the last time he sees you

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the last time he saw you was when the governor attacked the prison, when you all met at terminus, you weren't there and Rick has never seen you again. but you're still alive and looking for ways to find them. but unfortunately, you never find them

the very last time glenn saw you was at terminus. he thought that you ran off somewhere on accident when they all went out of the train car, but you were in the building and it collapsed on you, killing you instantly

the last time daryl saw you was at the farm when it was overrun. you ran into the woods because you didn't think you could make it back to the house. you ran off far from the highway so you were both miles from eachother in opposite directions

you last saw eachother when you ran off with sophia in the traffic graveyard, rick saw you and sophia and told you to hide. after a few minutes you told sophia that you were going to look to see if you can go yet, no one has heard from you since. and it didn't help that sophia ended up missing

you were together until Negan killed abraham, his head was turned to you as he was being slaughtered, the last time he saw you, you were sobbing

the last time shane saw you is when all of this shit started. he told you to meet him at his place but you never did, and he had lori and carl so he couldn't wait on you. you never made it to his place but you did survive and you're with a different group

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