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After coming home I don't have a mood to go out. I call Namjoon and tell him I'm not feeling well. Glad he understands me. I went downstairs and saw Jin oppa is cooking.

"Hi, oppa." I greet him. He smiles at me as respond. Why his mouth always munch while cooking.
"What was in your mouth?" Instead, answer he raised the chips.

"Aishh oppa. We should share."
I said. After he gulped all his chip he responds to me.

"I'm so hungry. This chip is not enough." He said. After a couple of minutes, he was done the cooking. Papa still at the office. His text said he has work to do. Well, he always busies himself for me. After dinner, I help oppa wash the dirty place while oppa cleaning the table. He also left some foods for papa. Such a good son. Then I go up to sleep.

~later at midnight~

I locked myself in my room with a tear in my eye. Staring at the picture of my family.
"Why? Why did they have to separate? I need both of them."
I looked back at the door as I sense the presence of someone.
"Why you did this papa? You know I love you both. Me and oppa love you so much." I spill out. He just stared at me and sighed. He walks to me then sat on the floor looking up my teary eye.

"I'm sorry. How can I stay with your mama if she doesn't trust me anymore? I caught her having affair with my best friend. I believe it just a misunderstanding but it was not when I saw them keep meeting out of my sight." He tells me. I look at him. I can see his heart is hurting. How could mama do this to papa? Papa is the greatest man in the world. He would do anything for his family.

I remember when I was in primary school while oppa in high school. Papa did cancel his flight to London just for my oppa cooking competitions. Papa knows oppa love cooking so much. He also did buy everything that oppa needed even oppa said it not a too important thing. For papa family is the first thing. But mama... I don't know what to say. She always forgot picked up me at school. I just 7 years old at that time. Waiting for her alone at the bus stand. If papa not come at that time maybe I was kidnapped by someone.

"Can't you both not-" I was cut off by mama voice from outside my room. She doesn't seem like sad at all. Is mama really want to divorce with papa? I wonder why she is like this. If mama does not love papa why did she marry him?

"I'm going now. Just take your kids with you. Don't ever come to see me again." Mama said. I looked at her. What I do wrong until she hates me that much?

"Mama? Why you be like this?" My stupid mouth suddenly asks her. She just rolled her eye to me as she spoke.

"I don't love your papa. All I did just because of your grandma and grandpa. Now they are no longer here. So.. I'm free to do whatever I want. They want grandchild then I give them Jin. But suddenly they ask for you. I did give them what they want." She just says like nothing. So? I was nothing for her. We are nothing for her. That time I can't hold my tears anymore.

"You just waste my time." She spoke before she walked out of our house. I was a mental breakdown. Cried out loud. My mama... She is leaving me. I love her all my heart but she... Is not. Papa hugged me tightly. I can hear his cracked voice.

"I'm here. I won't leave you and Jin." He patted my hair while the other hand rubs my back. I feel safe in his arm. His warmth calms me down. I don't even realize I fell asleep in his arm.

"Mama...don't...go." I mumbled in my sleep. I opened up my eye. Tears dripped onto my cheeks. Then I hear someone open the door.

"Princess are you okay?" Jin oppa comes inside my room. He sat on my bed next to me. I rest my head on his lap.

"I miss mama, oppa." I close my eyes as I say that. He caresses my head with his hand. I feel so calm when he did that. I miss mama so much.

"Me too princess but..." He stops. I already know why. She doesn't love us.

"She is not." I added. I looked up at him. He also sad. He tries to be tough for me. I know he is really tough oppa.

Every single day at night I always cried remember what mama say to me.
"I don't love your papa. I don't want to birth his children."
That really hurting.

"Don't cry, princess. You make me too." He wipes his tears then mine.

"10 years oppa. She does not call even meet us. I know she hates us but I really want to see her. Her blood in us. We are her children, oppa. If she doesn't like to see us at least make a call." I sat up. He turns facing me.

"Don't think too much. One day, I hope she will show up." He said. I hope that too.


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