Chapter 11

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"Dappleflower?" Blueshadow called there was no response. She sat down quietly and it had been a struggle to not tell her clan where she was going to but she knew they wouldn't understand why she'd come to meet their enemy Nightstar had probably guessed what was going on but she wasn't sure. She'd crept out of camp, unwilling to lie and knowing she wouldn't be allowed to leave camp if they knew what she was doing I'm breaking the warrior code she reflected. A rustle in the undergrowth made Blueshadow turn and Dappleflower padded into the clearing her brown fur was wet from the mist and slicked back "how do you get through your territory? I crashed into about a million trees and brambles!" She meowed crossly Blueshadow snorted with amusement
"it's different if you grew up with it" she meowed Dappleflower blinked but didn't speak, she just sat beside Blueshadow a sudden crack made the two sisters jump and turn around Soarstar was padding towards them relief flashing in her eyes "I wasn't sure you'd come" she meowed Dappleflower nodded slowly and glanced at Blueshadow, clearly unwilling to speak "Soarstar... do you know who our kin are?" The leader looked at them and blinked calmly then turned and slid into the undergrowth "no. But I think I found some help" the two glanced at each other before following Soarstar into SoarClan territory soon they came across a black and white tom with wise blue eyes he blinked at them "I am no warrior you two, and I'm not your father, however my name's Hawk" Blueshadow glanced at Dappleflower what did her mean? His words made no sense! "what do you mean... Hawk?" Blueshadow meowed the tom stared at her and then at Dappleflower "you two are sisters, I know that. The two of you must find a way to be together!" Dappleflower looked at him "why?" She spluttered
"because you two are important to all four clans! I don't know who your parents are but I sense they are closer to you than you realise!"
"But we always thought we had no parents who were alive!" Blueshadow choked out and Hawk thrust his muzzle close to hers "but they are out there some where Blueshadow that will chase away flames of lies!" Dappleflower stepped forward her pelt bristling "what do you mean Hawk? Do you know something about us? If so I think we should know" Hawk raised his muzzle and yowled "the prophecy had changed! The Dappled flower will destroy the Flame so the Blue Shadow won't burn out!" Blueshadow shrank back against her sister Soarstar had disappeared suddenly a sleek, brown tom shot out of the brush and pounce on Hawk letting out a screech "leave them alone Hawk!" He yowled in fury and Hawk spat angrily "you coward Bracken! I nearly had them believing it!" Bracken hissed and clawed Hawk and blood welled on Hawk's pelt finally with a screech he turned and slunk away Bracken had turned to the sisters "are you ok?" He asked Dappleflower nodded shakily and stood up "who was that Bracken?" She asked Blueshadow stood up and stared at him "I am your father, you obviously know my name, Bracken I couldn't be the father I wanted to be but I have always watched you two, hoping that one day you may work out that you two are sisters" Dappleflower nodded and Blueshadow gazed at him he certainly looked like her sister "who's our mother?" She asked Bracken blinked at her "Blueshadow that is complicated, your mother was a clan cat but not from your clans she wanted to give you up so she could become a 'respected' warrior I told her not to do that, not to risk the lives of her kits, our kits. But she wouldn't listen she wasn't the same cat I had loved I told her that the cat I had first met would never leave her kits. But she wasn't I told her that even if she refused to care for her kits I'd look out for you and care for you, I've never rested, trying to keep you safe from the cat that should have been at your side. When you two found out you were sisters I was so happy because I knew whatever happened you would have each other. But I still watched your mother is so ambitious I see the good side of her in each of you. You aren't ready to know who she is yet but I will never stop watching out for you when you are ready I will tell you, for now, please! Keep me a secret! I would never give you away!" Blueshadow nodded her father was a good cat he padded over and nuzzled the two sisters "I'm so proud of the warriors you have become" he murmured for the first time Blueshadow felt content "come to the Shade hollow next half moon I will explain then" Blueshadow nodded as her father stepped away and padded into the ferns she didn't know where he was going and she felt a tug in her heart to follow him and stay with him but he was right she couldn't leave her clan quietly the two sisters padded away side by side. They were each other's blood.

Hi! I can't believe how long that chapter is! Will we see Hawk again? Who knows? But Bracken will come back! Who do you think is Blueshadow's mother? The next chapter will come soon! Stay tuned!

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