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    No matter how hard y/n tried, there were still times where she saw him in the hall, and saw his stupidly handsome face and stupid sad expressions he made at her when he saw her looking at her and his stupid walk and his stupid hair stupid face stupid stupid stupid.

     And she hated her stupid heart for aching a little bit whenever she saw the back of his head or a flash of his face through the crowds of people. It became almost unbearable to see him as time went on.

     What she didn't know, was the day after Haechan talked to Lucas, he was more than determined to fix things. He wanted the two to become friends once again, and would stop at nothing in order to do so. So, heart in his hands, he walked as confidentially as he could into the school building and toward y/n's first period class.

     Rounding the corner of the wall, he caught of glimpse of y/n talking to her friend. He could see her eyes widen in alarm as she saw him approaching her, and politely excused herself from her conversation while walking quickly in the other direction.

     "Wait!" Called our a voice from behind her but y/n didn't stop, merely started to walk faster. Soon she was lost in a crowd of people, jostling her as they went about their day.

    "Y/n." Said the same voice, in his rich voice. He said it loud enough for most people to turn their heads and see what was going on.

    Y/n felt a tug from behind, and felt a hand wrap around her wrist, restraining her from moving forward. Her heart sinking, she turned around to see haechan wayyyyy to close to her.

     Face flushed as she realized so many people were watching her, she avoided Haechan's eyes. She focused on the sleeve of his shirt, only being tall enough that if she were to look forward she would only see his chest.

     "Y/n." Said Haechan again, softer this time but still rang out in the crowd of people, who had stopped to watch the scene.

     She felt her face grow hot as she saw how close they were together, and was painfully aware of the jealous little gasps the others girls made when they saw the Kpop Star and Rich Girl standing so close to each other.

     "We need to talk. Now." He said and pulled her along. Y/n could do nothing but follow, as her wrist was held tight in Haechan's hand.

     They headed towards the storage closet, the closest thing for privacy that Haechan could find.

    The storage closet within their high school was known for secrets and mysteries. It was a place that girls would go to gossip about others, boys would go to talk about their crushes. It was where people went when they needed to cry, or a secret place to meet up with another student.

     In this case, it was y/n and Haechan and the growing awkwardness in between them as he stared at her, waiting for her to start talking.

    "I need to know why you're avoiding me. Please." He said.

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