Chapter 16: The prideful knight vs the wizards

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(No one's POV.)

You: "Now, we wait."

Linkara: "Waiting, the fun part."

Both of you were quiet for a bit until Oscar-Ozpin came in the room and said "Hi."

You: "Hello."

Linkara: "hey."

Oscar-Ozpin sits down for a bit and you said "Do any of you think our lives are kind of weird in some way?"

Linkara: "What do you mean?"

You: "were about to fight an evil conquerer using various weapons from different franchises, with new friends from other universes and we tend to review comic books, films, video games and a lot more things."

Rat then comes in and said " I don't think it's weird, honestly I actually think it's fantastic. Also, I just called Angry Joe and his army to help and he said they'll help."

You: "Ok... hey dad, can I review an issue of a Doctor Who comic please?"

Linkara: "sure."


(TimeSkip, Your POV.)

Me: "I'm not gonna lie, this is the greatest comic I've ever read and..."

Pluton: "I'm detecting teleportation particles in the living room."

Me: "Fantastic, Allons-y everybody!"

I went to the office to check if dad's ready to fight.

Me: "Ready?"

Linkara: "Always."

Me and dad grab the BFG and I used a Sonic Screwdriver to enhance its power.

Then Lord Vyce comes in and he was about to monologue until he saw us with a powered up BFG.


Linkara fired the BFG, sending Vyce back a little but not much.

I then put down the BFG and Dad tried to attack Vyce with the Dragon dagger but fails.

I then grab Morpher and morphed into my Scout form to bonk him on the head with the sandman but it failed and I was sent back.

I morphed into my Star Trek form, then me and Dad got out some Phasers to damage Vyce but deflected them, Linkara pretended to pass out and Vyce then grabs me.

He tried to kill me but Vyce lets go in pain as someone attacks him.


(Vyce's POV.)

I looked at the direction where I wanna attacked and saw a man with a gun.

???: "I'm I allowed to join the party gentlemen?"

Me: "who are you?"

???: "My name is General IronWood and this one's for Beacon!"

He kept shooting at me with his weapon, I walked over to him and grabbed him by the neck.

I then remembered someone by the name 'IronWood' and I then remembered he and the champion has taught the boy how to be a commander.

Me: "Ah, the commander who thought the Grimm in the attack of Beacon, I'll deal with you later."

I knocked out the General and dragged the champions to the place I teleported from.

I tried to teleport myself and the champions back to the ship I created but the transport beam isn't working.

 (A Power Ranger's Story.) RWBY Harem x Linkara's son ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now