Chapter 17

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Blueshadow glared at Soarstar "get out of my camp!" She hissed Soarstar blinked at her and showed her teeth and extended her claws "don't tell me what to do, my daughter" Blueshadow hissed
"You never were my mother Nightstar is she's ten times the cat you could ever be!" Soarstar glared at her then yowled "SoarClan! Attack!" The two clans leapt at each other this was the battle Blueshadow gazed around Bracken had disappeared but she didn't have time to ponder it she leapt at a dark tom clawed tufts of fur from his back until blood dotted her paws he yowled with pain and Blueshadow leapt off him but instead of running out of camp he turned and ran into the battle screeching a battle cry a white she cat was splayed on the ground while cats stomped over her as they launched their own attacks Sunflower dragged herself over to the edge of camp and clasped but battling cats blocked her view of her clanmate Blueshadow launched herself at Firefall who screeched as she clawed his ears he struck out a paw and sliced her flank, agony seared through her and he pounced on her as she staggered "get off her!" A furious voice yowled Shadedrift! The tom launched himself at Firefall and Blueshadow scrambled to her paws and attacked him too suddenly he turned and disappeared into the battle Blueshadow suddenly felt the sting of her wound "that looks painful" Shadedrift mewed sympathetically before they could move a she cat appeared in front of her and knocked Shadedrift's paws out from underneath him Blueshadow flinched as she heard Shadedrift's agonised yowl but she barged the she cat into the think of the fighting and lost sight of his dark pelt as she launched her own attack "you attack Shadedrift, you get attacked by me!" Blueshadow yowled the she cat squirmed ad wailed but Blueshadow continued clawing her belly until she finally pulled free and disappeared from sight. "MarshClan! Attack!" Blankstar! Blueshadow gasped and raised her head as MarshClan warriors thundered into camp and launched their own attacks on the SoarClan warriors Dappleflower raced over to her "are you ok?" She asked Blueshadow nodded "I'm sorry Blueshadow I should have been your sister! The sister you needed. I won't turn away not today do you still remember our first fox fight?" Blueshadow nodded "how could I forget?" She asked as the two lauched themselves into the battle. Firefall reared in front of them and the sister launched at him, fighting as one. Firefall screeched but refused to stop Bracken appeared fighting his former clanmates "this would never have happened if Soarstar hadn't murdered Goosestar!" He yowled as he knocked one to the ground with a well aimed swipe, clearly he hasn't forgotten his warrior skills the battle was thinning out as Blueshadow gazed around she spotted Soarstar and Nightstar fighting suddenly Soarstar swiped her mother's belly and Nightstar fell to the ground "no!" Blueshadow yowled and launched herself at Soarstar. She left Dappleflower and attacked her Soarstar "you shouldn't be harming your own mother" Soarstar hissed Blueshadow slammed a paw into Soarstar's eye "I'm not attacking Nightstar, I'm attacking you!" Soarstar yowled in pain the battle raged around them Blueshadow struck, clawing Soarstar the battle moves she'd been taught seemed to dissolve in her mind as a fog of fury overpowered her she couldn't even see what she was doing she was only aware of Soarstar falling and some cat yowling "Soarstar! No!" Suddenly the fog cleared and Blueshadow found herself standing over Soarstar's body. A SoarClan warrior, Blazefoot padded over his gaze was blank but he raised his head "this attack was wrong! SoarClan we must carry our dead home... we must rebuild and become a clan again" no cat spoke as SoarClan left the clearing Blazefoot stopped and gazed at Bracken "I'm sorry about what Soarstar did to you, I assume you'd like to stay with your kits?" Bracken met his gaze "thank you Blazefoot, I'd like that" once the SoarClan warriors left Blankstar stared around the clearing and his gaze rested on Dappleflower "would you like to stay here?" He asked his gaze was gentle and Dappleflower nodded "yes please Blankstar I'm sorry but I need my kin... and they need me" Blankstar nodded and the MarshClan cats disappeared from the camp Juniperberry limped through the crowd and jumped into Shadetree as warriors dragged bodies form the edge of the clearing Nightstar, Coldpool, Sunflower, Finchwing, Wolfstrike, Claynose and Waspglare "this wasn't just an attack, Soarstar was mad as a fox in a fit" Juniperberry meowed "Bracken, Dappleflower do you wish to join NightClan?" Both cats nodded "then Dappleflower, Brackenfrost you are now warriors of NightClan" Juniperberry gazed around the camp "I say these words before not just Nightstar but all our lost cats so their spirit may hear and approve my choice of deputy, Blueshadow will be the new deputy of NightClan" I'm the deputy? Blueshadow gasped but she couldn't say no, "I accept Juniperberry, may StarClan watch over us all and grant that a battle like this is never fought again" Blueshadow meowed formally the blue shadow will chase away the flames of lies the voice seemed to whisper in her ears ad Blueshadow's ears shot up now I understand! Soarstar was the fire she spread flames and the only way to stop it was to stop the source the clans aren't repaired yet, but they will be.

Ok, we're done that was an amazing book to write but I will add a couple of chapters, the next one will be some facts about the book then one where I announce the next book so keep an eye out for those until next time, stay tuned

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