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Haechan laughed and gave a small shrug. "okay, whatever you want princess." he said. They kept walking through the forest, the light slowly fading through the tops of the trees. Haechan could see a faint pathway worn through. Y/n seemed to weave through the branches with ease, but Haechan kept getting stopped by the many branches slapping his face. He could see her small figure stopping every once in a while to let him catch up, and he felt his face grow red.

He was used to being the one leading others. Maybe not in academics, but he still had a tendency to attract people to him, to be the one in control. In this case, y/n stood a couple paces ahead of him and had to make sure he wasn't going to fall face first into the ground.

Soon the trees started to thin and they arrived at a small clearing in the woods. they weren't at the house, but haechan could hear cars in the distance. His eyes still searching the areas, he rested his gaze on y/n who had turned around to face him. Her arms were crossed and her legs standing slightly apart, in a defensive stance.

She watched him look at her in confusion before speaking. "What I don't get," she started, starting to walk around him. "is why you're helping me out." She said and turned to look at him again. Haechan blinked "Uh, what?" he said, not finding any more words to say.

"Let's face it, you've always been somewhat of an," She hesitated, "An asshole. Kinda. To me. So why now are you deciding to help? Is it because of the company?" She said accusingly. He could see her angry gaze on him. He opened his mouth to speak and he saw a flash of fear in her eyes.

what the hell?

"Okay princess, I don't know what type of person you think I am, but that's not it. You came to me for help. I'm walking you home because you're clearly scared of what happened and I might be an asshole but I'm not an asshole to leave you alone after almost being attacked. And as for your company? I don't even use Vera! I'm not in it for any money. I'm in this thing because we're friends unless I've gotten that part wrong." He said.

He could see her hesitate but then nod to herself. Without a word, she continued walking on. Sighing to himself, once again, he followed after her.

Soon the woods thinned out once again and came to a stop. The dead leaves littering the ground grew more and more sparse until his feet landed on soft, lush grass. Looking over at y/n who was staring ahead of her with a hard gaze, said "we're here." and looked over.

Her face softened at the sight of his. "Sorry about what I said. Just forget about that." and taking his wrist, pulled him onto the lush lawn.

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