Chapter 3

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"Bluepaw! That was terrible! What have I taught you?" Bluepaw winced and turned around Juniperberry looked at her and sighed "it's ok Bluepaw it wasn't that bad I know I've been short tempered lately I'm expecting Branchfall's kits and I've been so tired" Bluepaw looked back towards where the mouse she had been stalking disappeared her mentor looked scruffy and tired "do you want me to hunt while you rest? I promise you I will catch enough" Juniperberry glanced at her then let out a purr "if I had the energy to say no then I would but I don't just don't go past the shattered rocks, SoarClan have been scented there the past couple of days and I'd never forgive myself if you got hurt" Bluepaw nodded and padded away into the bushes this was her first chance to see for herself if she was a good hunter!

"Well done Bluepaw that's enough prey for every cat to have a feast tonight" Juniperberry purred the cats were carrying Bluepaw's catch back to the camp Bluepaw stopped, something was wrong, she didn't know what but she continued faster and with more urgency,  Juniperberry followed and was only a tail length behind her as she padded into the clearing and dropped her prey "Bluepaw! Did you see the sunhigh patrol while you were out?" Nightstar called from her usual position on the Shadetree Bluepaw shook her head, "no I didn't see them or scent them and I covered pretty much the whole territory" she replied "surely they should be back by now?" Juniperberry put in, the sun was sinking below the treetops. "Do you want to send out a search party Nightstar?" Pantherheart called Nightstar sighed her gaze was drifting to the borders of the camp. "Oh! Yes Pantherheart." She meowed distractedly and Pantherheart called the warriors to the meeting stump "I want Juniperberry and Branchfall to stay behind the rest of you split up and circle the territory make sure you stay hidden, you know this place better than anyone else" Bluepaw was stiff with shock "go!" Pantherheart called Bluepaw followed the clan running to the barrier and pushed her way through and shot into the bushes the SplashClan border that's the one the patrol were going to Bluepaw told herself and continuing towards it "hello! Lightningflare! Finchwing! Skygaze! Are you there?" Bluepaw stopped and waited to see if she got a reply "Bluepaw! We're this way! Hurry! We're stuck!" Finchwing answered her call and as she arrived she saw the patrol stuck up to their necks in the mud "what happened here?" She asked in astonishment she'd never heard of warriors getting stuck in pits of mud before "the SplashClan warriors were in our territory so we chased them" Lightningflare answered "and you followed them right into this mud" Bluepaw finished for them and the patrol nodded and Bluepaw couldn't hide her amusement a whole patrol of experienced warriors stopped because of mud? She'd never heard of anything like it "they laughed at us for a little while but then they got bored and went home." Skygaze meowed and Bluepaw yowled "I've found them! I need help to get them out!" The patrol looked at her strangely "we split up over the territory" Bluepaw explained as Sunflower, Pantherheart, Robinflight and Lightpaw padded from the bushes in no time they'd explained the problem and the warriors who had arrived were laughing about it "how do we get them out?" Lightpaw asked and Sunflower padded to the edge of the pit "maybe we could drag them out with a stick?" She suggested by now many of the warriors had appeared and were watching and Bluepaw nodded "ok I need all warriors to split up and find sticks!" Pantherheart called Bluepaw stayed and began scraping at the mud beside the shore "we should be able to get them out" she remarked, to her relief the mud wasn't thick and they'd easily drag their clanmates out she looked at the patrol and added brightly "this will be a good story for the elders to tell" Lightningflare chuckled and some of the other warriors came back carrying long sticks and Bluepaw watched as they threw the sticks to the warriors and slowly dragged them back, soon all three sat on the shore, shivering Pantherheart gave them a few moments to dry off and warm up before they headed for home.

Hi! So this wasn't as good a chapter as I hoped but I hope you enjoyed, this was more to establish one of the other clans in the territory as so far we had only heard of SoarClan, but I will include MarshClan soon so stay tuned for another more exciting chapter of Blueshade's Flame 🔥

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