Chapter 2

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"She will be ok won't she?" Bluekit recognised Nightstar's anxious meow and wearily blinked and waited for the fuzziness in her eyes to dissolve and swung her head around to take in her surroundings "of course she'll be ok, she only took a little knock to the head" Hawkshade meowed and stared down at Bluekit "are you ok?" He asked gently and Bluekit scrambled to her paws "yes Hawkshade I'm ok, what happened? I remember running to find Waspkit but then I can't remember anything else" suddenly she looked around "where is Waspkit?" She asked
"When Tigersnap, the warrior that attacked him knocked you out, Pantherheart attacked the tom and Waspkit got to the elders den, we won the battle" Bluekit nodded
"So what happens now?" She asked and Nightstar stood up beckoning for Bluekit to follow before she broke into a run and leapt into Shadetree "let all cats old enough to stalk through the darkness gather below for a clan meeting!" Bluekit sat down what's happening? "Today I shall make five kits apprentices step forward Bluekit, Flamekit, Smokekit, Dawnkit and Waspkit" Bluekit stepped forward along with the other four kits "StarClan look down on these apprentices as they travel through training and in warriorship. Bluekit you will now be known as Bluepaw you mentor will be Juniperberry" Bluepaw padded over to the smoky grey she cat while Juniperberry blinked at her and whispered to her "well done Bluepaw, it was a brave thing you did" Bluepaw purred her thanks. Flamekit was paired with Minnowtail, Smokepaw was paired with Skygaze, Dawnpaw was paired with Lightningflare and Wasppaw was paired with Finchwing. "Clan dissmissed!" Nightstar called leaping down from Shadetree and Bluepaw blinked would they see the forest now?
"Come on Bluepaw! We're going out to see the forest! You'll love it!" Juniperberry was standing beside the exit from the campand Bluepaw ran over she followed Juniperberry out of the entrance and felt the thorns scrape at her ears until finally she burst from the camp and into the forest and gazed around she had been told by Nightstar about the four clans, NightClan, SoarClan, MarshClan and SplashClan. Each clan lived specially by their names and way of hunting and habitat, NightClan had clear, dark woods, SoarClan had bright forest and hunted in trees, MarshClan lived in marshes and SplashClan swam in their river home Bluepaw loved the darkness and through the silence could hear the small creatures moving through the grass "welcome to our forest" Skygaze purred and Bluepaw realised that the other apprentices must be going with herself and Juniperberry. Minnowtail set off in a steady trot through the trees and Bluepaw followed with Lightningflare taking up rear to keep a lookout for danger Minnowtail halted and Bluepaw stopped beside her and stared down into a sunny clearing scattered with soft leaves "this is the sun hollow, there is another darker hollow but this is where basic training is held, eventually you go on to train in Shadehollow Bluepaw felt as if her paws held enough energy to run all the way to the end of the world, I'm going to be a NightClan warrior!

I'm already finished chapter 2 I just want to keep writing, so that's what I'll do, see y'all guys soon!

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