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     The realization of what was happening hit her in a cold wave of shock.

Holy shit. Am I being kidnapped?

      Frightened she reeled backwards but that only brought her closer to the mysterious man, who had now taken her wrists and twisted them behind her back.

      "Calm down, I only want your wallet. If you relax this will be a lot easier." A gruff voice said. Y/n whimpered in response.

     Though she didn't want him to take her wallet obviously, she was too scared to do anything but let him reach into her backpack and pull out the leather and gold outlined wallet, the one her mom gave her for her birthday.

     He's going through the correct pocket of my backpack. He knows where I store my wallet. Has this person been planning this?

     Y/n had heard this voice before. She knew it. But paralyzed in this second she did nothing but watch in horror as he pulled out various cards and pocket some, and reach his filthy hand into the coin pocket.

      She almost didn't notice the tears leaking from her eyes, the fact that she was so afraid of this man. He still had her hands in a deadlock grip but one of them was busy emptying her wallet and so her mouth was free.

      She stifled a small cry and decided in a split second to take a deep breathe and shout. "Help! Please someone!" Y/n cried out? Lunging away from the man. Her voice echoed in the forest around her but he yanked her backwards, making her stumble and fall. She yelped in pain as he twisted her arms upwards, causing her to do nothing but halfway lay and halfway sit painfully.

      "Listen. I told you it would be easier if you cooperated. So shut. Up. Princess." He said, adding the last word in a teasing manner.

      In that second she realized that this was the same boy who had blocked her from leaving the library so long ago. She had almost forgotten about him, but when he had said princess it was in the same manner that he last spoke to her, bringing to reeling back to that memory.

    She gave another sob, afraid and unsure of what to do, knowing fully that he could knock her out if she didn't listen to him.

      He grunted once, and returned the wallet back to the pocket of her backpack. He was pocketing the money when a sharp "Hey!" Was heard from behind both of them.

Y/n whipped her head around as much as she could without painfully twisting her wrists. The boy also looked up in surprise only to reel back in shock after being hit in the face. Y/n could hear a dull thud and a grunt of surprise coming from the boy.

Her head spinning, she looked around for the attacker, fearing another person had come to hurt her. The boy had let go off her hands and so in a blind panic to run away from what was happening she grabbed her bag and ran.

Y/n ran, ran faster than she ever did during the mile in gym class, faster than she knew she could do. The adrenaline and fear pumping through her veins let her continue on until she heard heavy footsteps behind her.

She yelled out in fear, and lunged our blindly hoping to get away, only to feel strong arms pull her in.

She shut her eyes tightly, only to realize that no one was hurting her, instead she was pulled into... a hug? Opening her eyes slightly she saw the familiar reddish black hair of the boy she tried to avoid so much.

He was standing upright, shielding y/n from anything while she laid on his chest and sobbed. While y/n registered what had just happened, she fell more deeply into Haechan's embrace and used him as support, as her head was still spinning and she felt like she was gonna faint.

He patted her on the back gently, murmuring "shhh, don't worry. Shhh I'm here. He's gone. Don't worry." And exhausted she allowed him to half carry half walk her to her house, where they both sat on the same couch they did so long ago.

They sat there in silence, for y/n couldn't bring herself to say "thank you" after being so mean to him, and still being rescued by him.

And as he wordlessly gave her back the wallet the boy had stolen, she rested her head on his shoulder and they continued to sit in silence, but comfortable.

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