Chapter 4

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Bluepaw slid out of the apprentice's den and padded into the still-darkened camp, this morning it was different, there was a warm breeze in the air. Bluepaw raised her head and tasted the air suddenly a screech sounded from the nursery and Bluepaw pricked her ears and trotted over to meet Pantherheart as he slid out of the den, his eyes wide and anxious "what's going on Pantherheart?" Bluepaw asked the camp was still quiet and it felt strange for her to speak in the silence Pantherheart sighed worriedly "Coldpool's kitting" he meowed and Bluepaw nodded and sat beside him the shrieks grew more desperate and Nightstar who had been a friend of Coldpool since they were kits silently padded into the den "was Nightstar this noisy when she gave birth to me?" She asked Pantherheart quietly Pantherheart stammered quickly "um- no I don't think- actually I was on patrol" what was that all about? Bluepaw thought she was distracted by Nightstar slowly padding out of the den with her head lowered and Pantherheart ran to meet her "is she ok?" He asked anxiously and Nightstar sighed "it was a hard kitting, she's only just alive but all your kits are dead" Pantherheart bolted into the den and Bluepaw joined Nightstar as a low moan drifted from the den "no!" Bluepaw lowered her head and Nightstar sighed heavily "the first morning of New Leaf and we lose kits" she sighed and Bluepaw blinked and looked at her mother "do you think it was an omen" she mewed fearfully she felt Nightstar's tongue rasp over her ears reassuringly "no Bluepaw I don't think it was anything like that sometimes bad things happen" Bluepaw nodded as Nightstar padded slowly to her den.

The days gradually got warmer and Bluepaw saw the camp transform to a bright expanse of flowers it was so beautiful and yet it always felt good to become a shadow in her forest it was only a few days after Coldpool had lost her kits and she'd gradually grown stronger Pantherheart and Coldpool had sat alone in the nursery wrapped in their own grief meanwhile Lightningflare had begun to do patrols while Pantherheart had his time off the whole clan still moved slowly around the grieving pair. She slid out of the den just before dawn one day and padded to the camp entrance and sat beside it in silence Juniperberry was due any day now and she'd been given Pantherheart as a replacement mentor but while he was having time off with Coldpool she just tagged along with any patrol she could she often did three patrols a day and was the strongest apprentice in the den she was proud of that but something was still crowding her thoughts, Pantherheart never seemed to stammer like he had when she'd questioned her birth was there something about her no one had told her? She wasn't ready to ask, not yet. What if there was something about her that was wrong? She couldn't bear it Finchwing and Wolfstrike arrived with Wasppaw in tow Bluepaw nodded to them and they waited for the moon high patrol to return "did you scent anything while you were out yesterday Bluepaw?" Finchwing asked and Bluepaw shook her head "no but even so, both of our border clans are pushing in on us we must be careful" Wolfstrike nodded Lightpaw raced over "sorry I'm late I didn't hear Wasppaw leave the den" and Bluepaw chuckled she was used to waking up early "well you're here now" Wolfstrike meowed and a rustle alerted them to the Moon high patrol, Brightsmoke, Skygaze and Sunflower with Smokepaw just behind them Bluepaw nodded to a sleepy looking Smokepaw before he padded to the den, Brightsmoke and Finchwing murmured quietly together for a few moments before they filed out of camp into the darkness. Out in the forest everything was silent and Bluepaw sighed happily as she padded at Finchwing's side "how long has it been since you've had a battle training session?" The older warrior asked and Bluepaw shrugged "over half a moon probably" she mewed quietly Finchwing looked worried they'd reached the border and they began skirting the border "you can join me and Wasppaw for battle training this sunhigh with SoarClan and SplashClan scents over the border you need to keep your skills sharp Brightsmoke said she scented SoarClan over the border we're going to the SplashClan border now for now it looks like MarshClan isn't a threat but we'll still go along there it'll be easier when we have more warriors it's a shame we lost Coldpool's litter" Bluepaw nodded sadly it was lucky that didn't happen often "I would give my pelt to know what the other clan's are planning" Wolfstrike muttered drawing close to them "you'd look pretty weird" Bluepaw joked Wolfstrike purred with amusement and the patrol continued along the border at least I can do something that isn't patrolling she thought and with me doing all these patrols we're bound to run into trespasses she finished the thought darkly "I hope this finishes soon" she muttered

Hello! Sorry for disappearing! But I've returned! The new chapter will be out soon stay tuned! One more thing: i was thinking of changing Bluepaw's warrior name to Blueshadow instead of Blueshade,  please comment if you think I should change it or leave it as it is. Thanks!
- Sandstorm

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