Chapter 12

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Blueshadow yawned and stretched I feel as if I've run three times around the territory! Then the events of the previous night flooded back and she leapt out of her nest I have a family! "Blueshadow!" A voice called and Blueshadow pushed her way out of the warriors den Shadedrift sat outside and beckoned to her "Blueshadow where were you last night?" She asked quietly Blueshadow gasped he knew she had left! "I... I went to visit Soarstar about my family it was a trap" Blueshadow confessed Shadedrift nodded his gaze was gentle "are you and Dappleflower ok?" He asked Blueshadow gaped at him "I guessed" he explained "I promise I told no one that you were missing. I knew you were smart enough to get out with both your ears" Blueshadow purred "would you like to join my hunting patrol?" He asked Blueshadow nodded for some reason all she wanted was to talk to him if he's willing to keep my secret then he must trust me and I trust him
"Mouse dung!" Blueshadow meowed as she leapt towards the empty space where a mouse had been only a heartbeat before Shadedrift padded over and blinked sympathetically "that was bad luck" he meowed and Blueshadow nodded I guess I'm tired she thought Shadedrift opened his jaws in a yawn "I waited up for you to make sure you were ok" he explained and Blueshadow purred he padded over and sat beside her "why don't we have a little break?" He suggested and Blueshadow purred and nodded and laid down beside him and closed her eyes.
It was dark when Blueshadow awoke she nudged Shadedrift and he opened one eye "wha?- Mouse dung!" He meowed scrambling to his paws "we'd better get back and hope that Nightstar's in a good mood" he meowed Blueshadow nodded though some part of her still wanted to spend time with Shadedrift as it turned out Nightstar wasn't going to let them get away with it "you two won't take any prey tonight and you will hunt tomorrow by yourselves! Also you do realise I sent out a patrol looking for you two?" Her amber eyes were blazing though it was more worry than anger Shadedrift lowered his head "sorry Nightstar" he murmured Nightstar huffed and turned away "I was lucky to have Minnowtail as my mother and not Nightstar" Shadedrift muttered once Nightstar was out of earshot Blueshadow purred with amusement "she's not that bad Shadedrift" she meowed and Shadedrift brightened and looked at her with bright blue eyes "at least we get to hunt together tomorrow!" He purred and Blueshadow purred back she liked hanging out with Shadedrift "I'm going to visit Juniperberry" she meowed Shadedrift nodded and Blueshadow could feel the warmth of his gaze following her across camp it was dark inside the nursery Juniperberry was curled around two kits "these are Mistkit and Quailkit" she purred greeting Blueshadow they both looked exactly like their mother but they both had their fathers amber eyes and face "they're so cute!" Blueshadow purred "Gustbird said he missed having kits in camp" Juniperberry purred "what he means is he can't tell any stories with no apprentices and kits in the clan did you hear?" She asked Blueshadow tipped her head to one side "Brightsmoke's expecting kits!" Blueshadow gasped Waspglare and Dawngaze had only just become warriors! "Again?" She asked and Juniperberry nodded "why?" She asked and Juniperberry purred "she loves kits and the best way for her to serve NightClan is to give us new warriors" Juniperberry glanced at Blueshadow "you know maybe you should start to think about finding a mate too" Blueshadow purred "Juniperberry, maybe one day, I'd like to get through mentoring at least one apprentice first though!" Juniperberry purred "well I'd better go Juniperberry I'll catch you a squirrel tomorrow" Juniperberry tipped her head to one side "Nightstar put you on hunting duty?" She asked Blueshadow nodded "well I can't wait for the squirrel!" She purred as Blueshadow left the den she glanced back at the kits was it impossible to hope to mentor one of her mentor's kits?

Hi! I'm so sorry for disappearing again! One of my friends has just started up her own Wattpad account, she's called WolfSoul18 she's an amazingly talented writer, if you're interested in reading a book that isn't about Warriors go check out her new book, AB15. It's coming out really soon, be the first to read it!

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