Chapter 1: power rangers

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(Time-Skip, Cinder's POV.)

I was thinking about all the bad things I have done in the past.

Recruiting Emerald and Mercury for Salem's purpose, stealing half of the Fall Maiden's Power, Killing the Fall Maiden to gain her power and almost killed Professor Ozpin and yet almost everyone forgave me, my team and Mistress for that, included my boyfriend, who I used to bully with team RWBY.



I was looking for team RWBY, I know that the team has been bullying (Y/N) Lovhaug, so I decided why not join in on the fun?

I knocked on their door and it opened revealing Yang, she grabbed me and bashed me to a wall shouting "what do you want cinder?"

Then Blake hold her back.

Then Ruby said "Yang, calm down, she may of tried to take down beacon but she's a student now, no matter how much she deserved it."

Yang then put me down and I asked "mind if I could talk to you for a bit?"

They nod their heads, let me in and I asked "you know (Y/N)?"

Yang: "the weakling?"

I nodded and said "I know how we can have some fun with him."

Weiss: "how?"

Me: "I know you have been bullying him but I'm not going to tell Ozpin, in fact I got an idea to have some fun with him."

They liked the idea and Ruby smirked saying "well, what do you have in mind Cinder?"


(Flashback, Your POV.)

I woke up from my sleep thinking what I should do, but just as got out of my door a bucket of tar landed on my back.

Me: "oh, cmon this is my favourite t-shirt."


(Flashback, No one's POV.)

Cinder and team RWBY was laughing they heads off when they heard you walking off in anger.

Yang: "okay, maybe you are ok after all."


(End of Flashback, Cinder's POV.)

I then felt a tap on my shoulder, it was Neo.

Neo wrote on her white board and shows me what she wrote 'are you ok, Cinder?'

I sighed and said "no, I'm not ok."

Then Neo replies with 'what is bothering you?'

Me: "remember the times we use to bully (Y/N)?"

She nods her head.

Cinder: "Do you think he still loves all of us, even after what we all did to him?"

She nods her head again.

Then I heard a knock on are dorm door, I opened it and saw it was (Y/N).

(Y/N): "hi Cinder."

Me: "oh, hi (Y/N). Can I tell you something?"

(Y/N): "sure, what is it?"

Me: "I just wanted to say, I am sorry for bullying you."

(Y/N) smiles and then said "it's ok, what's past is past, right?" I nodded my head And we shook hands.

Me: "so, what brings you here, cutie?"

 (A Power Ranger's Story.) RWBY Harem x Linkara's son ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now