take, they start shooting towards a certain direction; one where not even the particles of Rachel themselves were sure, if even, of knowing where they're going.

          Despite the winds that are blowing over, under or through the particles as they soar through the darkness, there is still total silence. If you had your window down while driving a car or if you were flying a kite or an airplane, you would hear the harsh whooshing of soft winds or wind turbulence rushing by. In this case, Rachel can hear nothing. Not without her fully solidified ears anyway. This is where things start to get pretty horrifying. Without sound, sight, smell, touch, or even a thought to help Rachel find her way in this dark void, she can be lost in it forever! Could this really be the safe place she had desired for her and the little spark? If it is then she had just wasted a wish for herself, helplessly alone with no one to come and find her. Even Dreamfinder or Figment would be the less likely people to come and rescue her if she needed it. Or even worse: Nebulus could be around at the right place at the right time, waiting to finally capture her in his grasp. But for what reason exactly?

          In her fear of Nebulus creeping around in the void, she suddenly becomes aware of her own heart beating wildly in her rib cage. Funny. When Rachel made her wish, she hardly noticed her heart stopping or beating briskly, or any of her body parts stopping of slowing down for that matter. The particles are beginning to start solidifying her limbs into her original self again. The tingly sense Rachel is having is growing stronger. She can feel her arms and legs form and move. Her fingers begin to wiggle and stretch again. Her face is being reconstructed back to normal with her eyelids heavily closed. She can finally feel the cool breeze of the dark void's wind blowing at her newly reformed corporeal body. She can finally move again. She can touch things again. She can hear things again as the wind blowing at her whistles into her ears and through her head in large quantities.

One Little Spark: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now