Chapter 8

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"Mintpaw something happened while I was on patrol" the young apprentice looked up from the piles of herbs she was gazing at "I guess this can't wait so what's up?" Bluepaw gulped why is this so hard? It's meant to be hard it doesn't happen! "I was fighting a fox over the MarshClan border I met a young apprentice at the gathering and we saved her but she fought the fox with me and we were fighting paw for paw it was like we were..." Bluepaw searched for the word "it was like we were kin" she admitted at last Mintpaw pricked her ears and called quietly into the crack in the den where the scents of herbs wafted out "Hawkshade! You might want to get Nightstar, Lightningflare and Flamepaw and Smokepaw" Hawkshade padded out and stiffened when he saw Bluepaw then nodded and padded into the clearing Bluepaw sat alone in the clearing with Mintpaw who was examining her paws soon she smelled her mother's scent and Nightstar poked her head into the den and padded in and sat down Lightningflare padded in next and sat beside his mate Flamepaw and Smokepaw arrived together and Bluepaw was relieved to see them looking confused so I'm not the only one who doesn't know what's going on even Mintpaw looked like she knew something her sister was looking at her parents "you have to tell them what happened" she meowed Nightstar nodded and blinked at her her gaze full of compassion "Bluepaw you... you aren't our kit by birth" the ground rocked beneath Bluepaw's paws she opened her jaws to speak but she made no sound "I'd had Flamekit and Smokekit for half a moon when Pantherheart found you on the border. I agreed to raise you and not tell you the truth until you were ready, you are ready" Bluepaw's jaw dropped this can't be happening! I have to be Lightningflare and Nightstar's daughter! I have to be Flamepaw and Smokepaw's sister! "no!" The words came as a horrified wail she looked at Nightstar silently begging for it to be a mistake it was a mistake! I didn't hear you right! The words you spoke were a mistake! Please say that! But the words weren't said and Bluepaw knew they were telling the truth I'm not clanborn! I could be a rouge, I could be a kittypet! She blinked at Nightstar she realised then that she owed the cat she loved and respected so much she pressed her muzzle to Nigthstar's pelt "I don't want to be different please don't treat me any different!" Nightstar blinked obviously surprised she met her gaze "I thought you'd want nothing more to do with me or Flamepaw and Smokepaw" she meowed and Bluepaw sighed "I know you did it for me thank you i want to be part of your family still" Nightstar pressed her pelt to her mother's then looked Nightstar square in the eye "where did I come from then? Am I from another clan?" Nightstar shook her head and met her gaze "we honestly don't know, but we will help you I think you should talk to Dapplepaw at the next gathering if you can if the connection between you was that strong it is possible..." Nightstar trailed off and Bluepaw finished the sentence "that she's my sister" she finished Nightstar nodded Bluepaw realised that she had a good family even if I don't find my true family I have one right here Flamepaw and Smokepaw looked shocked and stared at Bluepaw who blinked at them StarClan make them understand! Then they nodded to her and Bluepaw realised that they were close as if they did share blood

Hi! That was an exciting chapter to write. The secret's out! But no one knows who Bluepaw's kin really is! I've updated twice today because I want to find out what's going to happen because I know what I'm writing for but the book's really writing itself so I hope you enjoyed the chapter and are excited for the next one!

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